I. Data Set Descriptors A. Title: John A. Turck. 2014. Vibracore and Tree Stump Data from the Marsh Near Mary Hammock, McIntosh County, GA. Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Data Catalog (data set GEL-GCES-1402; http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/app/dataset_details.asp?accession=GEL-GCES-1402) B. Accession Number: GEL-GCES-1402 C. Description 1. Originator(s): Name: John A. Turck Address: Department of Anthropology 250A Baldwin Hall, Jackson St. Athens, Georgia 30602-1619 Country: USA Email: jaturck@uga.edu 2. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the geologic/ sedimentologic history of the marsh near Mary Hammock, a marsh island in McIntosh County, GA. During the Summer of 2009, a vibracore machine was used to extract six sediment cores (MT01 through MT06) from the marsh north of Mary Hammock. In addition, tree stumps buried under the marsh were recorded, and one was extracted and analyzed, to facilitate in understanding the sedimentological history of the marsh. A GPS unit was used to record the precise locations and elevations of the core extraction sites and stumps. The cores were then transported to the Georgia Southern Coastal Research Lab at the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography (SkIO), in Savannah, GA, for analysis. The tree stump was brought back to the University of Georgia for analysis. Although there was a large degree of bioturbation in the marsh near Mary Hammock, sediment core analysis (visual inspection, X-Ray analysis, particle size analysis, and analysis of organic matter content), and stump analysis (species determination and radiocarbon dating), revealed three main facies in the marsh. The topmost layer is recent marsh. The middle layer is a sandy layer, representing the former upland surface prior to sea level rise, inundation, and marsh formation (around 5,000 to 4,000 years ago). The bottom layer is a highly compact greenish-gray clay layer. The conclusion is that the former upland surface, consisting mostly of sandy soils, was inundated due to sea level rise around 4,200 B.P. Marsh sedimentation occurred after this, depositing fine-grained sediments on top of the sandy surface (Turck and Alexander, 2013). 3. Study Type: Directed Study 4. Study Themes: Geology, Geospatial Analysis, Organic Matter/Decomposition 5. LTER Core Areas: Other Site Research 6. Georeferences: geographic coordinates as data columns 7. Submission Date: Feb 05, 2014 D. Keywords: cores, geographic information systems, hammock, historical, holocene, landscape change, salt marshes, sea level II. Research Origin Descriptors A. Overall Project Description 1. Project Title: Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Project 2. Principal Investigators: Name: Merryl Alber Address: Dept. of Marine Sciences University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 30602-3636 Country: USA Email: malber@uga.edu 3. Funding Period: May 01, 2006 to Jan 01, 2013 4. Objectives: To understand the mechanisms by which variation in the quality, source and amount of both fresh and salt water create temporal and spatial variability in estuarine habitats and processes, in order to predict directional changes that will occur in response to long-term shifts in estuarine salinity patterns 5. Abstract: The Georgia Coastal Ecosystems (GCE) LTER program, located on the central Georgia coast, was established in 2000. The study domain encompasses three adjacent sounds (Altamaha, Doboy, Sapelo) and includes upland (mainland, barrier islands, marsh hammocks), intertidal (fresh, brackish and salt marsh) and submerged (river, estuary, continental shelf) habitats. Patterns and processes in this complex landscape vary spatially within and between sites, and temporally on multiple scales (tidal, diurnal, seasonal, and interannual). Overlain on this spatial and temporal variation are long-term trends caused by climate change, sea level rise, and human alterations of the landscape. These long-term trends are likely to manifest in many ways, including changes in water quality, river discharge, runoff and tidal inundation patterns throughout the estuarine landscape. The overarching goal of the GCE program is to understand the mechanisms by which variation in the quality, source and amount of both fresh and salt water create temporal and spatial variability in estuarine habitats and processes, in order to predict directional changes that will occur in response to long-term