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Site Type Location Transect Distance Latitude (degrees) Longitude (degrees) Elevation (m)
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_CB1 n/a GCE6 creek bank zone permanent plot number 1 31.388423 -81.279792 0.602
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_CB15 n/a GCE6 creek bank zone permanent plot number 15 31.387860 -81.279761 0.053
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_CB22 n/a GCE6 creek bank zone permanent plot number 22 31.388295 -81.279818 -0.366
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_CB23 n/a GCE6 creek bank zone permanent plot number 23 31.388213 -81.279902 0.366
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_CB25 n/a GCE6 creek bank zone permanent plot number 25 31.387871 -81.279770 -0.005
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_CB34 n/a GCE6 creek bank zone permanent plot number 34 31.388004 -81.279872 0.392
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_CB36 n/a GCE6 creek bank zone permanent plot number 36 31.387776 -81.279719 -0.074
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_CB43 n/a GCE6 creek bank zone permanent plot number 43 31.388212 -81.279884 -0.241
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_CB44 n/a GCE6 creek bank zone permanent plot number 44 31.388000 -81.279858 -0.119
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_CB6 n/a GCE6 creek bank zone permanent plot number 6 31.387745 -81.279730 0.374
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_CB7 n/a GCE6 creek bank zone permanent plot number 7 31.387611 -81.279841 0.715
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_CB8 n/a GCE6 creek bank zone permanent plot number 8 31.387549 -81.279966 0.787
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_MM1 n/a GCE6 mid-marsh zone permanent plot number 1 31.388340 -81.280132 0.850
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_MM2 n/a GCE6 mid-marsh zone permanent plot number 2 31.388206 -81.280117 0.840
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_MM3 n/a GCE6 mid-marsh zone permanent plot number 3 31.388071 -81.280137 0.800
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_MM4 n/a GCE6 mid-marsh zone permanent plot number 4 31.387957 -81.280220 0.827
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_MM5 n/a GCE6 mid-marsh zone permanent plot number 5 31.387844 -81.280299 0.823
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_MM6 n/a GCE6 mid-marsh zone permanent plot number 6 31.387748 -81.280418 0.804
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_MM7 n/a GCE6 mid-marsh zone permanent plot number 7 31.387640 -81.280536 0.834
GCE6 Permanent GCE marsh sampling plot GCE6_MM8 n/a GCE6 mid-marsh zone permanent plot number 8 31.387539 -81.280655 0.821
GCE6 PhenoCam deployment gcejuncus n/a PhenoCam deployment in a transitional Juncus roemerianus/Spartina alterniflora marsh along Dean Creen on southern Sapelo Island, Georgia 31.386800 -81.275000 4.000
GCE6 Research study sampling sites (investigator-defined) GCE6_HG13 n/a GCE6 Hongyu Guo study plot number 13 31.387783 -81.280551 0.843
GCE6 Research study sampling sites (investigator-defined) GCE6_HG2 n/a GCE6 Hongyu Guo study plot number 2 31.387898 -81.280465 0.863
GCE6 Research study sampling sites (investigator-defined) GCE6_HG3 n/a GCE6 Hongyu Guo study plot number 3 31.387977 -81.280328 0.840
GCE6 Research study sampling sites (investigator-defined) GCE6_HG4 n/a GCE6 Hongyu Guo study plot number 4 31.388143 -81.280254 0.833
GCE6 Surface elevation table deployment GCE6_SET n/a Surface elevation table installation in the marsh at the GCE6 study site 31.387435 -81.280652 0.828

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants OCE-9982133, OCE-0620959, OCE-1237140 and OCE-1832178. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.