%0 Conference Proceedings %T The dynamics of suspended and settleable sediments in Georgia estuaries %D 1997 %C Providence, Rhode Island %B 14th Biennial Estuarine Research Federation International Conference %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.85 %A Alber, Merryl %K Georgia, dynamics, estuaries, sediments, settleable, suspended %0 Conference Proceedings %T Update on the Georgia Rivers LMER %D 1997 %C Savannah, Georgia %B LMER All Scientists Meeting %8 Nov. 1997 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.84 %A Alber, Merryl %K Georgia, LMER, Rivers, Update %0 Journal Article %T Settleable and non-settleable suspended sediments in the Ogeechee River Estuary, Georgia U.S.A. %D 2000 %V 50 %P 805-816 %B Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.7 %A Alber, Merryl %K Estuary, Georgia, Ogeechee, River, Settleable, U.S.A., non-settleable, sediments, suspended %0 Conference Proceedings %T Bacterial-particle dynamics in the Satilla River Estuary %D 1996 %B Southeastern Estuarine Research Conference %8 March, 1996 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.104 %A Alber, Merryl %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Bacterial-particle, Estuary, River, Satilla, dynamics %0 Generic %T Trends in salinities and flushing times of Georgia estuaries %D 1999 %C Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia %B Proceedings Of The 1999 Georgia Water Resources Conference %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.12 %A Alber, Merryl %A Sheldon, Joan E. %E Hatcher, K. J. %K Georgia, Trends, estuaries, flushing, salinities, times %0 Journal Article %T Use of a date-specific method to examine variability in the flushing times of Georgia estuaries %D 1999 %V 49 %P 469-482 %B Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.11 %A Alber, Merryl %A Sheldon, Joan E. %K Georgia, date-specific, estuaries, examine, flushing, method, times, variability %0 Conference Proceedings %T Particle-mediated carbon dynamics in a southeastern estuary %D 1995 %C Corpus Christi, TX %B Estuarine Research Federation 13th Biennial International Conference %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.122 %A Alber, Merryl %A Alexander, Clarke %A Blanton, Jackson O. %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Particle-mediated, carbon, dynamics, estuary, southeastern %0 Conference Proceedings %T Particle-mediated carbon dynamics in a southeastern estuary %D 1995 %B Gordon Conference %8 July 1995 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.121 %A Alber, Merryl %A Kineke, Gayle %A Alexander, Clarke %A Blanton, Jackson O. %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Particle-mediated, carbon, dynamics, estuary, southeastern %0 Conference Proceedings %T Particle properties and sediment dynamics within Georgia Estuaries %D 1995 %C St. Petersburg, FL %B SEPM First World Sedimentological Congress %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.123 %A Alexander, Clarke %K Estuaries, Georgia, Particle, dynamics, properties, sediment %0 Conference Proceedings %T Sediment dynamics and bottom morphology in the Satilla River Estuary %D 1997 %C Providence, Rhode Island %B 14th Biennial Estuarine Research Federation International Conference %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.86 %A Alexander, Clarke %A Simoneau, A. %K Estuary, River, Satilla, Sediment, bottom, dynamics, morphology %0 Conference Proceedings %T Suspended and bottom sediment characteristics in Georgia estuaries %D 1998 %C Savannah, Georgia %B SECOR, Coastal Ocean Boundaries and Interactions and Assessments (COBIA) Conference on Southeast Coastal Ocean Research %8 April 7-10, 1998 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.68 %A Alexander, Clarke %A Alber, Merryl %A Blanton, Jackson O. %K Georgia, Suspended, bottom, characteristics, estuaries, sediment %0 Conference Proceedings %T Particulate material in Georgia estuaries: Composition, concentration and transformation %D 1996 %C Middelburg, The Netherlands %B ERF96/ECSA 26 Meeting %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.105 %A Alexander, Clarke %A Alber, Merryl %A Blanton, Jackson O. %K Composition, Georgia, Particulate, concentration, estuaries, material, transformation %0 Conference Proceedings %T Influence of baroclinic pressure gradients on vertical shear in estuarine tidal currents %D 1997 %C Providence, Rhode Island %B 14th Biennial Estuarine Research Federation International Conference %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.87 %A Amft, Julie %A Blanton, Jackson O. %K Influence, baroclinic, currents, estuarine, gradients, pressure, shear, tidal, vertical %0 Newspaper Article %T Influence of baroclinic pressure gradients on vertical shear in estuarine tidal currents %D 1998 %P 6-7 %B Newsletter of the Land Margin Ecosystems Research Program %8 Fall, 1998 %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.23 %A Amft, Julie %A Blanton, Jackson O. %K Influence, baroclinic, currents, estuarine, gradients, pressure, shear, tidal, vertical %0 Conference Proceedings %T Transparent exopolymer particle dynamics in the Satilla River Estuary %D 1997 %B Southeastern Estuarine Research Society Meeting %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.88 %A Austin, K. %K Estuary, River, Satilla, Transparent, dynamics, exopolymer, particle %0 Conference Proceedings %T RNA recovery and detection of mRNA by RT-PCR from preserved prokaryotic samples %D 2000 %C Tallahassee, Florida %B DOE BI-OMP Workshop %8 15-16 March 2000 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.43 %A Bachoon, D. %A Chen, Feng %A Hodson, Robert E. %K RNA, RT-PCR, detection, mRNA, preserved, prokaryotic, recovery, samples %0 Conference Proceedings %T RNA recovery and detection of mRNA by RT-PCR from stored prokaryotic samples %D 2000 %C Los Angeles, CA %B The 100th general meeting of the American Society for Microbiology %8 21-25 May 2000 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.42 %A Bachoon, D. %A Chen, Feng %A Hodson, Robert E. %K RNA, RT-PCR, detection, mRNA, prokaryotic, recovery, samples, stored %0 Conference Proceedings %T Dynamics of mud deposition and resuspension in a Coastal Plain estuary %D 1996 %C Aveiro, Portugal %B University of Aveiro %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.108 %A Blanton, Jackson O. %K Coastal, Dynamics, Plain, deposition, estuary, mud, resuspension %0 Conference Proceedings %T Mobilization of suspended sediments in Coastal Plain estuaries %D 1996 %C Portugal %B Universidade do Algarve Faro %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.107 %A