I. Data Set Descriptors A. Title: Brian R. Silliman. 2011. Study of Salt Marsh Consumer Diversity and Ecosystem Function on Sapelo Island, Georgia, from May-December 2011. Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Data Catalog (data set INV-GCES-1112; http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/app/dataset_details.asp?accession=INV-GCES-1112) B. Accession Number: INV-GCES-1112 C. Description 1. Originator(s): Name: Brian R. Silliman Address: 135 Duke Marine Lab Rd. Duke University Marine Lab Beaufort, North Carolina 28516-9721 Country: USA Email: brian.silliman@duke.edu 2. Abstract: This dataset contains the results of a field study investigating the effect of salt marsh consumer diversity on ecosystem functioning. Our field studies reveal that a diverse consumer assemblage significantly enhances simultaneous functioning of disparate ecosystem processes (i.e., productivity, decomposition, and infiltration). Extreme functional and phylogenetic differences among consumers underlie this relationship. Each marsh consumer affected at least one different ecosystem function and each individual function was affected by more than two consumers. 3. Study Type: Directed Study 4. Study Themes: Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology, Population Ecology 5. LTER Core Areas: Other Site Research 6. Georeferences: none 7. Submission Date: Dec 15, 2011 D. Keywords: biodiversity, consumers, diseases, ecosystems, food webs, fungi, GCE, Georgia, Georgia Coastal Ecosystems, LTER, multifunctionality, salt marshes, Sapelo Island, USA II. Research Origin Descriptors A. Overall Project Description 1. Project Title: Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Project II 2. Principal Investigators: Name: Merryl Alber Address: Dept. of Marine Sciences University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 30602-3636 Country: USA Email: malber@uga.edu 3. Funding Period: May 01, 2006 to Nov 01, 2012 4. Objectives: To understand the mechanisms by which variation in the quality, source and amount of both fresh and salt water create temporal and spatial variability in estuarine habitats and processes, in order to predict directional changes that will occur in response to long-term shifts in estuarine salinity patterns 5. Abstract: The Georgia Coastal Ecosystems (GCE) LTER program, located on the central Georgia coast, was established in 2000. The study domain encompasses three adjacent sounds (Altamaha, Doboy, Sapelo) and includes upland (mainland, barrier islands, marsh hammocks), intertidal (fresh, brackish and salt marsh) and submerged (river, estuary, continental shelf) habitats. Patterns and processes in this complex landscape vary spatially within and between sites, and temporally on multiple scales (tidal, diurnal, seasonal, and interannual). Overlain on this spatial and temporal variation are long-term trends caused by climate change, sea level rise, and human alterations of the landscape. These long-term trends are likely to manifest in many ways, including changes in water quality, river discharge, runoff and tidal inundation patterns throughout the estuarine landscape. The overarching goal of the GCE program is to understand the mechanisms by which variation in the quality, source and amount of both fresh and salt water create temporal and spatial variability in estuarine habitats and processes, in order to predict directional changes that will occur in response to long-term shifts in estuarine salinity patterns. The objectives of the current funding cycle are 1) to continue to document long-term patterns of environmental forcing to the coastal zone, 2) to link environmental forcing to observed spatial and temporal patterns of biogeochemical processes, primary production, community dynamics, decomposition and disturbance, 3) to investigate the underlying mechanisms by which environmental gradients along the longitudinal (freshwater-saltwater) and 4) lateral (upland-subtidal) axes of estuaries drive ecosystem change, and 5) to explore the relative importance of larval transport and the conditions of the adult environment in determining community and genetic structure across both the longitudinal and vertical gradients of the estuary. To meet these objectives, we utilize a suite of approaches including long-term monitoring of abiotic drivers and ecosystem responses; manipulative and natural experiments designed to enable us to examine the importance of key ecosystem drivers; and modeling. 