shifts in estuarine salinity patterns. The objectives of the current funding cycle are 1) to continue to document long-term patterns of environmental forcing to the coastal zone, 2) to link environmental forcing to observed spatial and temporal patterns of biogeochemical processes, primary production, community dynamics, decomposition and disturbance, 3) to investigate the underlying mechanisms by which environmental gradients along the longitudinal (freshwater-saltwater) and 4) lateral (upland-subtidal) axes of estuaries drive ecosystem change, and 5) to explore the relative importance of larval transport and the conditions of the adult environment in determining community and genetic structure across both the longitudinal and vertical gradients of the estuary. To meet these objectives, we utilize a suite of approaches including long-term monitoring of abiotic drivers and ecosystem responses; manipulative and natural experiments designed to enable us to examine the importance of key ecosystem drivers; and modeling. 6. Funding Source: NSF OCE 0620959 B. Sub-project Description 1. Site Description a. Geographic Location: Coordinates: b. Physiographic Region: c. Landform Components: d. Hydrographic Characteristics: e. Topographic Attributes: f. Geology, Lithology and Soils: g. Vegetation Communities: h. History of Land Use and Disturbance: none recorded i. Climate: Climate summary for Sapelo Island, Georgia, based on NWS data from 1980-2010: Daily-aggregated Values: Mean (sample standard deviation) mean air temperature: 20.09°C (7.28°C) minimum air temperature: 15.02°C (7.96°C) maximum air temperature: 24.82°C (6.98°C) total precipitation: 3.26mm (10.3mm) Yearly-aggregated Daily Values: Mean (sample standard deviation) total precipitation (1980-2010): 1124mm (266mm) 2. Experimental or Sampling Design a. Design Characteristics: Sediment cores and tree stumps near Mary Hammock were analyzed to determine the geologic/ sedimentologic history of the marsh. A vibracore machine was used to extract six sediment cores (MT01 through MT06) from the marsh. In addition, tree stumps buried under the marsh were recorded, and one was extracted and analyzed, to facilitate in understanding the sedimentological history of the marsh. GPS units were used to record the precise locations and elevations of the core extraction sites and stumps. The cores were then transported to the Georgia Southern Coastal Research Lab at the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography (SkIO), in Savannah, GA, for analysis. The tree stump was brought back to the University of Georgia for analysis. The sediment cores were analysed by visual inspection, X-Ray analysis, particle size analysis, and analysis of organic matter content. The tree stump was analysed by species determination and radiocarbon dating. Sediment samples were analyzed by John Turck for particle size and organic matter content. These samples were obtained from the cores that were extracted in the marsh, as well as from the site where the stump was extracted. b. Permanent Plots: none c. Data Collection Duration and Frequency: Six sediment cores were extracted from the marsh with a vibracore machine. The average spacing of the cores was around 75m, and the lengths of sediment core samples were between 1 and 3 meters. Three of those cores were sub-sampled at 10 cm intervals. A tree stump from under the marsh was also extracted from the marsh by hand and shovel. The cores were sub-sampled at 10 cm intervals, removing two sets of sediment samples at each interval. One sediment sample for particle size analysis was taken from the former ground surface that the tree stump was sitting on. Beginning of Observations: Jun 01, 2009 End of Observations: Sep 01, 2009 3. Research Methods a. Field and Laboratory Methods: Method 1: Extraction of Sediment Cores -- A vibracore machine was used to extract six sediment cores (MT01 through MT06) from the marsh near Mary Hammock. A Real-Time Kinematic Global Positioning System (RTK-GPS) was used to record the precise locations and elevations of the core extraction sites. A bucket auger with a 12.7 cm (5 in) diameter and 17.8 cm (7 in.) length was used to remove the first 18-36 cm of marsh in the location to be cored. A tripod was set up over the hole, and aluminum core pipe (irrigation tubing), at 3.1 m (10 ft) in length and 7.6 cm (3 in) in diameter, was placed within the tripod. The end of the vibracoring mechanism was clamped near the top of the core pipe. While holding the pipe steady, and pushing down on it, the vibracoring motor was turned on, and the core pipe was eased into the ground. When the core pipe could not be pushed any further, the vibracore machine was turned off, and the clamp removed. Measurements of the core pipe were taken, and then extracted using a come-along. One end was attached to the tripod, and the other end was attached to straps tied tightly around the core. Once out, a cap was placed on the bottom of the core, extra pipe at the top was cut off using a hacksaw, and another cap was placed on top of the core. The caps were clearly marked as to the location of the core, as well as which end was top and bottom. Cores were then cut into 1.5-meter sections, for ease of transport. Again, caps labeled top or bottom were placed on the ends, and then a sharpie was used to label the different core sections. Method 2: Preparation of Sediment Cores -- The cores were transported to the Georgia Southern Coastal Research Lab at the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography (SkIO), in Savannah, GA, whre they were analyzed. The core pipes were cut open with a circular saw, and a wire was pulled through the middle of the sediment sample, splitting the core sample into two sections. Core samples were then visually inspected and described, noting how color, texture, inclusions, etc. changed down core. Both halves of each core were then photographed with a digital camera. Since it took several images (between 7 and 9) to capture the whole core, the images were mosaiced together in Photoshop, creating one seamless image for each core. One half of each core was wrapped in plastic wrap, put into a plastic “D-tube” with a damp sponge, and put into refrigerated storage at SkIO. The other core halves, (which will be referred to hereafter as “working halves”), were then analyzed. Method 3: X-Ray Analysis of Cores -- Each working half was X-rayed to find discrete layers and sedimentary structures not visible to the naked eye (see Butler 1992). A VR 1020 portable X-Ray machine was set up in a trailer about 90 cm above the floor. Film was placed on the floor underneath the X-Ray machine, and the top section of the working half of the core was placed on top of that. From a safe distance, the film for each section of core was exposed to X-Rays between 18 and 22 seconds, at a tube voltage of 60kV and current of 20mA. Method 4: Particle Size Analysis -- Sediment samples were then taken at arbitrary 10-cm intervals from cores MT01, MT03, and MT06. Particle size analysis was performed by dry sieving the larger grains, and using the pipette method for smaller grains (after Galehouse 1971; also see Folk 1980; Loveland and Whalley 2001). For each sample, the large fraction (i.e., sand, or anything bigger or equal to 63 microns) was separated from the small fraction (i.e., silt and clay, or anything smaller than 63 microns). The large fraction was then put through stacked sieves and weighed to the nearest ten-thousandth of a gram, revealing the amount of sand in the sample. The small fraction was put in a graduated cylinder with 1,000 ml of deionized water, shaken, and then 20 ml were sampled twice using a pipette. The first sample, extracted near the bottom of the cylinder directly after it has been shaken, was used to determine the weight of silt and clay in the entire graduated cylinder. After a specified length of time had passed, the second sample of 20 ml was taken, with the pipette only 5 cm down. This determined the weight of clay. This was then subtracted from the previous calculation to get the amount of silt. Method 5: Analysis of Organic Matter Content -- This analysis was performed by the Georgia Cooperative Extension, Soil, Plant, and Water Laboratory, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, at the University of Georgia. Organic matter and total carbon (all the carbon in the sample, including both inorganic and organic carbon) were determined by the Loss on Ignition (LOI) method, and are expressed as percent by weight (Kissel and Sonon 2008:20). Samples were combusted in an oxygen atmosphere at 1350ºC, which converts elemental carbon into CO2. This gas is then passed through infrared cells to determine the carbon content (Kissel and Sonon 2008:20). Method 6: Recording of Tree Stumps -- The last piece of evidence to help determine the sedimentological history of the area was the recording of drowned tree stumps. These were noticed at low tide, eroding out of the creek banks to the north of Mary Hammock, near where the cores were extracted. The position of one stump (Stump 1) was recorded using a Garmin GPS. The more precise vertical and horizontal position of a second stump (Stump 2) was also recorded. Stump 2 was found eroding out of the creek bank, buried under the marsh. The RTK-GPS unit was used to record the marsh above Stump 2, and measurements were taken to determine the position of the stump in relation to that point. Several characteristics of Stump 2 and the surrounding stratigraphy were noted at this time. First, the stump was vertical, so there is a good chance that this was the position the tree was in when it died. Second, the roots of Stump 2 were recorded to estimate where the ground surface was when the tree was alive. Third, the positions of sedimentary structures were noted in the creek bank profile, and their depths were recorded in relation to Stump 2. The former land surface when the stump was alive was determined to be around 127-132 cm below the present-day marsh surface (or, between 65 and 60 cm above present-day Mean Lower Low Water). Stump 2 was removed, and brought back to the University of Georgia for further analysis. A section was cut off and brough to Laurie Schimleck, of the Forestry department at UGA. Using a micrscope, he determined that the stump was most likely a pine. Another section was cut off, a sample was removed from one of the inner rings, and it was brought to the Center for Applied Isotope Studies at UGA for radiocarbon dating. b. Instrumentation: Method 1: Backpack Concrete Vibrator Manufacturer: Oztec Insustries, Inc. (Model: BP-50) RTK GPS Manufacturer: Trimble (Model: R6) Parameter: Elevation (Accuracy: 20mm + 1 ppm RMS, Readability: 1mm, ) Protocol: Base receiver is placed on a permanent cement base installed near each field site, connected to GLONASS satellite services via mobile 3G Internet connection, and allowed to establish a stable benchmark positional fix. A portable wireless rover unit is then used to collect and log horizontal position and vertical elevation data for sites being surveyed. Parameter: Latitude (Accuracy: 10 mm + 1 ppm RMS, Readability: 1mm, Range: 0-90 degrees) Protocol: Base receiver is placed on a permanent cement base installed near each field site, connected to GLONASS satellite services via mobile 3G Internet connection, and allowed to establish a stable benchmark positional fix. A portable wireless rover unit is then used to collect and log horizontal position and vertical elevation data for sites being surveyed. Parameter: Longitude (Accuracy: 10 mm + 1 ppm RMS, Readability: 1mm, Range: 0-180 degrees) Protocol: Base receiver is placed on a permanent cement base installed near each field site, connected to GLONASS satellite services via mobile 3G Internet connection, and allowed to establish a stable benchmark positional fix. A portable wireless rover unit is then used to collect and log horizontal position and vertical elevation data for sites being surveyed. RTK-GPS, Vibracore Machine Method 2: Circular saw, wire, digital camera, "D-tube" Method 3: VR 1020 portable X-Ray machine X-Ray machine Manufacturer: Medison Acoma Co. Ltd. (Model: VR1020) Method 4: Sieves of Clark Alexander at the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography Method 5: Oven of the Georgia Cooperative Extension, Soil, Plant, and Water Laboratory, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia Method 6: Garmin GPS (Stump 1), RTK-GPS (Stump 2) RTK GPS Manufacturer: Trimble (Model: R6) Parameter: Elevation (Accuracy: 20mm + 1 ppm RMS, Readability: 1mm, ) Protocol: Base receiver is placed on a permanent cement base installed near each field site, connected to GLONASS satellite services via mobile 3G Internet connection, and allowed to establish a stable benchmark positional fix. A portable wireless rover unit is then used to collect and log horizontal position and vertical elevation data for sites being surveyed. Parameter: Latitude (Accuracy: 10 mm + 1 ppm RMS, Readability: 1mm, Range: 0-90 degrees) Protocol: Base receiver is placed on a permanent cement base installed near each field site, connected to GLONASS satellite services via mobile 3G Internet connection, and allowed to establish a stable benchmark positional fix. A portable wireless rover unit is then used to collect and log horizontal position and vertical elevation data for sites being surveyed. Parameter: Longitude (Accuracy: 10 mm + 1 ppm RMS, Readability: 1mm, Range: 0-180 degrees) Protocol: Base receiver is placed on a permanent cement base installed near each field site, connected to GLONASS satellite services via mobile 3G Internet connection, and allowed to establish a stable benchmark positional fix. A portable wireless rover unit is then used to collect and log horizontal position and vertical elevation data for sites being surveyed. c. Taxonomy and Systematics: Method 1: not applicable Method 2: not applicable Method 3: not applicable Method 4: not applicable Method 5: not applicable Method 6: not applicable d. Permit History: Method 1: not applicable Method 2: not applicable Method 3: not applicable Method 4: not applicable Method 5: not applicable Method 6: not applicable 4. Project Personnel a. Personnel: 1: John A. Turck 2: Clark R. Alexander, Jr. b. Affiliations: 1: University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 2: Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Savannah, Georgia III. Data Set Status and Accessibility A. Status 1. Latest Update: 26-Feb-2014 2. Latest Archive Date: 26-Feb-2014 3. Latest Metadata Update: 26-Feb-2014 4. Data Verification Status: New Submission B. Accessibility 1. Storage Location and Medium: Stored at GCE-LTER Data Management Office Dept. of Marine Sciences Univ. of Georgia Athens, GA 30602-3636 USA on media: electronic data download (WWW) or compact disk 2. Contact Person: Name: Wade M. Sheldon, Jr. Address: Dept. of Marine Sciences University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 30602-3636 Country: USA Email: sheldon@uga.edu 3. Copyright Restrictions: not copyrighted 4. Restrictions: All publications based on this data set must cite the contributor and Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER project, and two copies of the manuscript must be submitted to the GCE-LTER Information Management Office. a. Release Date: Affiliates: Feb 20, 2014, Public: Feb 20, 2016 b. Citation: Data provided by the Georgia Coastal Ecosystems Long Term Ecological Research Project, supported by funds from NSF OCE 0620959 (data set GEL-GCES-1402) c. Disclaimer: The user assumes all responsibility for errors in judgement based on interpretation of data and analyses presented in this data set. 5. Costs: free electronic data download via WWW, distribution on CD may be subject to nominal processing and handling fee IV. Data Structural Descriptors A. Data Set File 1. File Name: GEL-GCES-1402_sampling_1_0.CSV 2. Size: 8 records 3. File Format: ASCII text (comma-separated value format) 3a. Delimiters: single comma 4. Header Information: 5 lines of ASCII text 5. Alphanumeric Attributes: 6. Quality Control Flag Codes: 7. Authentication Procedures: 8. Calculations: 9. Processing History: Software version: GCE Data Toolbox Version 3.8.0 (09-Nov-2013) Data structure version: GCE Data Structure 1.1 (29-Mar-2001) Original data file processed: GEL-GCES-1402.txt (8 records) Data processing history: 26-Feb-2014: new GCE Data Structure 1.1 created ('newstruct') 26-Feb-2014: 8 rows imported from ASCII data file 'GEL-GCES-1402.txt' ('imp_ascii') 26-Feb-2014: 70 metadata fields in file header parsed ('parse_header') 26-Feb-2014: data structure validated ('gce_valid') 26-Feb-2014: imported Dataset, Project, Site, Study, Status, Supplement metadata descriptors from the GCE Metabase ('imp_gcemetadata') 26-Feb-2014: updated 48 metadata fields in the Dataset, Project, Site, Status, Study, Supplement sections ('addmeta') 26-Feb-2014: Variable Type of column Extraction changed from 'boolean' to 'logical';Numeric Type of column Removed changed from 'coutinuous' to 'continuous ('ui_editor') 26-Feb-2014: imported Dataset, Project, Site, Study, Status, Supplement metadata descriptors from the GCE Metabase ('imp_gcemetadata') 26-Feb-2014: updated 48 metadata fields in the Dataset, Project, Site, Status, Study, Supplement sections ('addmeta') 26-Feb-2014: imported Dataset, Project, Site, Study, Status, Supplement metadata descriptors from the GCE Metabase ('imp_gcemetadata') 26-Feb-2014: updated 48 metadata fields in the Dataset, Project, Site, Status, Study, Supplement sections ('addmeta') 26-Feb-2014: manually edited data set metadata ('ui_editmetadata') 26-Feb-2014: flags for columns East_NAD83, Nrth_NAD83, Elv_NAVD88, Elev_MLLW, Marsh_Thic, Sand_Elev, Sand_Thick, Clay_Elev, Clay_Thick, Sampl_Lgth, Removed and Compaction converted to data columns, flag codes updated in metadata ('flags2cols') 26-Feb-2014: updated 6 metadata fields in the Data sections ('addmeta') 26-Feb-2014: updated 15 metadata fields in the Status, Data sections to reflect attribute metadata ('updatecols') 26-Feb-2014: parsed and formatted metadata ('listmeta') B. Variable Information 1. Variable Name: column 1. Type column 2. Name column 3. East_NAD83 column 4. Flag_East_NAD83 column 5. Nrth_NAD83 column 6. Flag_Nrth_NAD83 column 7. Extraction column 8. Vegetation column 9. Elv_NAVD88 column 10. Flag_Elv_NAVD88 column 11. Elev_MLLW column 12. Flag_Elev_MLLW column 13. Marsh_Thic column 14. Flag_Marsh_Thic column 15. Sand_Elev column 16. Flag_Sand_Elev column 17. Sand_Thick column 18. Flag_Sand_Thick column 19. Clay_Elev column 20. Flag_Clay_Elev column 21. Clay_Thick column 22. Flag_Clay_Thick column 23. Sampl_Lgth column 24. Flag_Sampl_Lgth column 25. Removed column 26. Flag_Removed column 27. Compaction column 28. Flag_Compaction 2. Variable Definition: column 1. Data type (i.e., vibracore or tree stump). column 2. Unique name given each data sampling location. column 3. Easting (X) coordinate of the sampling location, in the UTM coordinate system, Zone 17, and the North American Datum of 1983 column 4. QA/QC flags for Easting (X) coordinate of the sampling location, in the UTM coordinate system, Zone 17, and the North American Datum of 1983 (flagging criteria, where "x" is East_NAD83: ) column 5. Northing (Y) coordinate of the sampling location, in the UTM coordinate system, Zone 17, and the North American Datum of 1983 column 6. QA/QC flags for Northing (Y) coordinate of the sampling location, in the UTM coordinate system, Zone 17, and the North American Datum of 1983 (flagging criteria, where "x" is Nrth_NAD83: ) column 7. Yes or No column indicating whether or not a sample was extracted from the location. column 8. Vegetation type noted on the surface of the marsh column 9. Present-day elevation of the marsh surface, in cm above NAVD88 column 10. QA/QC flags for Present-day elevation of the marsh surface, in cm above NAVD88 (flagging criteria, where "x" is Elv_NAVD88: ) column 11. Present-day elevation of the marsh surface, in cm above mean lower low water column 12. QA/QC flags for Present-day elevation of the marsh surface, in cm above mean lower low water (flagging criteria, where "x" is Elev_MLLW: ) column 13. Thickness of the present-day marsh layer, in absolute or range format column 14. QA/QC flags for Thickness of the present-day marsh layer, in absolute or range format (flagging criteria, where "x" is Marsh_Thic: ) column 15. Elevation of the top of the sand layer, which is underneath the present-day marsh, in absolute orr ange foramt, in cm above Mean Lower Low Water column 16. QA/QC flags for Elevation of the top of the sand layer, which is underneath the present-day marsh, in absolute orr ange foramt, in cm above Mean Lower Low Water (flagging criteria, where "x" is Sand_Elev: ) column 17. Thickness of the sand layer, in absolute or range format column 18. QA/QC flags for Thickness of the sand layer, in absolute or range format (flagging criteria, where "x" is Sand_Thick: ) column 19. Elevation of the top of the greeen-grey clay layer, which is underneath the sand layer, in cm above Mean Lower Low Water column 20. QA/QC flags for Elevation of the top of the greeen-grey clay layer, which is underneath the sand layer, in cm above Mean Lower Low Water (flagging criteria, where "x" is Clay_Elev: ) column 21. Thickness of the green-grey clay layer, which is greater than column 22. QA/QC flags for Thickness of the green-grey clay layer, which is greater than (flagging criteria, where "x" is Clay_Thick: ) column 23. Length of the entire sediment sample, after compaction column 24. QA/QC flags for Length of the entire sediment sample, after compaction (flagging criteria, where "x" is Sampl_Lgth: ) column 25. Length of the top layer of marsh sediment removed prior to coring column 26. QA/QC flags for Length of the top layer of marsh sediment removed prior to coring (flagging criteria, where "x" is Removed: ) column 27. Amount of soil compaction that occurred during coring column 28. QA/QC flags for Amount of soil compaction that occurred during coring (flagging criteria, where "x" is Compaction: ) 3. Units of Measurement: column 1. none column 2. none column 3. meters column 4. none column 5. meters column 6. none column 7. none column 8. none column 9. centimeters column 10. none column 11. centimeters column 12. none column 13. centimeters column 14. none column 15. centimeters column 16. none column 17. centimeters column 18. none column 19. centimeters column 20. none column 21. centimeters column 22. none column 23. centimeters column 24. none column 25. centimeters column 26. none column 27. centimeters column 28. none 4. Data Type a. Storage Type: column 1. alphanumeric column 2. alphanumeric column 3. floating-point column 4. alphanumeric column 5. floating-point column 6. alphanumeric column 7. alphanumeric column 8. alphanumeric column 9. floating-point column 10. alphanumeric column 11. floating-point column 12. alphanumeric column 13. alphanumeric column 14. alphanumeric column 15. alphanumeric column 16. alphanumeric column 17. alphanumeric column 18. alphanumeric column 19. floating-point column 20. alphanumeric column 21. alphanumeric column 22. alphanumeric column 23. floating-point column 24. alphanumeric column 25. floating-point column 26. alphanumeric column 27. floating-point column 28. alphanumeric b. Variable Codes: c. Numeric Range: column 1. (none) column 2. (none) column 3. 472030 to 472113.682 column 4. (none) column 5. 3479335.478 to 3479620.448 column 6. (none) column 7. (none) column 8. (none) column 9. 63.9 to 104.7 column 10. (none) column 11. 191.6 to 232.4 column 12. (none) column 13. (none) column 14. (none) column 15. (none) column 16. (none) column 17. (none) column 18. (none) column 19. 0 to 61.4 column 20. (none) column 21. (none) column 22. (none) column 23. 170.8 to 225.3 column 24. (none) column 25. 19.5 to 29 column 26. (none) column 27. 2.5 to 19.5 column 28. (none) d. Missing Value Code: 5. Data Format a. Column Type: column 1. text column 2. text column 3. numerical column 4. text column 5. numerical column 6. text column 7. text column 8. text column 9. numerical column 10. text column 11. numerical column 12. text column 13. text column 14. text column 15. text column 16. text column 17. text column 18. text column 19. numerical column 20. text column 21. text column 22. text column 23. numerical column 24. text column 25. numerical column 26. text column 27. numerical column 28. text b. Number of Columns: 28 c. Decimal Places: column 1. 0 column 2. 0 column 3. 3 column 4. 0 column 5. 3 column 6. 0 column 7. 0 column 8. 0 column 9. 1 column 10. 0 column 11. 1 column 12. 0 column 13. 0 column 14. 0 column 15. 0 column 16. 0 column 17. 0 column 18. 0 column 19. 1 column 20. 0 column 21. 0 column 22. 0 column 23. 1 column 24. 0 column 25. 1 column 26. 0 column 27. 1 column 28. 0 6. Logical Variable Type: column 1. free text (none) column 2. free text (none) column 3. data (continuous) column 4. coded value (none) column 5. data (continuous) column 6. coded value (none) column 7. logical (none) column 8. free text (none) column 9. data (continuous) column 10. coded value (none) column 11. data (continuous) column 12. coded value (none) column 13. data (none) column 14. coded value (none) column 15. data (none) column 16. coded value (none) column 17. data (none) column 18. coded value (none) column 19. data (continuous) column 20. coded value (none) column 21. data (none) column 22. coded value (none) column 23. data (continuous) column 24. coded value (none) column 25. data (continuous) column 26. coded value (none) column 27. data (continuous) column 28. coded value (none) 7. Flagging Criteria: column 1. none column 2. none column 3. none column 4. none column 5. none column 6. none column 7. none column 8. none column 9. none column 10. none column 11. none column 12. none column 13. none column 14. none column 15. none column 16. none column 17. none column 18. none column 19. none column 20. none column 21. none column 22. none column 23. none column 24. none column 25. none column 26. none column 27. none column 28. none C. Data Anomalies: V. Supplemental Descriptors A. Data Acquisition 1. Data Forms: 2. Form Location: 3. Data Entry Validation: B. Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures: C. Supplemental Materials: One half of each core was wrapped in plastic wrap, put into a plastic "D-tube" with a damp sponge, and put into refrigerated storage at the Skidaway Intitute of Oceanography. D. Computer Programs: Microsoft Excel 2003, ESRI ArcGIS 9.3 and 10.0 E. Archival Practices: F. Publications: not specified G. History of Data Set Usage 1. Data Request History: not specified 2. Data Set Update History: none 3. Review History: none 4. Questions and Comments from Users: none