Blanton, Jackson O. %K Coastal, Mobilization, Plain, estuaries, sediments, suspended %0 Conference Proceedings %T Mobilization of suspended sediments in Coastal Plain estuaries %D 1996 %C Lisboa, Portugal %B Universidade do Lisboa %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.106 %A Blanton, Jackson O. %K Coastal, Mobilization, Plain, estuaries, sediments, suspended %0 Edited Book %T Reinforcement of gravitational circulation by wind %D 1996 %V 53 %P 47-58 %I American Geophysical Union %C Washington, D.C. %B Buoyancy Effects On Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics, Coastal and Estuarine Studies %9 Book Chapter %Z published %M GARLMER.37 %A Blanton, Jackson O. %E Aubrey, D. G. %E Friedrichs, C. T. %K Reinforcement, circulation, gravitational, wind %0 Conference Proceedings %T The mobilization and deposition of mud deposits in a Coastal Plain estuary %D 1996 %C University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany %B WVU-Symposium on Sustainable Development in Coastal Regions: A Comparison between North Atlantic Coast and Baltic Sea %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.109 %A Blanton, Jackson O. %K Coastal, Plain, deposition, deposits, estuary, mobilization, mud %0 Conference Proceedings %T Estuarine and Coastal Physical Oceanography %D 1997 %C Faro, Portugal %B A 10 lecture-hour short course delivered by J.O. Blanton at the Universidade do Algarve to graduate students enrolled in the discipline of estuarine ecology %8 13-18 January 1997 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.89 %A Blanton, Jackson O. %K Coastal, Estuarine, Oceanography, Physical %0 Journal Article %T The mobilization and deposition of mud deposits in a Coastal Plain estuary %D 1999 %V 29 %P 293-300 %B Limnologica %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.13 %A Blanton, Jackson O. %A Alexander, Clarke %A Alber, Merryl %A Kineke, Gayle %K Coastal, Plain, deposition, deposits, estuary, mobilization, mud %0 Conference Proceedings %T Characteristics and mobilization of suspended sediments in Georgia Coastal Plain estuaries %D 1998 %C Savannah, Georgia %B SECOR, Coastal Ocean Boundaries and Interactions and Assessments (COBIA) Conference on Southeast Coastal Ocean Research %8 April 7-10, 1998 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.69 %A Blanton, Jackson O. %A Alexander, Clarke %A Alber, Merryl %A Kineke, Gayle %A Gross, T. %K Characteristics, Coastal, Georgia, Plain, estuaries, mobilization, sediments, suspended %0 Journal Article %T Response of a small-scale bottom-attached estuarine plume to wind and tidal dissipation %D 1997 %V 13 %P 349-362 %B Journal of Coastal Research %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.31 %A Blanton, Jackson O. %A Amft, Julie %A Tisue, T. %K Response, bottom-attached, dissipation, estuarine, plume, small-scale, tidal, wind %0 Journal Article %T Effect of a broad, shallow sill on tidal circulation and salt transport in the entrance to a coastal plain estuary (Mira--Vila Nova de Milfontes, Portugal) %D 2000 %V 23 %N 3 %P 293-304 %B Estuaries %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.8 %A Blanton, Jackson O. %A Andrade, Francisco A. %A Ferreira, A. %K Milfontes, Mira--Vila, Nova, Portugal, broad, circulation, coastal, entrance, estuary, plain, salt, shallow, sill, tidal, transport %0 Conference Proceedings %T A workshop to define an LMER-style research program that would allow a comparison of estuarine systems in Portugal with those in Georgia %D 1996 %C Lisbon, Spain %B University of Lisbon %8 January 1996 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.110 %A Blanton, Jackson O. %A Chalmers, Alice G. %A Wiegert, Richard G. %K Georgia, LMER-style, Portugal, allow, comparison, define, estuarine, program, research, systems, workshop %0 Conference Proceedings %T Mobilization and deposition of fluid mud in a Coastal Plain estuary %D 1995 %C Corpus Christi, TX %B Estuarine Research Federation 13th Biennial International Conference %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.124 %A Blanton, Jackson O. %A Kineke, Gayle %A Alexander, Clarke %A Simoneau, A. %A Amft, Julie %K Coastal, Mobilization, Plain, deposition, estuary, fluid, mud %0 Journal Article %T Rates of NH4+ uptake, intracellular transformation and dissolved organic nitrogen release in two clones of marine Synechococcus spp. %D 1999 %V 21 %P 1337-1353 %B Journal of Plankton Research %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.14 %A Bronk, Deborah A. %K NH4+, Rates, Synechococcus, clones, dissolved, intracellular, marine, nitrogen, organic, release, spp., transformation, uptake %0 Journal Article %T Magnitude of DON release relative to gross nitrogen uptake in marine systems %D 2000 %V 45 %P 1879-1883 %B Limnology & Oceanography %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.2 %A Bronk, Deborah A. %A Ward, B. B. %K DON, Magnitude, gross, marine, nitrogen, relative, release, systems, uptake %0 Journal Article %T Inorganic and organic nitrogen cycling in Chesapeake Bay: autotrophic versus heterotrophic processes and relationships to carbon flux %D 1998 %V 15 %P 177-189 %B Aquatic Microbial Ecology %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.24 %A Bronk, Deborah A. %A Gilbert, P. M. %A Malone, T. C. %A Sahlsten, E. %A Banahan, S. %K Bay, Chesapeake, Inorganic, autotrophic, carbon, cycling, flux, heterotrophic, nitrogen, organic, processes, relationships, versus %0 Journal Article %T Total dissolved nitrogen analysis: comparison between the persulfate, UV and high temperature oxidation methods %D 2000 %V 69 %P 163-178 %B Marine Chemistry %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.1 %A Bronk, Deborah A. %A Lomas, M. W. %A Gilbert, P. M. %A Sanderson, M. P. %K Total, UV, analysis, comparison, dissolved, high, methods, nitrogen, oxidation, persulfate, temperature %0 Conference Proceedings %T The photochemical release of labile nitrogen from aquatic fulvic acids %D 1995 %C Atlanta, GA %B International Humic Substances Society Meeting %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.125 %A Bushaw, Karen L. %A Hodson, Robert E. %A Bourbonniere, R. A. %A Bronk, Deborah A. %A Miller, William L. %A Zepp, Richard G. %A Tarr, M. %A Schulz-Jander, D. %A Moran, Mary Ann %K acids, aquatic, fulvic, labile, nitrogen, photochemical, release %0 Journal Article %T Photochemical release of biologically available nitrogen from aquatic dissolved organic matter %D 1996 %V 381 %P 404-407 %B Nature %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.38 %A Bushaw, Karen L. %A Zepp, Richard G. %A Tarr, M. A. %A Schulz-Jander, D. %A