6. Funding Source: NSF OCE 0620959 B. Sub-project Description 1. Site Description a. Geographic Location: Sapelo -- Sapelo Island, Sapelo Island, Georgia Silliman_Airport_Marsh_2011 -- Silliman_Airport_Marsh_Cages_2011 Coordinates: Sapelo -- NW: 081 18 28.72 W, 31 32 10.93 N NE: 081 10 34.26 W, 31 32 10.93 N SE: 081 10 34.26 W, 31 22 48.54 N SW: 081 18 28.72 W, 31 22 48.54 N Silliman_Airport_Marsh_2011 -- 081 17 30.8 W, 31 25 23.4 N b. Physiographic Region: Sapelo -- unspecified Silliman_Airport_Marsh_2011 -- unspecified c. Landform Components: Sapelo -- Barrier island Silliman_Airport_Marsh_2011 -- Barrier island d. Hydrographic Characteristics: Sapelo -- unspecified Silliman_Airport_Marsh_2011 -- unspecified e. Topographic Attributes: Sapelo -- unspecified Silliman_Airport_Marsh_2011 -- unspecified f. Geology, Lithology and Soils: Sapelo -- unspecified Silliman_Airport_Marsh_2011 -- unspecified g. Vegetation Communities: Sapelo -- Salt marsh vegetation on the island exterior (dominated by Spartina alterniflora), transitioning to marsh meadow and maritime forest on the island interior Silliman_Airport_Marsh_2011 -- Salt marsh vegetation on the island exterior (dominated by Spartina alterniflora), transitioning to marsh meadow and maritime forest on the island interior h. History of Land Use and Disturbance: none recorded i. Climate: Climate summary for Sapelo Island, Georgia, based on NWS data from 1980-2010: Daily-aggregated Values: Mean (sample standard deviation) mean air temperature: 20.09°C (7.28°C) minimum air temperature: 15.02°C (7.96°C) maximum air temperature: 24.82°C (6.98°C) total precipitation: 3.26mm (10.3mm) Yearly-aggregated Daily Values: Mean (sample standard deviation) total precipitation (1980-2010): 1124mm (266mm) 2. Experimental or Sampling Design a. Design Characteristics: I manipulated the presence or absence of Litoraria irrorata, Sesarma reticulatum, and marsh grass fungus and measured the response on net primary production, decomposition rates, and infiltration rates b. Permanent Plots: Sixty-four plots were selected (mean Spartina density: 120.8 ± 6.2 stems/m2.) in the short Spartina zone. Treatments consisted of replicated (n=8) 1-m2 roofless cages constructed out of 106cm- tall aluminum flashing. To ensure that the cages did not affect tidal water flow, we poked small holes in the flashing with a screwdriver near the marsh surface to allow water to drain. To deter crabs from burrowing out of cages, we sunk aluminum flashing 35 cm into the marsh. To deter snail escape, we painted the flashing with a band of anti-fouling paint (Rust-Oleum Boat Bottom Anti-Fouling Paint),To reduce fungal biomass in fungal removal treatments, we sprayed Spartina stems with systemic fungicide (Daconil Ultrex Turf Care with Chlorothanla) mixed with tap water every 5 days which has not been found to affect growth of Spartina plants in longer-term experiments. c. Data Collection Duration and Frequency: The experiment was run for 8 months from May - December 2011. We manipulated the presence and absence of all three species in a factorial design that yielded 8 treatments and comprised 4 levels of diversity: three consumers (crabs+snails+fungus), two consumers (crabs+snails, crabs+fungus, snails+fungus), one consumer (crabs or snails or fungus), and no consumers. Sixty-four plots were selected (mean Spartina density: 120.8 ± 6.2 stems/m2). In each plot, the presence or absence of each consumer was manipulated and density was kept constant. We collected adult crabs (2.5-3.5cm carapace width) and adult snails (8-12 mm shell height) from nearby marshes and stocked cages with naturally high densities observed at our field site (10 crabs/m2, 500 snails/m2). Densities were monitored once a week and crabs and snails were either added or removed as necessary to