%0 Thesis %T Applications of Island Biogeography: Plant Diversity and Soil Characteristics Among Back-Barrier Islands Near Sapelo Island, Georgia %D 2004 %P 113 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %B M.S. Thesis %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.248 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/Albers_Gayle_MS_2004.pdf %A Albers, Gayle %K island biogeography, plant diversity, soil, back-barrier islands, Sapelo Island, SINERR Publication, UGAMI Publication, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Foundation species as drivers of ecosystem structure, multifunctionality, and resilience. %D 2014 %P 164 %I University of Florida %C Gainesville, FL %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.952 %A Angelini, Christine %K foundation species, ecosystem structure, SINERR Publication, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication %0 Thesis %T Intraspecific variation in the distribution, physiology, population traits, and consumer effects of the salt marsh periwinkle, Littoraria irrorata, across its geographic range %D 2022 %P 170 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.1280 %A Atkins, Rebecca %K Littoraria, Spartina, physiology, body size scaling, consumer effects, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Elucidating natural and anthropogenic marine processes using molecular biomarkers. %D 2016 %P 111 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.1005 %A Babcock-Adams, Lydia %K Molecular biomarkers, Coastal environments, Anthropogenic input, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Microbial Interactions on Decomposing Spartina Alterniflora: Use of Fungally-Modified Leachate by Bacterial Communities in an Experimental Salt Marsh Decomposition System %D 2003 %P 144 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %B M.S. Thesis %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.170 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/Erin_Biers_Thesis_2003.pdf %A Biers, Erin J. %K Spartina alterniflora, decomposition, DOC, leachate, chitinase, fungi, bacteria, DGGE, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication %0 Thesis %T Trophic status, habitat use and climate change impacts on avian species of coastal, Georgia %D 2009 %P 195 %I Indiana University %C Bloomington, IN %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.911 %A Brittain, Ross %K Health and environmental sciences, Pure sciences, Biological sciences, Birds, Climate change, Georgia, Habitat use, Stable isotopes, Trophic status, SINERR Publication, UGAMI Publication, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Ecology and genetics of aromatic compound degradation in the ecologically important Roseobacter lineage of marine bacteria %D 2001 %P 152 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %B Ph.D. Dissertation %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.292 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/Buchan_Alison_PhD_2001.pdf %A Buchan, Alison %K aromatic compound degradation, marine bacteria, proteoatechuate, dioxygenase, microbial ecology, Roseobacter, bacteria, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Historical analysis of 70 years of salt marsh change at three coastal LTER sites. %D 2018 %P 188 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.1144 %A Burns, Christine %K historical analysis, marsh change, AMBUR, LTER, marsh migration, ponding, shoreline change, channel migration, lateral change, cross site analysis, long term change, image interpretation, Student Publication, Cross-site Research %0 Thesis %T Characterization of Groundwater Discharge in a Back Barrier Tidal Creek %D 2014 %P 66 %I Coastal Carolina University %C Conway, SC %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.831 %A Carter, Matthew %K radon, Duplin River, Sapelo Island, groundwater, SINERR Publication, UGAMI Publication, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Evaluation of tidal fresh forest distributions and tropical storm impacts using Sentinel-2 MSI imagery %D 2022 %I Georgia Southern University %C Statesboro, GA %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.1283 %U https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/etd/2506/ %A Costomiris, Galen %K Altamaha River, community analysis, climate change, habitat mapping, hurricanes, plant ecology, remote sensing, satellite imagery, tidal freshwater forests, temporal change, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Drivers and consequences of ribbed mussel spatial patterning in southeastern US salt marshes %D 2019 %P 1-6 %I University of Florida %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.1173 %A Crotty, Sinead M. %K ribbed mussel, salt marsh, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication %0 Thesis %T Remote Sensing of Georgia Tidal Marsh Habitats Using Aerial Photography and Planetscope Satellite Imagery %D 2023 %P 137 %I Georgia Southern University %C Statesboro, GA %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.1335 %U https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/etd/2643/ %A Currin, Harrison %K Georgia coast, remote sensing, aerial imagery, satellite imagery, tidal marshes, habitat mapping, random forest, PlanetScope, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Trade-offs between multiple ecosystem services in UK and US salt marshes %D 2019 %I Swansea University %C Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.1217 %A Davidson, Kate %K salt marsh, ecosystem, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Secondary Circulation in a Sinuous Coastal Plain Estuary %D 2005 %I Georgia Institute of Technology %C Atlanta, Georgia %B Ph.D. Dissertation, Georgia Institute of Technology %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.301 %U http://etd.gatech.edu/theses/available/etd-05042005-143327/ %A Elston, Susan A. %K secondary circulation, sinuous, estuary, coastal plain, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Benthic Microbial Food Webs: Spatial and Temporal Variations and the Role of Heterotrophic Protists in Salt Marsh Sediments %D 2008 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.472 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/uploads/first_matthew_r_200805_phd_20090909T164044.pdf %A First, Matthew R. %K microbial ecology, protists, salt marsh, sediments, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication %0 Thesis %T Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemistry of the Coastal Ocean: New Insights from Metatranscriptomics %D 2011 %P 163 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z presented %M GCE.687 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/uploads/GCEPub687_Gifford_PhD_2011_20120125T92748.pdf %A Gifford, Scott %K microbes, microbial ecology, biogeochemistry, ocean, genomics, metatranscriptomics, RNA, DNA, molecular, SINERR Publication, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication %0 Thesis %T Ecological and Biogeochemical Responses to a Shifting Salinity Gradient in Tidal Marshes of the Satilla River Estuary, GA %D 2023 %P 73 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.1327 %A Giordano, Gabriella Bliss %K Tidal Marsh, Sea-Level Rise, Salinity Intrusion, Vegetation, Soil Organic Carbon, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T A fish tale: comparison of the gut microbiome of 15 fish species and the influence of diet and temperature on its composition %D 2012 %P 229 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.908 %A Givens, Carrie %K Fish gut, Gut microbiome, 16S rRNA, Gut microflora, 454-pyrosequencing, Shark gut, Blue crab microbiome, core gut microbiome, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Tenericutes, Vibrio sp., Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio vulnificus, Trinectes maculatus, Bairdiella chrysoura, Lagodon rhomboides, Paralichthys lethostigma, Fundulus heteroclitus, Centropristis striata, Sciaeops ocellatus, Caranx hippos, Scomberomorus maculatus, Scomberomorus cavalla, Coryphaena hippurus, Sphyraena barracuda, Carcharhinus brevipinna, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, Carcharhinus plumbeus, Quantitative PCR (qPCR), 16S rRNA clone library, fish health, crab health, human health, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Organization of plant communities across estuarine landscapes in low-latitude tidal marshes %D 2011 %P 106 %I University of Houston %C Houston, TX %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.956 %A Guo, Hongyu %K plant communities, tidal marshes, SINERR Publication, UGAMI Publication, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Determination of gas exchange velocities based on measurements of air-sea CO2 partial pressure gradients and direct chamber fluxes in the Duplin River, Sapelo Island, GA %D 2007 %P 84 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.530 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/Justin_Hartman_MS_Thesis_2007.pdf %A Hartmann, Justin %K CO2, carbon dioxide, gas, pressure, flux, Duplin River, SINERR Publication, UGAMI Publication, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Defining science/defining stories: Teachers’ constructions of science knowledge through collaborations in field-based scientific research %D 2005 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %B Ph.D. Dissertation %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.305 %A Hembree, Patricia A. %K education, science knowledge, collaborations, stories, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication %0 