Bourbonniere, R. A. %A Hodson, Robert E. %A Miller, William L. %A Bronk, Deborah A. %A Moran, Mary Ann %K Photochemical, aquatic, available, biologically, dissolved, matter, nitrogen, organic, release %0 Journal Article %T Photochemical formation of biologically available nitrogen from dissolved humic substances in coastal marine systems %D 1999 %V 18 %P 285-292 %B Aquatic Microbial Ecology %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.15 %A Bushaw-Newton, Karen %A Moran, Mary Ann %K Photochemical, available, biologically, coastal, dissolved, formation, humic, marine, nitrogen, substances, systems %0 Journal Article %T The chemistry, fluxes and sources of carbon dioxide in the estuarine waters of the Satilla and Altamaha Rivers, Georgia %D 1998 %V 43 %P 657-668 %B Limnology & Oceanography %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.25 %A Cai, Wei-Jun %A Wang, Yongchen %K Altamaha, Georgia, Rivers, Satilla, carbon, chemistry, dioxide, estuarine, fluxes, sources, waters %0 Journal Article %T Oxygen and carbon dioxide mass balance in the estuarine/intertidal marsh complex of five rivers in the Southeastern U.S. %D 1999 %V 44 %N 3 %P 639-649 %B Limnology & Oceanography %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.16 %A Cai, Wei-Jun %A Pomeroy, Lawrence R. %A Moran, Mary Ann %A Wang, Yongchen %K Oxygen, Southeastern, U.S., balance, carbon, complex, dioxide, estuarine/intertidal, marsh, mass, rivers %0 Conference Proceedings %T An oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen mass balance model of the estuarine/intertidal marsh complex of five rivers in the southeastern U.S. %D 1998 %C Savannah, Georgia %B SECOR, Coastal Ocean Boundaries and Interactions and Assessments (COBIA) Conference on Southeast Coastal Ocean Research %8 April 7-10, 1998 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.70 %A Cai, Wei-Jun %A Pomeroy, Lawrence R. %A Moran, Mary Ann %A Wiebe, William J. %A Wang, Yongchen %K U.S., balance, carbon, complex, dioxide, estuarine/intertidal, marsh, mass, model, nitrogen, oxygen, rivers, southeastern %0 Journal Article %T Acid-base properties of dissolved organic matter in the estuarine waters of Georgia, U.S.A. %D 1998 %V 62 %P 473-483 %B Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.26 %A Cai, Wei-Jun %A Wang, Yongchen %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Acid-base, Georgia, U.S.A., dissolved, estuarine, matter, organic, properties, waters %0 Conference Proceedings %T Using the USGS 2 meter elevation contour as an indicator of the extent of intertidal wetlands in coastal Georgia %D 1998 %C Savannah, Georgia %B SECOR, Coastal Ocean Boundaries and Interactions and Assessments (COBIA) Conference on Southeast Coastal Ocean Research %8 April 7-10, 1998 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.71 %A Chalmers, Alice G. %K Georgia, USGS, coastal, contour, elevation, extent, indicator, intertidal, meter, wetlands %0 Conference Proceedings %T Application of in situ PCR and RT-PCR to study genetic diversity and function of marine microbes %D 1999 %C Rostock, Germany %B Invited seminar, University of Rostock %8 18 June 1999 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.56 %A Chen, Feng %K Application, PCR, RT-PCR, diversity, function, genetic, marine, microbes, situ, study %0 Conference Proceedings %T Molecular tools to study genetic diversity and activity of marine microbes %D 1999 %C GBF, Braunschweig, Germany %B Invited seminar, Division of Microbiology, National Research Center of Biotechnology %8 29 June 1999 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.58 %A Chen, Feng %K Molecular, activity, diversity, genetic, marine, microbes, study, tools %0 Conference Proceedings %T Viewing marine microbes with in situ molecular approaches %D 1999 %C Bremen, Germany %B Invited seminar, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology %8 25 June 1999 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.57 %A Chen, Feng %K Viewing, approaches, marine, microbes, molecular, situ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Detection of carbon and nitrogen utilizing genes (rbcL and amoA) and their expression in bacteria using in situ PCR/hybridization methods %D 1998 %C Atlanta, Georgia %B The 98th general meeting of the American Society for Microbiology %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.72 %A Chen, Feng %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Detection, PCR/hybridization, amoA, bacteria, carbon, expression, genes, methods, nitrogen, rbcL, situ, utilizing %0 Conference Proceedings %T Viewing microbes with in situ molecular approaches %D 1998 %C Qingdao, China %B International symposium on marine biotechnology (ISPPMB'98) %8 Oct. 6-9, 1998 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.73 %A Chen, Feng %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Viewing, approaches, microbes, molecular, situ %0 Edited Book %T Viewing marine microbes with in situ molecular approaches, a mini-review %D 1999 %P 300-305 %I China Ocean Press %C Beijing, China %B Proceedings Of International Symposium On Marine Biotechnology %9 Book Chapter %Z published %M GARLMER.17 %A Chen, Feng %A Hodson, Robert E. %E Xu, H. S. %E Colwell, R. %K Viewing, approaches, marine, microbes, mini-review, molecular, situ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Coastal Synechococcus spp. are much more complex than oceanic Synechococcus spp. %D 2000 %C Tallahassee, Florida %B DOE BI-OMP Workshop %8 15-16 March 2000. %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.44 %A Chen, Feng %A Bachoon, D. %A Lau, S. C. %A Lu, J. R. %A Campbell, L. %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Coastal, Synechococcus, complex, oceanic, spp. %0 Journal Article %T Flow cytometric detection of specific gene expression in prokaryotic cells using in situ RT-PCR %D 2000 %V 9242 %N 2000 %P 1-6 %B FEMS Microbiology Letters %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.9 %A Chen, Feng %A Binder, Brian %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Flow, RT-PCR, cells, cytometric, detection, expression, gene, prokaryotic, situ, specific %0 Generic %T Application of in situ reverse transcription to estuarine bacterial community analysis. %D 1998 %B Microbial Biosystems: New Frontiers. Proc. 8th Internat. Symposium On Microbial Ecology %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.3 %A Chen, Feng %A Dustman, A. %A Hodson, Robert E. %E Bell, C. R. %E Brylinsky, M. J. %E Johnson-Green, P. %K Application, analysis, bacterial, community, estuarine, reverse, situ, transcription %0 Journal Article %T Microscopic