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GCE-LTER Data Set Summary

Accession: GEL-GCES-1402 Research Theme: Geology (Directed Study)
Contributors: John A. Turck, Clark Alexander
Title: Vibracore and Tree Stump Data from the Marsh Near Mary Hammock, McIntosh County, GA
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the geologic/ sedimentologic history of the marsh near Mary Hammock, a marsh island in McIntosh County, GA. During the Summer of 2009, a vibracore machine was used to extract six sediment cores (MT01 through MT06) from the marsh north of Mary Hammock. In addition, tree stumps buried under the marsh were recorded, and one was extracted and analyzed, to facilitate in understanding the sedimentological history of the marsh. A GPS unit was used to record the precise locations and elevations of the core extraction sites and stumps. The cores were then transported to the Georgia Southern Coastal Research Lab at the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography (SkIO), in Savannah, GA, for analysis. The tree stump was brought back to the University of Georgia for analysis. Although there was a large degree of bioturbation in the marsh near Mary Hammock, sediment core analysis (visual inspection, X-Ray analysis, particle size analysis, and analysis of organic matter content), and stump analysis (species determination and radiocarbon dating), revealed three main facies in the marsh. The topmost layer is recent marsh. The middle layer is a sandy layer, representing the former upland surface prior to sea level rise, inundation, and marsh formation (around 5,000 to 4,000 years ago). The bottom layer is a highly compact greenish-gray clay layer. The conclusion is that the former upland surface, consisting mostly of sandy soils, was inundated due to sea level rise around 4,200 B.P. Marsh sedimentation occurred after this, depositing fine-grained sediments on top of the sandy surface (Turck and Alexander, 2013).
DOI: 10.6073/pasta/4541ae084d807962b8c331eea61908bd
Key Words: cores, geographic information systems, hammock, historical, holocene, landscape change, salt marshes, sea level
LTER Core Area: Other Site Research
Research Themes: Geology, Geospatial Analysis, Organic Matter/Decomposition
Study Period: 01-Jun-2009 to 01-Sep-2009
Study Sites:
PN_v_23 -- Hammock PN_v_23, Sapelo Island, Georgia, USA
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Turck, J.A. 2011. Geoarchaeological analysis of two back-barrier islands and their relationship to the changing landscape of coastal Georgia, U.S.A. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Georgia, Athens, GA. 239 pages.

Turck, J.A. 2012. Where Were All of the Coastally Adapted People During the Middle Archaic Period in Georgia, USA? Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. 7:404–424. (DOI: 10.1080/15564894.2011.652763)

Turck, J.A. and Alexander, C.R. Jr. 2013. Coastal Landscapes and their Relationship to Human Settlement on the Georgia Coast. Pages 169-189 in: Thompson, V.D. and Thomas, D.H. (editors). Life Among the Tides - Recent Archaeology on the Georgia Bight. American Museum of Natural History—Scientific Publications, New York, NY.

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Data Table: GEL-GCES-1402_sampling (Sampling and location data for data set GEL-GCES-1402, 8 records)

Access: Public (released 20-Feb-2014)

Metadata: Text (ESA FLED), XML (Ecological Metadata Language)

Data Formats: Spreadsheet (CSV) [2.37kb],  Text File [1.23kb],  MATLAB (GCE Toolbox) [148.05kb],  MATLAB (Variables) [113.18kb],  Text Report [31.18kb]

Column List:(display)

Data Table: GEL-GCES-1402_sediment_analysis (Sediment particle size and organic matter content for data set GEL-GCES-1402, 55 records)

Access: Public (released 20-Feb-2014)

Metadata: Text (ESA FLED), XML (Ecological Metadata Language)

Data Formats: Spreadsheet (CSV) [5.74kb],  Text File [4.07kb],  MATLAB (GCE Toolbox) [155.17kb],  MATLAB (Variables) [116.98kb],  Text Report [31.46kb]

Column List:(display)

GIS Vector Data: GEL-GCES-1402_shp (Zip file containing GIS shape file)

Access: Public (released 20-Feb-2014)

Metadata: XML (Ecological Metadata Language)

Data Formats: Zip archive [3 KB]

Statistics: Generate script code to retrieve data tables for analysis in: MATLAB, R, SAS, SPSS
Citation: Turck, John A. 2014. Vibracore and Tree Stump Data from the Marsh Near Mary Hammock, McIntosh County, GA. Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Project, University of Georgia, Long Term Ecological Research Network. http://dx.doi.org/10.6073/pasta/4541ae084d807962b8c331eea61908bd

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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants OCE-9982133, OCE-0620959, OCE-1237140 and OCE-1832178. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.