maintain treatment integrity. Beginning of Observations: May 01, 2011 End of Observations: Dec 01, 2011 3. Research Methods a. Field and Laboratory Methods: Method 1: Net Primary Production -- To determine the effect of experimental consumer variety on net primary production, net Spartina production was estimated by measuring change in live aboveground plant mass from the beginning to end of the experiment. In May when the cages were deployed, we measured stem height and density in a representative 0.5m2 plot and converted these stem height and density values to an initial standing biomass using regressions based on plants sampled from just outside the plots. Initial conditions were nearly identical in all plots (mean Spartina biomass: 264.3 ± 9.0 g/m2). Inside each plot, we established a permanent 0.5-m2 quadrat used to monitor live and dead Spartina stem density every month. At the conclusion of the experiment, all Spartina stems remaining in a representative 0.5m2 plot were harvested, rinsed in water, separated into live and dead stems, dried at 60°C in an oven for 2 days, and weighed. NPP was estimated by calculating the change in biomass (i.e. live stems only) from beginning to end of the experiment (where a value below zero indicates biomass was lost). Method 2: Decomposition Rate -- We quantified the effect of consumer variety on marsh decomposition rate by deploying a plug consisting of 3 dead Spartina stems zip-tied to a plastic flag post. In June 2011, standing dead Spartina stems were collected from a nearby marsh, rinsed, and dried for 24 hours at 60°C before taking an initial mass. Each plug weighed 7.0 ± 0.2g initially and was placed in the middle of each plot for 30 days. After 30 days the remaining grass was retrieved from the plot, rinsed, and dried at 60°C for 24 hours. The dry stems were weighed and mass lost (g) was calculated. A new plug was placed in each plot and the procedure was repeated at the beginning of July and August. Mean percent biomass lost per month was calculated across three sampling periods (June, July, and August) Method 3: Infiltration rate -- We quantified the effect of consumer variety on marsh infiltration at the conclusion of the experiment using a double-ring infiltrometer. Two hours after a high tide, we placed a 1.5L ring in a representative area and filled it with 1L of water from a nearby tidal creek and we measured the time required for the water to drain out of the ring (L/min). This measurement was repeated in four plots for each of the eight treatments. Method 4: Average Multifunctionality -- For each of the three functions, we used a “standardization by maximum observed value” approach where we defined maximum functioning as the mean of the highest three values from all 64 plots in the experiment for each function, giving us one maximum for each function regardless of treatment. Using this maximum, plot data was recorded as the percent of that maximum for each function, creating a scaled “percent functioning” value for each individual plot. Then we calculated the geometric mean of these three percentages to obtain a multifunctionality index for each plot, where the highest multifunctional plots will have the highest average percent functioning across all functions relative to the maximum multifunction achieved for a single plot b. Instrumentation: Method 1: Drying oven Manufacturer: Fisher Scientific (Model: 750G) scissors, scale, drying oven Method 2: drying oven Drying oven Manufacturer: Fisher Scientific (Model: 750G) Method 3: Double ring infiltrometer made from PVC, volume 1.5L Double ring inflitrometer Manufacturer: based on Rickly Hydrological Company model (Model: based on Model 1003-001) Parameter: soil permeability (Range: ~0-5 liters) Method 4: none c. Taxonomy and Systematics: Method 1: not applicable Method 2: not applicable Method 3: not applicable Method 4: not applicable d. Speclies List: e. Permit History: Method 1: not applicable Method 2: not applicable Method 3: not applicable Method 4: not applicable 4. Project Personnel a. Personnel: 1: Brian R. Silliman 2: Marc Simon Hensel b. Affiliations: 1: Duke