detection of the toluene dioxygenase gene and its expression inside bacterial cells in seawater using prokaryotic in situ PCR %D 1999 %V 401 %P 131-138 %B Hydrobiologia %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.18 %A Chen, Feng %A Dustman, A. %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Microscopic, PCR, bacterial, cells, detection, dioxygenase, expression, gene, inside, prokaryotic, seawater, situ, toluene %0 Edited Book %T In situ PCR methodologies for visualization of microscale genetic and taxonomic diversities of prokaryotic communities %D 1998 %P 1-17 %I Kluwer Academic Publishers %C The Netherlands %B Chapter 3.3.9, Molecular Microbial Ecology Manual %9 Book Chapter %Z published %M GARLMER.27 %A Chen, Feng %A Dustman, Wendy A. %A Moran, Mary Ann %A Hodson, Robert E. %E Akkermans, A. D. %E van Elsas, J. D. %E DeBruijn, F. J. %K PCR, communities, diversities, genetic, methodologies, microscale, prokaryotic, situ, taxonomic, visualization %0 Conference Proceedings %T Using prokaryotic in situ PCR to examine the todC1 gene and its expression in a toluene degrading bacterium in marine microcosms %D 1997 %C Miami Beach, FL %B The 97th general meeting of the American Society for Microbiology %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.90 %A Chen, Feng %A Dustman, Wendy A. %A Moran, Mary Ann %A Hodson, Robert E. %K PCR, bacterium, degrading, examine, expression, gene, marine, microcosms, prokaryotic, situ, todC1, toluene %0 Conference Proceedings %T In situ reverse transcription, an approach to characterize genetic diversity (based on 16S rRNA) and activity (based on mRNA) of prokaryotes %D 1997 %C Santa Fe, New Mexico %B Invited Seminar, ASLO-97 Aquatic Sciences Meeting %8 10-14 Feb. 1997 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.91 %A Chen, Feng %A González, J. M. %A Dustman, Wendy A. %A Moran, Mary Ann %A Hodson, Robert E. %K 16S, activity, approach, based, characterize, diversity, genetic, mRNA, prokaryotes, rRNA, reverse, situ, transcription %0 Journal Article %T In situ reverse transcription: an approach to characterize genetic diversity and activities of prokaryotes %D 1997 %V 63 %N 12 %P 4907-4913 %B Applied and Environmental Microbiology %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.32 %A Chen, Feng %A González, J. M. %A Dustman, Wendy A. %A Moran, Mary Ann %A Hodson, Robert E. %K activities, approach, characterize, diversity, genetic, prokaryotes, reverse, situ, transcription %0 Conference Proceedings %T Molecular phylogeny and in situ mRNA detection of the rbcL gene in Marine Synechococcus spp %D 1999 %C Santa Fe, New Mexico %B ASLO meeting %8 1-5 Feb. 1999 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.60 %A Chen, Feng %A Lu, J. %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Marine, Molecular, Synechococcus, detection, gene, mRNA, phylogeny, rbcL, situ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Distribution of cyanophages and total viruses along Georgia coastal rivers %D 1999 %C Santa Fe, New Mexico %B ASLO meeting %8 1-5 Feb 1999 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.59 %A Chen, Feng %A Lu, J. R. %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Distribution, Georgia, coastal, cyanophages, rivers, total, viruses %0 Conference Proceedings %T Marine cyanophages reveal a high phenotypic and genotypic diversity %D 1999 %C Chicago, IL %B The 99th general meeting of the American Society for Microbiology %8 May 30-June 3, 1999 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.61 %A Chen, Feng %A Lu, J. R. %A Zhong, Y. %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Marine, cyanophages, diversity, genotypic, high, phenotypic, reveal %0 Conference Proceedings %T RuBisCO genes reveal a close relationship between Synechococcus strains WH7803 and WH8101 %D 1998 %C Halifax, Canada %B The 8th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology %8 9-14 August 1998 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.74 %A Chen, Feng %A Lu, R. %A Hodson, Robert E. %K RuBisCO, Synechococcus, WH7803, WH8101, genes, relationship, reveal, strains %0 Conference Proceedings %T Transport and transformation of molecular weight size classes of dissolved organic matter %D 1998 %C Athens, Georgia %B Southeastern Estuarine Research Society Meeting %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.75 %A Covert, J. S. %A Moran, Mary Ann %K Transport, classes, dissolved, matter, molecular, organic, size, transformation, weight %0 Conference Proceedings %T Transport and transformation of molecular weight size classes of dissolved organic matter (DOM) through a Georgia estuary %D 1997 %C Providence, Rhode Island %B 14th Biennial Estuarine Research Federation International Conference %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.92 %A Covert, J. S. %A Chin, Yu-Ping %A Moran, Mary Ann %K DOM, Georgia, Transport, classes, dissolved, estuary, matter, molecular, organic, size, transformation, weight %0 Conference Proceedings %T An analysis of the Satilla River watershed: the land-use, water discharge and nutrient output %D 1996 %C Savannah, Georgia %B LMER All Scientists Meeting %8 November 1996 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.111 %A Dai, Ting %A Chalmers, Alice G. %A Wiegert, Richard G. %K River, Satilla, analysis, discharge, land-use, nutrient, output, water, watershed %0 Conference Proceedings %T Comparison of the effects of land use pattern on nutrient output in five Georgia watersheds %D 1995 %P 59 %C Snowbird, UT %B Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, Supplement to 76(2) %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.127 %A Dai, Ting %A Wiegert, Richard G. %A Chalmers, Alice G. %K Comparison, Georgia, effects, land, nutrient, output, pattern, watersheds %0 Conference Proceedings %T Nutrient output from a coastal river of Georgia: An analysis through modeling %D 1995 %C Corpus Christi, TX %B Estuarine Research Federation 13th Biennial International Conference %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.126 %A Dai, Ting %A Wiegert, Richard G. %A Chalmers, Alice G. %K Georgia, Nutrient, analysis, coastal, modeling, output, river %0 Conference Proceedings %T PCR amplification of the amoA gene from two marine ammonium-oxidizing bacteria, Nitrosomonas cryotolerans and Nitrosococcus oceani %D 2000 %C Tallahassee, Florida %B DOE BI-OMP Workshop %8 15-16 March 2000 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.45 %A Dudek, K. L. %A Chen, Feng %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Nitrosococcus, Nitrosomonas, PCR, ammonium-oxidizing, amoA, amplification, bacteria, cryotolerans, gene, marine, oceani %0 Conference Proceedings %T Characterizing genetic diversity and activity of filter-concentrated microorganisms using a modified in situ reverse transcription protocol %D 1998 %C Halifax, Canada %B The 8th international symposium on Microbial Ecology %8 Aug. 9-14, 1998 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.76 %A Dustman, Wendy A. %A Chen, Feng %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Characterizing, activity, diversity, filter-concentrated, genetic, microorganisms, modified, protocol, reverse, situ, transcription %0 Conference Proceedings %T Filter concentration of natural seawater microbial communities and analysis of genetic and functional diversity by in situ reverse transcription (ISRT) and in situ RT-PCR %D 1999 %C Chicago, IL %B The 99th general meeting of the American Society for Microbiology %8 30 May - 3 June 1999 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.62 %A Dustman, Wendy A. %A Chen, Feng %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Filter, ISRT, RT-PCR, analysis, communities, concentration, diversity, functional, genetic, microbial, natural, reverse, seawater, situ, transcription %0 Conference Proceedings %T Filter concentration of laboratory bacterial cultures and natural seawater communities: an adaptation for analysis of genetic and functional diversity by in situ PCR, in situ RT-PCR and in situ reverse transcription %D 2000 %C Tallahassee, Florida %B DOE BI-OMP Workshop %8 15-16 March 2000. %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.46 %A Dustman, Wendy A. %A Chen, Feng %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Filter, PCR, RT-PCR, adaptation, analysis, bacterial, communities, concentration, cultures, diversity, functional, genetic, laboratory, natural, reverse, seawater, situ, transcription %0 Conference Proceedings %T Effects of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on bacterial assemblages in aquatic environments %D 2000 %C Tallahassee, Florida %B DOE BI-OMP Workshop %8 15-16 March 2000 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.47 %A Ekunwe, S. %A Hwang, H. -M %A Shi, X. C. %K Effects, PAHs, aquatic, aromatic, assemblages, bacterial, environments, hydrocarbons, polycyclic, selected %0 Conference Proceedings %T Factors affecting flood tide salt intrusion in Georgia Estuaries %D 1996 %C Savannah, GA %B NSF-LMER All Scientists Meeting %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.112 %A Elston, Susan A. %A Blanton, Jackson O. %K Estuaries, Factors, Georgia, affecting, flood, intrusion, salt, tide %0 Conference Proceedings %T Secondary circulation in curved and straight estuarine reaches %D 2000 %P 172-175 %C Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA %B 10th Biennial International Conference on Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Proceedings %S SRAMSOE Report No. 366 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.48 %A Elston, Susan A. %A Blanton, Jackson O. %A Seim, Harvey E. %K Secondary, circulation, curved, estuarine, reaches, straight %0 Conference Proceedings %T An investigation in secondary circulation in a shallow well-mixed Georgia Estuary %D 1999 %P 35 %C New Orleans, LA %B 15th biennial Estuarine Research Federation International Conference Proceedings %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.63 %A Elston, Susan A. %A Blanton, Jackson O. %A Seim, Harvey E. %A Amft, Julie %A Sharman, M. %K Estuary, Georgia, circulation, investigation, secondary, shallow, well-mixed %0 Conference Proceedings %T An investigation in model portability: secondary circulation in a shallow well-mixed Georgia Estuary %D 1998 %C Savannah, Georgia %B SECOR, Coastal Ocean Boundaries and Interactions and Assessments (COBIA) Conference on Southeast Coastal Ocean Research %8 April 7-10, 1998 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.77 %A Elston, Susan A. %A Seim, Harvey E. %A Blanton, Jackson O. %A Amft, Julie %A Gross, T. %K Estuary, Georgia, circulation, investigation, model, portability, secondary, shallow, well-mixed %0 Conference Proceedings %T Photoreactions of dissolved organic matter in a coastal river of the southeastern United States %D 1997 %C Santa Fe, New Mexico %B ASLO-97, Aquatic Sciences meeting %8 10-14 Feb. 1997 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.93 %A Gao, H. %A Zepp, Richard G. %K Photoreactions, States, United, coastal, dissolved, matter, organic, river, southeastern %0 Journal Article %T Factors influencing photoreactions of dissolved organic matter in a coastal river of the southeastern United States %D 1998 %V 32 %P 2940-2946 %B Environmental Science and Technology %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.28 %A Gao, H. %A Zepp, Richard G. %K Factors, States, United, coastal, dissolved, influencing, matter, organic, photoreactions, river, southeastern %0 Conference Proceedings %T Unusual abundance of a marine subgroup of alpha-Proteobacteria in coastal and estuarine waters of Georgia %D 1996 %C Savannah, Georgia %B LMER All Scientists Meeting %8 November 1996 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.113 %A González, J. %A Moran, Mary Ann %K Georgia, Unusual, abundance, alpha-Proteobacteria, coastal, estuarine, marine, subgroup, waters %0 Journal Article %T Numerical dominance of a group of marine bacteria in the alpha-subclass of Proteobacteria in coastal seawater %D 1997 %V 63 %P 4237-4242 %B Applied and Environmental Microbiology %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.33 %A González, J. M. %A Moran, Mary Ann %K Numerical, Proteobacteria, alpha-subclass, bacteria, coastal, dominance, group, marine, seawater %0 Journal Article %T Transformations of sulfur by an abundant lineage of marine bacteria in the alpha-subclass of the Proteobacteria %D 1999 %V 65 %P 3810-3819 %B Applied and Environmental Microbiology %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.19 %A González, J. M. %A Kiene, R. P. %A Moran, Mary Ann %K Proteobacteria, Transformations, abundant, alpha-subclass, bacteria, lineage, marine, sulfur %0 Conference Proceedings %T In situ nucleic acid amplification for studies of estuarine bacterial activity and diversity %D 1998 %C Halifax, Canada %B The 8th international symposium on Microbial Ecology %8 Aug. 9-14, 1998 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.78 %A Hodson, Robert E. %A Chen, Feng %K acid, activity, amplification, bacterial, diversity, estuarine, nucleic, situ, studies %0 Conference Proceedings %T In situ activity and functional diversity of microbes linking carbon and nitrogen cycles in marine ecosystems %D 2000 %C Tallahassee, Florida %B DOE BI-OMP Workshop %8 15-16 March 2000 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.49 %A Hodson, Robert E. %A Chen, Feng %K activity, carbon, cycles, diversity, ecosystems, functional, linking, marine, microbes, nitrogen, situ %0 Conference Proceedings %T In situ activity and functional diversity of microbes linking carbon and nitrogen cycles in marine ecosystems %D 2000 %C Copenhagen, Denmark %B ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting %8 5-9 June 2000 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.50 %A Hodson, Robert E. %A Chen, R. %K activity, carbon, cycles, diversity, ecosystems, functional, linking, marine, microbes, nitrogen, situ %0 Edited Book %T Comparative biodegradation kinetics of simple and complex dissolved organic carbon in aquatic ecosystems %D 1995 %P 47-64 %I John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. %B Role of Nonliving Organic Matter in the Earth's Carbon Cycle %9 Book Chapter %Z published %M GARLMER.41 %A Hodson, Robert E. %A Moran, Mary Ann %E Zepp, R. G. %E Sonntag, C. %K Comparative, aquatic, biodegradation, carbon, complex, dissolved, ecosystems, kinetics, organic, simple %0 Conference Proceedings %T Application of in situ reverse transcription to estuarine bacterial community analysis %D 1999 %C Santa Fe, New Mexico %B ASLO meeting %8 Feb. 1-5, 1999 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.64 %A Hodson, Robert E. %A Chen, Feng %A Dustman, Wendy A. %K Application, analysis, bacterial, community, estuarine, reverse, situ, transcription %0 Journal Article %T Prokaryotic in situ PCR: visualization of microscale distribution of specific genes and gene products in prokaryotic communities %D 1995 %V 61 %P 4074-4082 %B Applied and Environmental Microbiology %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.40 %A Hodson, Robert E. %A Dustman, Wendy A. %A Garg, R. P. %A Moran, Mary Ann %K PCR, communities, distribution, gene, genes, microscale, products, prokaryotic, situ, specific, visualization %0 Conference Proceedings %T Amplified in situ taxonomic identification and detection of specific genes and their expression in marine bacterial populations %D 1997 %C Santa Fe, New Mexico %B ASLO-97 Aquatic Sciences Meeting %8 10-14 Feb. 1997 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.94 %A Hodson, Robert E. %A Moran, Mary Ann %A Chen, Feng %A Dustman, Wendy A. %A Garg, R. %K Amplified, bacterial, detection, expression, genes, identification, marine, populations, situ, specific, taxonomic %0 Journal Article %T Terrestrial inputs of organic matter to coastal ecosystems: an intercomparison of chemical characteristics and bioavailability %D 1998 %V 43 %P 211-234 %B Biogeochemistry %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.29 %A Hopkinson, Charles S. %A Buffam, I. %A Hobbie, J. %A Vallino, J. %A Perdue, M. %A Eversmeyer, B. %A Prahl, F. %A Covert, J. %A Hodson, Robert E. %A Moran, Mary Ann %A Smith, E. %A Baross, J. %A Crump, B. %A Findlay, S. %A Foreman, K. %K Terrestrial, bioavailability, characteristics, chemical, coastal, ecosystems, inputs, intercomparison, matter, organic %0 Journal Article %T Circulation, mixing and exchange processes in the vicinity of tidal inlets: a numerical study %D 1996 %V 101 %P 14,253-14,268 %B Journal of Geophysical Research %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.39 %A Kapolnai, A. %A Werner, F. E. %A Blanton, Jackson O. %K Circulation, exchange, inlets, mixing, numerical, processes, study, tidal, vicinity %0 Conference Proceedings %T Plankton concentrations in an estuarine creek front %D 1997 %C Providence, Rhode Island %B 14th Biennial Estuarine Research Federation International Conference %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.95 %A Lehwald, J. %A Alber, Merryl %K Plankton, concentrations, creek, estuarine, front %0 Journal Article %T Interaction of photochemical and microbial processes in the degradation of refractory dissolved organic matter from a coastal marine environment %D 1997 %V 42 %P 1317-1324 %B Limnology & Oceanography %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.34 %A Miller, William L. %A Moran, Mary Ann %K Interaction, coastal, degradation, dissolved, environment, marine, matter, microbial, organic, photochemical, processes, refractory %0 Conference Proceedings %T Examining the direct photochemical mineraliztion of dissolved organic carbon in natural waters %D 1997 %C Santa Fe, New Mexico %B ASLO97, Aquatic Sciences meeting %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.96 %A Miller, William L. %A Bourbonniere, R. A. %A Zepp, Richard G. %K Examining, carbon, direct, dissolved, mineraliztion, natural, organic, photochemical, waters %0 Conference Proceedings %T Photochemical production of biologically-available dissolved organic matter 1996 %D 1996 %C New Hampton, NH %B Gordon Research Conference on Environmental Sciences %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.115 %A Moran, Mary Ann %K 1996, Photochemical, biologically-available, dissolved, matter, organic, production %0 Conference Proceedings %T Bacterial communities in coastal seawater %D 1997 %C Chattanooga, Tennessee %B Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, Annual Chapter Meeting %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.97 %A Moran, Mary Ann %K Bacterial, coastal, communities, seawater %0 Conference Proceedings %T Detection of functional and taxonomic attributes of individual bacterial cells in environmental samples using in situ PCR approaches %D 1997 %C Newport, Rhode Island %B Gordon Research Conference on Applied and Environmental Microbiology %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.98 %A Moran, Mary Ann %K Detection, PCR, approaches, attributes, bacterial, cells, environmental, functional, individual, samples, situ, taxonomic %0 Conference Proceedings %T Role of photoreactions in controlling rates of biodegradation of estuarine dissolved organic matter %D 1997 %C Salt Lake City, UT %B Geochemical Society Special Symposium, Organic Perspectives on Geochemical Processes %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.99 %A Moran, Mary Ann %K Role, biodegradation, controlling, dissolved, estuarine, matter, organic, photoreactions, rates %0 Conference Proceedings %T Invited instructor in Ecology and Biogeochemistry of DOM %D 1998 %C Lund, Sweden %B Symposium sponsored by The Nordic Ecological Society, Oikos %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.79 %A Moran, Mary Ann %K Biogeochemistry, DOM, Ecology, Invited, instructor %0 Journal Article %T Role of photoreactions in the