Thesis %T Cross-kingdom consumer diversity enhances multifunctionality of a coastal ecosystem %D 2013 %P 34 %I University of Florida %C Gainesville, FL %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.910 %A Hensel, Marc Simon %K biodviersity, foodweb, functioning, fungus, marsh, SINERR Publication, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication, Cross-site Research %0 Thesis %T The effects of global change on the fate of soil organic matter in tidal freshwater wetlands %D 2015 %I Indiana University %C Bloomington, IN %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.941 %A Herbert, Ellen %K climate change, sea level rise, tidal freshwater wetlands, nutrient cycling, biogeochemistry, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Use of Remote Sensing Data for Evaluating Elevation and Plant Distribution in a Southeastern Salt Marsh %D 2012 %P 205 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.759 %A Hladik, Christine M. %K Remote sensing, LIDAR, digital elevation model (DEM), hyperspectral imagery, salt marsh, habitat mapping, linear discriminant analysis (LDA), classification and regression trees (CART), Sapelo Island, LTER, SINERR Publication, UGAMI Publication, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Plant-herbivore interactions in U.S. Atlantic Coast salt marshes: the effect of omnivory and geographic location %D 2008 %P 116 %I University of Houston %C Houston, TX %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.448 %A Ho, Chuan-Kai %K latitude, salt marsh, herbivory, grasshopper, beetle, aphid, insect, secondary production, top-down bottom-up, crab, SINERR Publication, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication, Cross-site Research %0 Thesis %T Biogeochemical cycling of carbon dioxide in estuaries and the continental shelf of the southeastern United States %D 2009 %P 161 %I University of Georgia %C Athens %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.601 %A Jiang, Liqing %K Carbon dioxide, Spatial and seasonal variability, Air-sea exchange, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Modeling Growth and Production Dynamics of Spartina Alterniflora %D 2018 %P 148 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z presented %M GCE.1093 %U https://getd.libs.uga.edu/pdfs/jung_yeajin_201805_phd.pdf %A Jung, Yeajin %K Spartina alterniflora, model, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication %0 Thesis %T Waves, Turbulence, and Circulation in the Altamaha River Estuary, Georgia %D 2005 %P 161 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %B Ph.D. Dissertation %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.289 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/Kang_KiRyong_PhD_2005.pdf %A Kang, KiRyong %K estuary, surface waves, energy propagation, wave breaking, ebb shoaling, boundary layer, turbulence, turbulent kinetic energy, Reynolds stress, shear production, dissipation rate, buoyancy flux, tide, residual flow, semidiurnal component, volume transport, circulation, Altamaha River Estuary, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Application of the Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP) to Evaluate Dissolved Nitrogen Concentrations in the Altamaha River Estuary, Georgia %D 2011 %P 227 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.675 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/uploads/GCEPub675_GKaufman_MS_2011_20120221T135921.pdf %A Kaufman, Galen %K WASP, water quality, nitrogen, Altamaha, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Patterns of plant diversity in two salt marsh regions %D 2006 %P 70 %I University of Houston %C Houston, Texas %B M.S. Thesis %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.341 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/Kunza_MS_Thesis_2006.pdf %A Kunza, Amy E. %K salt marsh, diversity, species richness, Texas, Georgia, plant, SINERR Publication, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication %0 Thesis %T Drivers of groundwater flow at a back barrier island - marsh transect in coastal Georgia %D 2015 %P 104 %I The University of Georgia %C Athens %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.923 %A Ledoux, Jonathan G. %K Groundwater, Sapelo Island, Slug Test, Density Driven Flow, Precipitation, Cross Correlation, CTD Sonde, Darcy Velocities, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Primary production, nitrogen cycling and the ecosystem role of mangrove microbial mats on Twin Cays, Belize %D 2006 %P 157 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.533 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/Lee_Rosalynn_Y_200612_PhD.pdf %A Lee, Rosalynn Y. %K mangrove, microbial mat, cyanobacteria, porewater nutrients, benthic metabolism, primary production, respiration, carbon