University, Beaufort, North Carolina 2: University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida III. Data Set Status and Accessibility A. Status 1. Latest Update: 27-Feb-2015 2. Latest Archive Date: 27-Feb-2015 3. Latest Metadata Update: 27-Feb-2015 4. Data Verification Status: Awaiting Revisions B. Accessibility 1. Storage Location and Medium: Stored at GCE-LTER Data Management Office Dept. of Marine Sciences Univ. of Georgia Athens, GA 30602-3636 USA on media: electronic data download (WWW) or compact disk 2. Contact Person: Name: Wade M. Sheldon, Jr. Address: Dept. of Marine Sciences University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 30602-3636 Country: USA Email: sheldon@uga.edu 3. Copyright Restrictions: not copyrighted 4. Restrictions: All publications based on this data set must cite the contributor and Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER project, and two copies of the manuscript must be submitted to the GCE-LTER Information Management Office. a. Release Date: Affiliates: Dec 15, 2011, Public: Dec 15, 2013 b. Citation: Data provided by the Georgia Coastal Ecosystems Long Term Ecological Research Project, supported by funds from NSF OCE 0620959 (data set INV-GCES-1112) c. Disclaimer: The user assumes all responsibility for errors in judgement based on interpretation of data and analyses presented in this data set. 5. Costs: free electronic data download via WWW, distribution on CD may be subject to nominal processing and handling fee IV. Data Structural Descriptors A. Data Set File 1. File Name: INV-GCES-1112_1_0.CSV 2. Size: 64 records 3. File Format: ASCII text (comma-separated value format) 3a. Delimiters: single comma 4. Header Information: 5 lines of ASCII text 5. Alphanumeric Attributes: 6. Quality Control Flag Codes: Q = questionable value, I = invalid value 7. Authentication Procedures: 8. Calculations: 9. Processing History: Software version: GCE Data Toolbox Version 3.9.2 (01-Dec-2014) Data structure version: GCE Data Structure 1.1 (29-Mar-2001) Original data file processed: INV-GCES-1112.txt (64 records) Data processing history: 27-Feb-2015: new GCE Data Structure 1.1 created ('newstruct') 27-Feb-2015: 64 rows imported from ASCII data file 'INV-GCES-1112.txt' ('imp_ascii') 27-Feb-2015: 82 metadata fields in file header parsed ('parse_header') 27-Feb-2015: data structure validated ('gce_valid') 27-Feb-2015: Q/C flagging criteria applied, 'flags' field updated ('dataflag') 27-Feb-2015: Units of column number_of_consumers changed from 'number' to 'count'; Units of column change_in_biomass changed from 'g/m2' to 'g/m^2 ('ui_editor') 27-Feb-2015: imported Dataset, Project, Site, Study, Status, Supplement metadata descriptors from the GCE Metabase ('imp_gcemetadata') 27-Feb-2015: updated 56 metadata fields in the Dataset, Project, Site, Status, Study, Supplement sections ('addmeta') 27-Feb-2015: imported Dataset, Project, Site, Study, Status, Supplement metadata descriptors from the GCE Metabase ('imp_gcemetadata') 27-Feb-2015: updated 56 metadata fields in the Dataset, Project, Site, Status, Study, Supplement sections ('addmeta') 27-Feb-2015: imported Dataset, Project, Site, Study, Status, Supplement metadata descriptors from the GCE Metabase ('imp_gcemetadata') 27-Feb-2015: updated 56 metadata fields in the Dataset, Project, Site, Status, Study, Supplement sections ('addmeta') 27-Feb-2015: manually edited data set metadata ('ui_editmetadata') 27-Feb-2015: Name of column snails changed to Snail_Presence; Name of column crabs changed to Crabs_Presence; Name of column fungus changed to Fungus_Presence; Name of column treatment changed to Treatment; Name of column replicate changed to Replicate; Name of column number_of_consumers changed to Consumers; Name of column change_in_biomass changed to Biomass_Change; Name of column decomposition_rate changed to Decomposition_Rate; Name of column infiltration_rate changed to Infiltration_Rate; Name of column average_multifunctionality changed to Average_Multifunctionality;Variable Type of column Snail_Presence changed from 'text' to 'code'; Variable Type of column Crabs_Presence changed from 'text' to 