%0 Journal Article %T The resistance of Georgia coastal marshes to hurricanes %D 2024 %V 15 %N 4 %B Ecosphere %9 Article %Z published %M GCE.1347 %R 10.1002/ecs2.4821 %U https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.4821 %A Smith, Rachel S. %A Pennings, Steven C. %A Alber, Merryl %A Craft, Christopher B. %A Byers, James %K climate change, coastal protection, disturbance ecology, GCE-LTER, resilience, salt marshes, storm surge, Signature Publication %0 Journal Article %T Variance reflects resilience to disturbance along a stress gradient: experimental evidence from coastal marshes %D 2024 %V 2024 %P e4241 %B Ecology %9 Article %Z published %M GCE.1317 %R 10.1002/ecy.4241 %U https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.4241 %A Wang, J. %A Guo, Hongyu %A Alber, Merryl %A Pennings, Steven C. %K disturbance, salt marsh, Spartina, Juncus, Zizaniopsis, resistance, resilience, SINERR Publication, UGAMI Publication, Signature Publication %0 Journal Article %T Photosynthetic Performance of Tidally Flooded Spartina Alterniflora Salt Marshes %D 2023 %V 128 %N 3 %B JGR Biogeosciences %9 Article %Z published %M GCE.1303 %R 10.1029/2022JG007161 %U https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JG007161 %A Mao, Lishen %A Mishra, Deepak %A Hawman, Peter %A Narron, Caroline %A O'Connell, Jessica L. %A Cotten, David L. %K Spartina alternifora, chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthetically active radiation, PAR, Signature Publication, Student Publication %0 Journal Article %T Ephemeral microbial responses to pulses of bioavailable carbon in oxic and anoxic salt marsh soils %D 2023 %V 185 %B Soil Biology and Biochemistry %9 Article %Z published %M GCE.1307 %R 10.1016/j.soilbio.2023.109157 %U https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2023.109157 %A Spivak, Amanda C. %A Pinsonneault, Andrew J. %A Hintz, Christopher %A Brandes, J. %A Megonigal, Patrick %K Salt marsh, Rhizosphere, Organic carbon, Redox, Priming, Sulfur oxidation, Signature Publication %0 Journal Article %T Variation in synchrony of production among species, sites and intertidal zones in coastal marshes %D 2021 %B Ecology %9 Article %Z published %M GCE.1184 %R 10.1002/ECY.3278 %U https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ecy.3278 %A Liu, Wenwen %A Pennings, Steven C. %K climate change, salt marsh, Juncus, Spartina, Zizaniopsis, synchrony, Signature Publication, UGAMI Publication, Student Publication, SINERR Publication %0 Thesis %T Refining cultural and environmental temporalities at the late Archaic-early woodland transition along the Georgia coast, UGA %D 2021 %P 211 %I University of Georgia %C Athens, GA %9 Ph.D. Dissertation %Z published %M GCE.1228 %U https://esploro.libs.uga.edu/esploro/outputs/9949375050102959 %A Napora, Katharine %K Coastal Archaeology, Environment, Late Archaic, Southeast U.S., Paleoclimate, Tree Rings, Shell Rings, Radiocarbon, Mid-Holocene, Signature Publication %0 Journal Article %T BERM: A belowground ecosystem resilience model for estimating Spartina alterniflora belowground biomass %D 2021 %B New Phytologist %9 Article %Z published %M GCE.1226 %R 10.1111/nph.17607 %U https://nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/nph.17607 %A O'Connell, Jessica L. %A Mishra, Deepak %A Alber, Merryl %A Byrd, K. 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