nClimDiv Station Inventories March 2014 Divisional inventory files are located in the main CIRS nClimDiv directory: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa/gov/pub/data/cirs/climdiv and have the following naming conventions: climdiv-prcp-inv-recent-vX.Y.Z-YYYMMDD climdiv-tmax-inv-recent-vX.Y.Z-YYYMMDD climdiv-tmin-inv-recent-vX.Y.Z-YYYMMDD climdiv-prcp-inv-vX.Y.Z-YYYYMMDD climdiv-tmax-inv-vX.Y.Z-YYYYMMDD climdiv-tmin-inv-vX.Y.Z-YYYYMMDD where: X,Y,Z represents a version number (i.e. 1.0.0 for the initial release) YYYMMDD represents the year/month/day data were processed Inventory files which include *recent* in the name are comprised of stations used to compute ClimDiv values for the most recent two calendar years. Data values and station information prior to this timeframe will not change unless the dataset undergoes a version change. For a station to be included in the divisional mean temperature data set, it must be included in both tmax and tmin inventories. Sample Data: GHCN-ID LAT LON STDV YR/MO NETWORK USC00010402 31.1819 -87.4389 107 201301 COOP USC00010425 32.5992 -85.4653 105 201301 COOP USC00010505 33.4528 -87.3572 103 201301 COOP USC00010583 30.8839 -87.7853 108 201301 COOP USC00010655 34.6908 -86.8825 101 201301 COOP Format: c1-11: GHCN ID c14-20: Lat c22-30: Lon c33-36: State/Division (1-48 and 01-10, 9999 if not in CONUS) c38-43: 4-digit year/2-digit month station was used in divisional calculation c45-50: Network (BUOY, CANADA, CIMIS, COOP, MEXICO, RAWS, SNOTEL, WBAN) Example: The top line indicates that Atmore, Alabama (GHCN-Daily station USC00010402) was included in the minimum temperture calculation for January 2013. The Atmore station is located at latitude 31.1819N and longitude 87.4389W, within Alabama Climate Division 7 (107, state number 1, division number 7). Note that climate division values are influenced by information from stations in neighboring areas, and are not a straight average of the station within them. For information on the methodology used to convert station data to gridded divisional, statewide, regional and CONUS values, please see the following journal article: