Documents - Publications - Conference Papers
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Publications |
Conference Papers |
A Coastal Water Quality Metadata Database for the Southeast U.S.A. (contributed by Wade M. Sheldon, 2011) |
Dynamic, Rule-based Quality Control Framework for Real-time Sensor Data (contributed by Wade M. Sheldon, 2008) |
Coastal Watershed Condition Assessment of Fort Pulaski National Monument (contributed by Caroline R. McFarlin, 2007) |
ClimDB/HydroDB: A web harvester and data warehouse approach to building a cross-site climate and hydrology database (contributed by Donald L. Henshaw, 2006) |
Comparing Transport Times Through Salinity Zones in the Ogeechee and Altamaha River Estuaries Using SqueezeBox (contributed by Joan E. Sheldon, 2005) |
Trends in agricultural sources of nitrogen in the Altamaha River watershed (contributed by Sylvia C. Schaefer, 2005) |
Some physical factors that may affect turbulent mixing in Altamaha Sound, Georgia (contributed by Daniela Di Iorio, 2003) |
Nutrients and dissolved organic matter in the Altamaha river and loading to the coastal zone (contributed by Nathaniel B. Weston, 2003) |
Georgia Coastal Research Council: A forum for scientists and managers (contributed by Merryl Alber, 2003) |
Simulating material movement through the lower Altamaha River Estuary using a 1-D box model (contributed by Joan E. Sheldon, 2003) |
Spartina species zonation along the Altamaha River Estuary (contributed by Susan N. White, 2003) |
A vegetative survey of back-barrier islands near Sapelo Island, Georgia (contributed by Gayle Albers, 2003) |
Efforts to link ecological metadata with bacterial gene sequences at the Sapelo Island Microbial Observatory (contributed by Wade M. Sheldon, 2002) |
Water use patterns in the watersheds of the Georgia riverine estuaries (contributed by Merryl Alber, 2001) |
Salinity response of the Satilla River Estuary to seasonal changes in freshwater discharge (contributed by Jackson O. Blanton, 2001) |