'code'; Variable Type of column Fungus_Presence changed from 'text' to 'code'; Variable Type of column Treatment changed from 'text' to 'code'; Variable Type of column Replicate changed from 'nominal' to 'ordinal ('ui_editor') 27-Feb-2015: updated 6 metadata fields in the Data sections ('addmeta') 27-Feb-2015: updated 15 metadata fields in the Status, Data sections to reflect attribute metadata ('updatecols') 27-Feb-2015: parsed and formatted metadata ('listmeta') B. Variable Information 1. Variable Name: column 1. Snail_Presence column 2. Crabs_Presence column 3. Fungus_Presence column 4. Treatment column 5. Replicate column 6. Consumers column 7. Biomass_Change column 8. Decomposition_Rate column 9. Infiltration_Rate column 10. Average_Multifunctionality 2. Variable Definition: column 1. Presence (S) or absence (NS) of snails in plot. column 2. Presence (C) or absence (NC) of crabs in plot. column 3. Presence (F) or absence (NF) of fungus in plot. column 4. combined treatment code column 5. replication number for each treatment column 6. total number of consumers in each treatment column 7. change in biomass from May to December in each plot column 8. change in mass per month in decomposition plugs per plot column 9. infiltration rate per plot column 10. geometric mean of multifunctionality per plot 3. Units of Measurement: column 1. none column 2. none column 3. none column 4. none column 5. none column 6. count column 7. g/m^2 column 8. g/month column 9. L/hr column 10. percent 4. Data Type a. Storage Type: column 1. string column 2. string column 3. string column 4. string column 5. integer column 6. integer column 7. floating-point column 8. floating-point column 9. floating-point column 10. floating-point b. Variable Codes: snails: S = snails, NS = no snails Crabs_Presence: C = crabs present, NC = no crabs present Fungus_Presence: F = fungus present, NF = no fungus present Snail_Presence: NS = no snails present, S = snails present Treatment: NSCF = crabs plus fungus (no snails), NSCNF = crabs only (no snails and no fungus), NSNCF = fungus only (no snails and no crabs), NSNCNF = no consumers, SCF = snails plus crabs plus fungus, SCNF = snails plus crabs (no fungus), SNCF = snails plus fungus (no crabs), SNCNF = snails only (no crabs and no fungus) c. Numeric Range: column 1. (none) column 2. (none) column 3. (none) column 4. (none) column 5. 1 to 8 column 6. 0 to 3 column 7. -268.9072 to 277.534 column 8. 1.76 to 5.31 column 9. 1.0846 to 12.2595 column 10. 32.6678 to 87.312 d. Missing Value Code: 5. Data Format a. Column Type: column 1. text column 2. text column 3. text column 4. text column 5. numerical column 6. numerical column 7. numerical column 8. numerical column 9. numerical column 10. numerical b. Number of Columns: 10 c. Decimal Places: column 1. 0 column 2. 0 column 3. 0 column 4. 0 column 5. 0 column 6. 0 column 7. 4 column 8. 2 column 9. 4 column 10. 2 6. Logical Variable Type: column 1. coded value (none) column 2. coded value (none) column 3. coded value (none) column 4. coded value (none) column 5. ordinal (discrete) column 6. data (discrete) column 7. calculation (continuous) column 8. data (continuous) column 9. data (continuous) column 10. calculation (continuous) 7. Flagging Criteria: column 1. none column 2. none column 3. none column 4. none column 5. x<1="Q";x>8="Q" column 6. x<0="Q";x>3="Q" column 7. x<-600="Q";x>300="Q" column 8. x<0="I";x<0="Q";x>7="Q" column 9. x<0="I";x<0="Q";x>20="Q" column 10. x<0="Q";x>100="Q" C. Data Anomalies: Infiltration rates were calculated on half of the plots, which means that full multifunctionality values were only calculated for those plots V. Supplemental Descriptors A. Data Acquisition 1. Data Forms: excel 2. Form Location: Marc Hensel, Dept of Biology Umass Boston 3. Data Entry Validation: excel B. Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures: C. Supplemental Materials: D. Computer Programs: excel, R E. Archival Practices: F. Publications: not specified G. History of Data Set Usage 1. Data Request History: not specified 2. Data Set Update History: none 3. Review History: none 4. Questions and Comments from Users: none