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Imagery - Site Maps - Monitoring Locations

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Site Maps Monitoring Locations Map of Monitored Wrack patches and controls in Dean's creek. Also showing wildlife camera positions and directions
Description - The pdf document contains a map showing monitored wrack patches and controls in Dean's creek as well as wildlife camera positions and directions. The Word document is a metadata file containing information on the camera placements.
(contributed by Jeb Byers, 2020)
MS Word file
      PDF file
    GCE Sampling Location Search Form
Description - This search form can be used to generate online Google Maps, download Google Earth KML files, or view a table of sampling location descriptions and coordinates based on various search criteria.
(contributed by Wade Sheldon, 2010)
Web link
    GCE-LTER site map
Description - Use this .pdf to make a personalized map of GCE study sites. Adobe reader is required (download here... http://get.adobe.com/reader/).

Open document and click on the Layers icon on the left hand side. Turn layers on/off as desired.

If additional layers are required and/or layer placement is not desirable, use this as a template and contact the GCE GIS manager with further instructions.
(contributed by John Carpenter, 2010)
PDF file
    Long term fixed monitoring sites within the GCE domain
Description - This map shows the fixed monitoring sites within the GCE.
(contributed by Kris Meehan, 2007)
Jpeg image
5 Records

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants OCE-9982133, OCE-0620959, OCE-1237140 and OCE-1832178. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.