fixation, nitrogen fixation, denitrification, desiccation, oxygenic photosynthesis, anoxygenic photosynthesis, chemoautotrophy, SINERR Publication, UGAMI Publication, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Dissolved organic matter dynamics in coastal aquatic systems %D 2020 %P 188 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.1192 %U https://esploro.libs.uga.edu/esploro/outputs/9949365957702959 %A Letourneau, Maria L. %K Dissolved organic carbon, DOM composition, Degradation, FT-ICR MS, GCE-LTER, UGAMI Publication, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Response and recovery of low-salinity marsh plant communities to constant and pulsed saline intrusion %D 2017 %I University of Houston %C Houston, TX, USA %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.1120 %A Li, Fan %K salinity, Zizaniopsis, Polygonum, Pontederia, Spartina, Schoenoplectus, Juncus, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication, SINERR Publication %0 Thesis %T Biogeochemical cycling of polyamines in a coastal marine environment %D 2016 %P 197 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.998 %A Liu, Qian %K Polyamines, putrescine, spermidine, spermine, Turnover rates, Uptake rates, HPLC, Bacterial Production, Phytoplankton, Diatom, Environmental variables, Thaumarchaeota, Ammonia-oxidizing Archaea, Nitrification, South Atlantic Bight, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Grazers vs Grazers: Large Mammal Herbivores Influence Salt Marsh Invertebrate Communities %D 2022 %I University of Houston %C Houston %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.1270 %A Lugar, Kori %K herbivory, megafauna, insects, horses, cattle %0 Thesis %T Centrifugal organization in a Georgia salt marsh plant community %D 2008 %P 67 %I University of Houston %C Houston, Texas %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.689 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/ALynes_MS_Thesis_2008.pdf %A Lynes, Alana R. %K salt marsh, plants, community ecology, Georgia, Sapelo Island, SINERR Publication, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication %0 Thesis %T Molecular description of ascomycete fungal communities on Spartina spp. in the U.S. %D 2007 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %B Ph.D. Dissertation %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.423 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/Justine_Lyons_PhD_2007.pdf %A Lyons, Justine I. %K molecular, fungi, ascomycete, Spartina, salt marsh, diversity, mycology, SINERR Publication, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication %0 Thesis %T Impacts Of Tidal Channel Migration On Salt Marsh Ecology And Carbon Storage %D 2022 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.1292 %A Manns, Tiandra %K Marsh Ecology, Carbon Storage, Channel Migration %0 Thesis %T Impacts of Tidal Channel Migration on Salt Marsh Ecology and Carbon Storage %D 2022 %P 40 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.1328 %A Manns, Tiandra %K Saltmarsh, Tidal channel migration, Carbon, Sediment, Radioisotope, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Transformation and transport of dissolved organic matter in coastal systems using molecular and ocean color approaches %D 2023 %P 130 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.1306 %A Martineac, Rachel P. %K Dissolved organic matter, DOM composition, Microbial degradation, FT-ICR MS, Ocean color, Coastal DOM, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication %0 Thesis %T Ecosystem services of restored wetlands and riparian buffers---USDA conservation practices in the glaciated interior plains %D 2012 %P 138 %I Indiana University %C Bloomington, IN %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.909 %A Marton, John M. %K Biological sciences, Crp, Denitrification, Restoration, Riparian buffers, Wetlands, Wrp, Glaciated interior plains, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Geographic Variation in the Structure of Salt Marsh Arthropod Communities %D 2011 %P 51 %I University of Houston %C Houston, Texas %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.622 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/BMcCall_MS_Thesis_2011.pdf %A McCall, Brittany DeLoach %K geography, arthropod, community ecology, salt marsh, SINERR Publication, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication, Cross-site Research %0 Thesis %T Impact of Fertilization on a Salt Marsh Food Web in Georgia %D 2004 %P 127 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %B M.S. Thesis %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.238 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/McFarlin_Thesis_2004.pdf %A McFarlin, Caroline R. %K fertilization, salt marsh, Spartina, Juncus, fungi, snail, grasshopper, competition, SINERR