formation of biologically labile compounds from dissolved organic matter %D 1997 %V 42 %P 1307-1316 %B Limnology & Oceanography %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.35 %A Moran, Mary Ann %A Zepp, Richard G. %K Role, biologically, compounds, dissolved, formation, labile, matter, organic, photoreactions %0 Edited Book %T UV-radiation effects on microbes and microbial processes %D 2000 %P 201-228 %I John Wiley and Sons %C New York %B Microbial Ecology Of The Oceans %9 Book Chapter %Z published %M GARLMER.10 %A Moran, Mary Ann %A Zepp, Richard G. %E Kirchman, D. L. %K UV-radiation, effects, microbes, microbial, processes %0 Conference Proceedings %T The biological role of labile, nitrogen-rich photoproducts in a coastal marine environment %D 1997 %C Santa Fe, NM %B ASLO97, Aquatic Sciences meeting %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.100 %A Moran, Mary Ann %A Bushaw, Karen L. %A Zepp, Richard G. %K biological, coastal, environment, labile, marine, nitrogen-rich, photoproducts, role %0 Conference Proceedings %T Biogeochemical cycling of DOM in wetland ecosystems: biological and photochemical degradation %D 1996 %C Kallispell, MN %B North American Benthological Society, Annual Meeting %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.114 %A Moran, Mary Ann %A Miller, William L. %A Bushaw, Karen L. %A Bano, N. %A Zepp, Richard G. %K Biogeochemical, DOM, biological, cycling, degradation, ecosystems, photochemical, wetland %0 Conference Proceedings %T Transformations of organic matter in the Georgia Rivers estuaries %D 1996 %C Savannah, Georgia %B LMER All Scientists Meeting %8 November 1996 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.116 %A Moran, Mary Ann %A Pomeroy, Lawrence R. %A Alber, Merryl %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Georgia, Rivers, Transformations, estuaries, matter, organic %0 Journal Article %T Biodegradation of dissolved organic carbon in five estuaries of the Southeastern United States %D 1999 %V 22 %N 1 %P 55-64 %B Estuaries %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.20 %A Moran, Mary Ann %A Sheldon, Wade M., Jr. %A Sheldon, Joan E. %K Biodegradation, Southeastern, States, United, carbon, dissolved, estuaries, organic %0 Journal Article %T Seasonal changes in microbial processes in estuarine and continental shelf waters of the southeastern U.S.A. %D 2000 %V 51 %P 415-428 %B Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.5 %A Pomeroy, Lawrence R. %A Sheldon, Joan E. %A Sheldon, Wade M., Jr. %A Blanton, Jackson O. %A Peters, F. %K Seasonal, U.S.A., changes, continental, estuarine, microbial, processes, shelf, southeastern, waters %0 Conference Proceedings %T Tidal pressure gradient force balances in a curving estuarine channel %D 1998 %C San Diego, California %B Ocean Sciences Meeting (American Geophysical Union) %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.80 %A Seim, Harvey E. %A Gross, T. %A Blanton, Jackson O. %K Tidal, balances, channel, curving, estuarine, force, gradient, pressure %0 Conference Proceedings %T Flushing times in five Georgia Estuaries %D 1997 %C Savannah, Georgia %B LMER All Scientists Meeting %8 November 1997 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.101 %A Sheldon, Joan E. %A Alber, Merryl %A Chalmers, Alice G. %K Estuaries, Flushing, Georgia, times %0 Conference Proceedings %T Fluorescent DOM mixing patterns in the Satilla River, Georgia %D 1998 %C Savannah, Georgia %B SECOR, Coastal Ocean Boundaries and Interactions and Assessments (COBIA) Conference on Southeast Coastal Ocean Research %8 April 7-10, 1998 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.81 %A Sheldon, Wade M., Jr. %A Moran, Mary Ann %K DOM, Fluorescent, Georgia, River, Satilla, mixing, patterns %0 Conference Proceedings %T Calibration and interpretation of natural fluorescence data for use in DOM flux and estuarine mixing studies %D 1996 %C Savannah, Georgia %B LMER All Scientists Meeting %8 November 1996 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.117 %A Sheldon, Wade M., Jr. %A Blanton, Jackson O. %A Sheldon, Joan E. %A Hodson, Robert E. %A Moran, Mary Ann %K Calibration, DOM, data, estuarine, fluorescence, flux, interpretation, mixing, natural, studies %0 Conference Proceedings %T Monitoring the interactions between selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and microbes in aquatic environments %D 2000 %C Tallahassee, Florida %B DOE BI-OMP Workshop %8 15-16 March 2000 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.51 %A Shi, X. C. %A Hwang, H. -M %A Ero, I. %A Yu, H. T. %A Dong, S. %K Monitoring, PAHs, aquatic, aromatic, environments, hydrocarbons, interactions, microbes, polycyclic, selected %0 Conference Proceedings %T Application of in situ PCR, in situ reverse transcription, radioactive bicarbonate uptake and flow cytometry to monitor carbon fixation potential and activity among nitrifying bacteria introduced into seawater %D 2000 %C Tallahassee, Florida %B DOE BI-OMP Workshop %8 15-16 March 2000 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.52 %A Sinigalliano, C. D. %A Jones, R. D. %A Kuhn, D. N. %A Guerrero, M. %K Application, PCR, activity, bacteria, bicarbonate, carbon, cytometry, fixation, flow, introduced, monitor, nitrifying, potential, radioactive, reverse, seawater, situ, transcription, uptake %0 Conference Proceedings %T Toward the application of prokaryotic in situ PCR to the study of denitrification %D 2000 %C Tallahassee, Florida %B DOE BI-OMP Workshop %8 15-16 March 2000 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.53 %A Sullivan, J. %A Chen, Feng %A Hodson, Robert E. %K PCR, Toward, application, denitrification, prokaryotic, situ, study %0 Conference Proceedings %T Constitutive production of nitrite reductase in Pseudomonas stutzeri detected by in situ RT-PCR %D 1999 %C Santa Fe, New Mexico %B ASLO Meeting %8 1-5 Feb. 1999 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.65 %A Sullivan, J. B. %A Chen, R. %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Constitutive, Pseudomonas, RT-PCR, detected, nitrite, production, reductase, situ, stutzeri %0 Conference Proceedings %T Photo-ammonification: Effects of solar ultraviolet radiation on the release of ammonium from aquatic humic substances %D 1995 %C Atlanta, GA %B International Humic Substances Society Meeting %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.128 %A Tarr, M. A. %A Schulz-Jander, D. %A Bourbonniere, R. A. %A Zepp, Richard G. %A Miller, William L. %A Bushaw, Karen L. %A Bronk, Deborah A. %A Moran, Mary Ann %K Effects, Photo-ammonification, ammonium, aquatic, humic, radiation, release, solar, substances, ultraviolet %0 Journal Article %T Un recensement planetaire des microbes %D 1999 %V 37 %N 1 %P 26-29 %B La Recerche %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.21 %A Whitman, William B. %A Wiebe, William J. %K microbes, planetaire, recensement %0 Journal Article %T Prokaryotes: the unseen majority %D 1998 %V 95 %P 6578-6583 %B Proceedures of the National Academy of Science, U.S. %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.30 %A Whitman, William B. %A Coleman, D. C. %A Wiebe, William J. %K Prokaryotes, majority, unseen %0 Edited Book %T The temperature-substrate controversy resolved? %D 2000 %P 695–699 %B Microbial Biosystems: New Frontiers. Proc. 8th Internat. Symposium On Microbial Ecology %9 Book Chapter %Z published %M GARLMER.6 %A Wiebe, William J. %A Pomeroy, Lawrence R. %E Bell, C. R. %E Brylinsky, M. J. %E Johnson-Green, P. %K controversy, resolved, temperature-substrate %0 Conference Proceedings %T The Georgia Rivers Land Margin Ecosystem Research Program %D 1997 %C Athens, GA %B Georgia Water Quality Research Conference %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.102 %A Wiegert, Richard G. %K Ecosystem, Georgia, Land, Margin, Program, Research, Rivers %0 Generic %T The Georgia Rivers Land Margin Ecosystem Research Program %D 1997 %P 389-391 %C Institute of Ecology, Athens, GA %B Proceedings of the 1997 Georgia Water Quality Resources Conference %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.36 %A Wiegert, Richard G. %E Hatcher, K. %K Ecosystem, Georgia, Land, Margin, Program, Research, Rivers %0 Conference Proceedings %T Geographic signatures of Georgia estuaries %D 1998 %C Athens, Georgia %B Southeastern Estuarine Research Society Meeting %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.82 %A Wiegert, Richard G. %A Alber, Merryl %A Chalmers, Alice G. %K Geographic, Georgia, estuaries, signatures %0 Journal Article %T The Georgia Rivers LMER Program: A Comparative Study of Five Coastal Rivers %D 1999 %V 29 %P 286-292 %B Limnologica %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.22 %A Wiegert, Richard G. %A Alber, Merryl %A Alexander, Clarke %A Blanton, Jackson O. %A Chalmers, Alice G. %A Hodson, Robert E. %A Moran, Mary Ann %A Pomeroy, Lawrence R. %A Wiebe, William J. %K Coastal, Comparative, Georgia, LMER, Program, Rivers, Study %0 Conference Proceedings %T The Georgia Rivers LMER Program: A comparative study of five coastal rivers %D 1996 %C Rostock, Germany %B Conference on Coastal Ecosystems %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.118 %A Wiegert, Richard G. %A Alber, Merryl %A Alexander, Clarke %A Blanton, Jackson O. %A Chalmers, Alice G. %A Hodson, Robert E. %A Pomeroy, Lawrence R. %A Wiebe, William J. %K Georgia, LMER, Program, coastal, comparative, rivers, study %0 Conference Proceedings %T The Georgia Rivers Land Margin Ecosystem Project %D 1998 %C Savannah, Georgia %B SECOR, Coastal Ocean Boundaries and Interactions and Assessments (COBIA) Conference on Southeast Coastal Ocean Research %8 April 7-10, 1998 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.83 %A Wiegert, Richard G. %A Alber, Merryl %A Alexander, Clarke %A Blanton, Jackson O. %A Chalmers, Alice G. %A Hodson, Robert E. %A Moran, Mary Ann %A Pomeroy, Lawrence R. %A Wiebe, William J. %K Ecosystem, Georgia, Land, Margin, Project, Rivers %0 Conference Proceedings %T PCR amplification of the amoA gene from a marine ammonium- oxidizing bacterium Nitrosomonas cryotolerans %D 1999 %C Chicago, IL %B The 99th general meeting of the American Society for Microbiology %8 30 May - 3 June 1999 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.66 %A Williams, K. L. %A Chen, Feng %A Dustman, Wendy A. %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Nitrosomonas, PCR, ammonium-, amoA, amplification, bacterium, cryotolerans, gene, marine, oxidizing %0 Conference Proceedings %T Nitrogenase in marine Vibrio %D 1999 %C Santa Fe, New Mexico %B ASLO meeting %8 1-5 Feb. 1999 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.67 %A Wommack, E. %A Chen, Feng %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Nitrogenase, Vibrio, marine %0 Conference Proceedings %T A rapid method for obtaining the complete nucleotide coding sequence for mifH %D 2000 %C Tallahassee, Florida %B DOE BI-OMP Workshop %8 15-16 March 2000 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.55 %A Wommack, K. E. %A Chen, Feng %A Hodson, Robert E. %K coding, complete, method, mifH, nucleotide, obtaining, rapid, sequence %0 Conference Proceedings %T Marine diazotroph ecology: development of a molecular genetic in situ detection method. %D 2000 %C Townsville, Queensland, Australia %8 September-October 2000 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.54 %A Wommack, K. E. %A Chen, Feng %A Hodson, Robert E. %K Marine, detection, development, diazotroph, ecology, genetic, method., molecular, situ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Factors influencing photoreactions of riverine dissolved organic matter %D 1996 %C New Hampton, NH %B 1996 Gordon Research Conference on Environmental Sciences %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.119 %A Zepp, Richard G. %A Gao, H. %A Moran, Mary Ann %K Factors, dissolved, influencing, matter, organic, photoreactions, riverine %0 Conference Proceedings %T Organic matter photoreactions in a Georgia coastal river: UV absorbance loss and photoproduction of particulate C and Fe, ammonia and carbon gases %D 1996 %C Savannah, Georgia %B LMER All Scientists Meeting %8 November 1996 %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.120 %A Zepp, Richard G. %A Gao, H. %A Moran, Mary Ann %K C, Fe, Georgia, Organic, UV, absorbance, ammonia, carbon, coastal, gases, loss, matter, particulate, photoproduction, photoreactions, river %0 Conference Proceedings %T Estimation of effects of UV radiation on aquatic photochemical processes %D 1997 %C Santa Fe, NM %B ASLO97, Aquatic Sciences meeting %9 Presentation %Z published %M GARLMER.103 %A Zepp, Richard G. %K Estimation, UV, aquatic, effects, photochemical, processes, radiation %0 Journal Article %T Dissolved organic fluorophores in southeastern U.S. coastal waters: Correction method for eliminating Rayleigh and Raman scattering peaks in excitation-emission matrices %D 2004 %V 89 %P 15-36 %B CDOM Workshop Special Issue %9 Article %Z published %M GARLMER.4 %A Zepp, Richard G. %A Sheldon, Wade M., Jr. %A Moran, Mary Ann %K Correction, Dissolved, Raman, Rayleigh, U.S., coastal, eliminating, excitation-emission, fluorophores, matrices, method, organic, peaks, scattering, southeastern, waters