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GCE-LTER Data Catalog Information

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25 Records
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Data Set Period Theme Contributor Added

Pred-Ex: Long Term Salt Marsh Predator Exclusion Experiment Conducted at Sapelo Island, GA

05/01/2016 - 10/01/2019 Marsh Ecology Marc Simon Hensel 08/04/2023

Yearly survey of barnacle settlement near creekbank plots at GCE LTER study sites in October 2022

10/11/2022 - 10/20/2022 Population Ecology Christine Angelini 03/29/2023

Survey of adult and juvenile periwinkle snail (Littoraria irrorata) density in mid-marsh and creekbank plots at GCE LTER study sites in October 2022.

10/11/2022 - 10/20/2022 Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology Christine Angelini 02/24/2023

Yearly survey of barnacle settlement near creekbank plots at GCE LTER study sites in October 2021

10/11/2021 - 10/20/2021 Population Ecology Christine Angelini 01/03/2022

Survey of adult and juvenile periwinkle snail (Littoraria irrorata) density in mid-marsh and creekbank plots at GCE LTER study sites in October 2021.

10/11/2021 - 10/20/2021 Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology Christine Angelini 01/03/2022

Long-term Barnacle Settlement Near Creekbank Plots from the Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Fall Marsh Monitoring Program

10/08/2013 - 01/31/2023 Population Ecology Christine Angelini 05/11/2021

Long-term adult and juvenile periwinkle snail (Littoraria irrorata) density in mid-marsh and creekbank plots from the Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Fall Monitoring Program

10/07/2012 - 10/21/2022 Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology Christine Angelini 05/11/2021

Yearly survey of barnacle settlement near creekbank plots at GCE LTER study sites in October 2020

10/07/2020 - 10/15/2020 Population Ecology Christine Angelini 10/19/2020

Survey of adult and juvenile periwinkle snail (Littoraria irrorata) density in mid-marsh and creekbank plots at GCE LTER study sites in October 2020.

10/08/2020 - 10/15/2020 Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology Christine Angelini 10/19/2020

Yearly survey of barnacle settlement near creekbank plots at GCE LTER study sites in October 2019

10/08/2019 - 10/23/2018 Population Ecology Christine Angelini 04/27/2020

Survey of adult and juvenile periwinkle snail (Littoraria irrorata) density in mid-marsh and creekbank plots at GCE LTER study sites in October 2019.

10/07/2017 - 10/21/2017 Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology Christine Angelini 04/27/2020

Survey of adult and juvenile periwinkle snail (Littoraria irrorata) density in mid-marsh and creekbank plots at GCE LTER study sites in October 2018.

10/13/2017 - 10/28/2017 Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology Brian R. Silliman 09/26/2019

Survey of adult and juvenile periwinkle snail (Littoraria irrorata) density in mid-marsh and creekbank plots at GCE LTER study sites in October 2016.

10/13/2016 - 10/28/2016 Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology Brian R. Silliman 01/24/2019

Survey of adult and juvenile periwinkle snail (Littoraria irrorata) density in mid-marsh and creekbank plots at GCE LTER study sites in October 2017.

10/13/2017 - 10/28/2017 Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology Brian R. Silliman 01/24/2019

Survey of adult and juvenile periwinkle snail (Littoraria irrorata) density in mid-marsh and creekbank plots at GCE LTER study sites in October 2014.

10/13/2014 - 10/28/2014 Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology Brian R. Silliman 01/16/2019

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants OCE-9982133, OCE-0620959, OCE-1237140 and OCE-1832178. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.