Publication, UGAMI Publication, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Salt Marsh Dieback: The response of Spartina alterniflora to disturbances and the consequences for marsh invertebrates %D 2012 %P 238 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.761 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/McFarlin_Caroline_PhD_2012.pdf %A McFarlin, Caroline R. %K foundation species, salt marsh dieback, Spartina alterniflora, Juncus roemerianus, benthic macroinfauna, Littoraria irrorata, DMSP, DMSO, metals, chlorophyll a, SINERR Publication, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication %0 Thesis %T Temporal and Spatial Variability of Transport and Mixing Mechanisms: Using Heat and Salt in the Duplin River, Georgia %D 2008 %P 217 %I University of Georgia %C Athens GA %B Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.453 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/GCEPub453_Mckay_PhD_2008.pdf %A McKay, Paul %K estuary, salt marsh, tidal creek, heat budget, salt flux, reversing estuary, groundwater, vertical mixing, dispersion, tidal pumping, marsh-creek interaction, box model, Duplin River, Sapelo Island, Georgia, U.S, SINERR Publication, UGAMI Publication, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T A modelling study of horizontal transport and residence time in the Duplin River estuary, Sapelo Island GA. %D 2016 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.962 %A McKnight, Charles Jared %K Duplin, river, estuary, physics, physical oceanography, residence time, circulation, SINERR Publication, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication %0 Thesis %T Diversity of laccase gene sequences and contributions of bacteria and ascomycetous fungi to lignocellulose degradation in a southeastern U.S. salt marsh %D 2002 %P 64 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %B M.S. Thesis %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.139 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/Moreta_Justine_MS_thesis_2002.pdf %A Moreta, Justine I. L. %K fungi, laccase, genetics, sequences, bacteria, ascomycetes, lignocellulose, degradataion, salt marsh, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Culture-independent Characterization Of DOC-Transforming Bacterioplankton in Coastal Seawater %D 2006 %P 182 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.446 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/Mou_Xiaozhen_PhD_2006.pdf %A Mou, Xiaozhen %K DOC degradation, aromatic monomers, organic osmolytes, DMSP, marine bacteria, flow cytometric cell sorting, BrdU incorporation, metagenomics, pyrosequencing, microbiology, SINERR Publication, UGAMI Publication, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Refining cultural and environmental temporalities at the late Archaic-early woodland transition along the Georgia coast, UGA %D 2021 %I University of Georgia %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.1228 %A Napora, Katharine %K Georgia coast %0 Thesis %T Use of marine habitat and food resources by coastal inhabiting Alligator Mississipiensis (American Alligator): implications for food webs and community dynamics %D 2014 %P 201 %I University of Florida %C Gainesville, FL %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.912 %A Nifong, James C. %K American Alligator, coastal habitat, food resources, SINERR Publication, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication, Cross-site Research %0 Thesis %T Salt marsh dieback in Georgia: Field survey and transplant experiments %D 2004 %P 108 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %B M.S. Thesis %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.247 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/Ogburn_Matthew_MS_2004.pdf %A Ogburn, Matthew B. %K marsh, die-back, salt marsh, SINERR Publication, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication %0 Thesis %T Assessing the export of terrigenous dissolved organic matter in the South Atlantic Bight using CDOM analysis: 2014 and 2016 cruises %D 2018 %P 13 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 B.S. Thesis %Z A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Franklin College Interdisciplinary Studies degree in Marine Sciences %M GCE.1089 %A Pannill, V.R. %K CDOM, optical, terrigenous, SAB, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Biogeochemical dynamics in coastal sediments and shallow aquifers %D 2008 %P 222 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.531 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/Porubsky_William_P_200812_PhD.pdf %A Porubsky, William P. %K biogeochemistry, intertidal sediments, sediment-water column exchange, benthic fluxes, benthic microalgae, nitrogen, denitrification, dissimilatory nitrate reduction, ammonium, anaerobic ammonium oxidation, nutrients, dissolved organic carbon, groundwater, SINERR Publication, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication %0 Thesis %T Using Machine Learning Classification and ESA Sentinel 2 Multispectral Imager Data to Delineate Marsh Vegetation and Measure Ecotone Movement in Coastal Georgia %D 2023 %P 94 %I Georgia Southern University %C Statesboro, GA %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.1336 %U https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/etd/2642/ %A Pudil, Thomas %K Remote sensing, Machine learning, Tidal marshes, Satellite imagery, Temporal change, Ecosystem change, Habitat mapping, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Intestinal microbial community composition of six Actinopterygii fish species in the Southeastern United States %D 2008 %P 38 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.906 %A Ransom, Briana %K Gut microflora, PCR, DGGE, Cloning, Proteobacteria, Firmicute, Mycoplasma, Clostridium, UGAMI Publication, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Smouldering oceans: on the photochemically mediated oxidation of dissolved organic matter in coastal waters %D 2011 %P 194 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.688 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/HReader_PhD_2011.pdf %A Reader, Heather E. %K Photochemistry, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Biological Lability, Dissolved Organic Carbon, Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter, Remote Sensing, Estuaries, UGAMI Publication, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Position in the tidal frame strongly influences decomposition in salt marshes. %D 2022 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 B.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.1289 %A Reddy, Satyatejas %K decomposition, salt marshes %0 Thesis %T Evolution in closely adjacent salt marsh environments %D 2004 %P 141 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %B Ph.D. Dissertation %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.219 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/Richards_Christina_PhD_Jun2004.pdf %A Richards, Christina L. %K adaptation, Borrichia frutescens, ecophysiology, evolution, halophytes, natural selection, phenotypic plasticity, salt marsh plants, Sapelo Island, Spartina alterniflora, SINERR Publication, UGAMI Publication, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T A spatial and temporal investigation of estuarine and shelf flows on the Georgia Coast %D 2018 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 M.S. Thesis %Z presented %M GCE.1106 %A Richards, Trevor %K Georgia coast, estuarine, shelf flows, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Groundwater Flow and Salt Marsh Migration: The Forest/Marsh Boundary %D 2023 %P 44 %I University of South Carolina %C Columbia, South Carolina %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.1326 %A Rossiello, Camille %K groundwater flow, salt marsh %0 Thesis %T Latitudinal variation in palatability of salt marsh plants: Constitutive or induced? %D 2004 %P 57 %I University of Houston %C Houston, Texas %B M.S. Thesis %8 May 2004 %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.220 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/Salgado_MS_Thesis_Jun2004.pdf %A Salgado, Cristiano S. %K salt marsh plants, latitude, palatability, ecology, SINERR Publication, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication %0 Thesis %T Groundwater flow and transport at the forest-marsh boundary: A modeling study %D 2021 %V 547 %P 50 %I University of South Carolina %C Columbia SC USA %B Journal of Hydrology %9 M.S. Thesis %Z Sanders, S. C. (2021). Groundwater flow and transport at the forest-marsh boundary: A modeling study (Order No. 28544844). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ University of South Carolina. (2605303719). Retrieved from https://login.pallas2.tcl.sc.edu/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/dissertations-theses/groundwater-flow-transport-at-forest-marsh/docview/2605303719/se-2?accountid=13965 %M GCE.1252 %U https://login.pallas2.tcl.sc.edu/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/dissertations-theses/groundwater-flow-transport-at-forest-marsh/docview/2605303719/se-2?accountid=13965 %A Sanders, Sophia C. %K Groundwater, Freshwater-saltwater interface, high marsh, models, salinity, hydraulic head, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication, SINERR Publication %0 Thesis %T Nutrient budgets for watersheds on the southeastern Atlantic coast of the United States: temporal and spatial variation %D 2006 %P 105 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %B M.S. Thesis %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.359 %A Schaefer, Sylvia C. %K nutrient budgets, watersheds, Atlantic coast, temporal, spatial, reactive nitrogen, stream export, temperature, denitrification, climate change, agriculture, coastal, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Controls on nitrogen inputs, loads, and in-stream concentrations in the Altamaha River, Georgia, and beyond. %D 2014 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.863 %A Schaefer, Sylvia C. %K nitrogen, Altamaha River, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Hydrologic and Geophysical Characterization of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Coastal Aquifer Systems %D 2002 %P 329 %I Georgia Institute of Technology %C Atlanta, Georgia %B Ph.D. Dissertation %8 July 2002 %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.87 %A Schultz, Gregory M. %K hydrology, geophysics, spatial variation, temporal variation, aquifer, coastal, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication, SINERR Publication %0 Thesis %T Nitrogen cycling and trace gas dynamics in shallow coastal aquifers. %D 2014 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.889 %A Schutte, Charles %K Nitrogen cycling, shallow coastal aquifers, SINERR Publication, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication %0 Thesis %T A study of methane-related processes in freshwater ecosystems %D 2012 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.886 %A Segarra, Katherine %K methane, sulfate, biogeochemistry, AOM, methanogenesis, freshwater, wetland, lipid, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Synoptic comparison of salt marsh spatial structure using hyperspectral imagery at NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserves %D 2010 %P 177 %I Creighton University %C Omaha, NE %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.685 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10504/16048 %A Seminara, Drew N. %K Salt marshes, remote sensing, vegetation indices, landscape metrics, community structure, Student Publication, Cross-site Research %0 Thesis %T Disturbance and Recovery of Southeastern Salt Marshes: Drivers of Change and Ecosystem Service Dynamics %D 2018 %P 121 %I University of Florida %C Gainesville, FL %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.1129 %A Sharp, Sean %K salt marsh %0 Thesis %T Factors influencing groundwater and surface water hydrogeochemistry with a special emphasis on the importance of sediment geology %D 2013 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.887 %A Slaughter, Julia B. %K Groundwater, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Analysis of historic vegetation changes in two Georgia estuaries using aerial photography and GIS %D 2001 %P 93 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %B M.S. Thesis %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.271 %A Smith, Carrie Beth %K GIS, aerial photography, estuaries, vegetation, historic, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Geochemical trends associated with the seawater-freshwater mixing zone in a surficial coastal aquifer, Sapelo Island, GA %D 2002 %P 149 %I Georgia Institute of Technology %C Atlanta, Georgia %B M.S. Thesis supervised by Dr. Carolyn Ruppel %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.90 %A Snyder, Matthew %K geochemistry, mixing zone, hydrology, surficial aquifer, sapelo island, SINERR Publication, UGAMI Publication, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Temporal and spatial variation in seston available to oysters and the contribution of benthic diatoms to their diet in the Duplin River, Georgia %D 2004 %P 220 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %B Ph.D. Dissertation %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.245 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/Thoresen_Merrilee_PhD_2004.pdf %A Thoresen, Merrilee %K seston, oysters, benthic diatoms, diet, Duplin River, Georgia, temporal variation, spatial variation, SINERR Publication, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication %0 Thesis %T The influence of environmental factors including reactive oxygen species on the spatial and temporal distribution of marine Thaumarchaeota %D 2014 %P 418 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.907 %A Tolar, Bradley %K Thaumarchaeota, Ammonia oxidation, Ammonia-oxidizing Archaea, Nitrification, 16S rRNA, ammonia monooxygenase (amoA), Reactive oxygen species (ROS), Ammonia, Urea, Nitrite, Nitrate, Nitrogen cycle, Quantitative PCR (qPCR), Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Geoarchaeological analysis of two back-barrier islands and their relationship to the changing landscape of coastal Georgia, U.S.A. %D 2011 %P 239 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.667 %R 10.6073/pasta/d4e6577aa7dfcc6f2f36781f162a4124 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/uploads/GCEPub667_Turck_PhD_2011_20120125T93415.pdf %A Turck, John A. %K Archaeology, Geomorphology, Settlement patterns, Landscape change, Sea level, Back-barrier, Marsh, Islands, Mary Hammock, Patterson Island, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T The importance of benthic primary production in salt marsh carbon cycles %D 2005 %P 90 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %B M.S. Thesis %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.317 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/LVelasquez_MS_thesis_2005.pdf %A Velasquez, Liliana E. %K benthic, primary production, salt marsh, carbon cycles, SINERR Publication, UGAMI Publication, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Biophysical Feedbacks Mediate Tidal Creek Formation in Salt Marshes %D 2016 %P 93 %I University of Houston %C Houston, Texas %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.1006 %A Vu, Huy %K Tidal Creek, Biophysical feedbacks, salt marshes, Student Publication, SINERR Publication, UGAMI Publication %0 Thesis %T Inorganic carbon and oxygen dynamics in a marsh-dominated estuary %D 2016 %P 81 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.1009 %A Wang, Shiyu %K salt marsh, estuary, metabolism, CO2 exchange, O2 exchange, inundation, UGAMI Publication, SINERR Publication, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Fronts and variability in the coastal ocean %D 2016 %P 231 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.997 %A Wang, Yuntao %K Coastal ocean, Front, Ocean-atmosphere interaction, Residence time, Connectivity, Estuary of Georgia, UGAMI Publication, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Biogeochemical Changes of Chemical Signals in the Georgia "Land-To-Ocean Continuum" %D 2003 %P 187 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %B PhD Dissertation %9 M.S. Thesis %Z published %M GCE.140 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/wang_zhaohui_200305_phd.pdf %A Wang, Zhaohui %E Cai, Wei-Jun %E Alber, Merryl %E Hollibaugh, James T. %E Jahnke, Richard A. %K biogeochemistry, signals, Georgia, CO2, DIC, estuary, continental shelf, modeling, nutrients, nitrogen, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Biogeochemistry in the coastal zone: changing land use, salinity intrusion, porewater stoichiometry and the mineralization of organic matter in estuarine sediments %D 2005 %P 188 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %B Ph.D. Dissertation %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.290 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/Weston_Nathaniel_PhD_2005.pdf %A Weston, Nathaniel B. %K biogeochemistry, estuary, land use, salinity, porewater, stoichiometry, mineralization, organic matter, dissolved organic matter, terminal metabolism, fermentation, hydrolosis, sulfate reduction, methanogenesis, iron reduction, denitrification, watershed, loading, nutrient, population, salinity intrusion, temperature, dissolved organic carbon, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Identifying the factors affecting copper speciation in estuarine, coastal and open ocean waters %D 2016 %P 181 %I University of Liverpool, School of Environmental Sciences, Department of Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences %C Liverpool, England %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.1014 %A Whitby, Hannah %K copper, metal, coastal, ocean, chemistry, estuary, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Spartina species zonation along an estuarine gradient in Georgia: Exploring mechanisms controlling distribution %D 2004 %P 206 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %B Ph.D. Dissertation %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.246 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/White_Susan_PhD_2004.pdf %A White, Susan N. %K Spartina, zonation, estuarine gradient, distribution, plants, UGAMI Publication, Student Publication %0 Thesis %T Determining movement patterns and habitat use of blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus rathbun) in a Georgia saltmarsh estuary with the use of ultrasonic telemetry and a geographic information system (GIS) %D 2004 %P 178 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, Georgia %B Ph.D. Dissertation %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.291 %U http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/files/pubs/Wrona_Amanda_PhD_2004.pdf %A Wrona, Amanda B. %K blue crabs, essential fish habitat, ultrasonic telemetry, Duplin River, GIS, molting habitat, Georgia coast, estuary, Callinected sapidus, invertebrate, SINERR Publication, Student Publication, UGAMI Publication