I. Data Set Descriptors A. Title: Robert E. Hodson. 2003. December 2002 surface water dissolved organic carbon concentrations at ten Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER sampling sites. Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Data Catalog (data set ORG-GCEM-0303f; http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/app/dataset_details.asp?accession=ORG-GCEM-0303f) B. Accession Number: ORG-GCEM-0303f C. Description 1. Originator(s): Name: Robert E. Hodson Address: Dept. of Marine Sciences University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 30602-3636 Country: USA Email: rhodson@uga.edu 2. Abstract: Water samples were collected by Niskin bottle from just beneath the surface during tidal surveys at ten GCE-LTER sampling sites in December, 2002. Water samples were immediately filtered through ashed Whatman GF/F filters and three replicate samples were acidified, refrigerated and transported to the laboratory for analysis. Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon were measured in each sample by high temperature combustion and chromatographic analysis using a Shimadzu TOC analyzer. This study was part of the GCE-LTER hydrographic monitoring program, and will be repeated quarterly. 3. Study Type: Monitoring 4. Study Themes: Organic Matter/Decomposition 5. LTER Core Areas: Organic Matter 6. Georeferences: geographic coordinates as data columns 7. Submission Date: Mar 01, 2003 D. Keywords: biogeochemistry, carbon, Cruise Nutrient Sampling, dissolved organic carbon, organic carbon, Organic Matter, water column II. Research Origin Descriptors A. Overall Project Description 1. Project Title: Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Project 2. Principal Investigators: Name: James T. Hollibaugh Address: Dept. of Marine Sciences University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 30602-3636 Country: USA Email: aquadoc@uga.edu 3. Funding Period: May 01, 2000 to May 01, 2006 4. Objectives: To investigate the linkages between coastal and distant upland areas in central Georgia mediated by surface and ground water delivery to the coastal zone. This will be addressed by examining the relationship between variability in environmental factors driven by river flow, primarily salinity, and ecosystem processes and structure. 5. Abstract: We propose to establish a Long Term Ecological Research site on the central Georgia coast in the vicinity of Sapelo Island. This is a barrier island and marsh complex with the Altamaha River, one of the largest and least developed rivers on the east coast of the US, as the primary source of fresh water. The proposed study would investigate the linkages between local and distant upland areas mediated by water - surface water and ground water - delivery to the coastal zone. We would explicitly examine the relationship between variability in environmental factors driven by river flow, primarily salinity because we can measure it at high frequency, and ecosystem processes and structure. We will accomplish this by comparing estuary/marsh complexes separated from the Altamaha River by one or two lagoonal estuary/marsh complexes that damp and attenuate the river signal. This spatial gradient is analogous to the temporal trend in riverine influence expected as a result of development in the watershed. We will implement a monitoring system that documents physical and biological variables and use the time trends and spatial distributions of these variables and of their variance structure to address questions about the factors controlling distributions, trophic structure, diversity, and biogeochemistry. An existing GIS-based hydrologic model will be modified to incorporate changes in river water resulting from changes in land use patterns that can be expected as the watershed develops. This model will be linked to ecosystem models and will serve as an heuristic and management tool. Another consequence of coastal development is that as river flow decreases, groundwater flow increases and becomes nutrified. We will compare the effects of ground water discharge from the surficial aquifer in relatively pristine (Sapelo Island) versus more urbanized (mainland) sites to assess the relative importance of fresh water versus nutrients to productivity, structure and biomass turnover rate in marshes influenced by groundwater. We will also investigate the effect of marine processes (tides, storm surge) on mixing across the fresh/salt interface in the surficial aquifer. Additional physical studies will relate the morphology of salt marsh - tidal creek channel complexes to tidal current distributions and exchange. These findings will be incorporated into a physical model that will be coupled to an existing ecosystem model. The land/ocean margin ecosystem lies at the interface between two ecosystems in which distinctly different groups of decomposers control organic matter degradation. The terrestrial ecosystem is largely dominated by fungal decomposers, while bacterial decomposers dominate the marine ecosystem. Both groups are important in salt marsh-dominated ecosystems. Specific studies will examine, at the level of individual cells and hyphae, the relationship bacteria and fungi in the consortia that decompose standing dead Spartina and other marsh plants and examine how, or if, this changes along the salinity gradient. 6. Funding Source: NSF OCE 9982133 B. Sub-project Description 1. Site Description a. Geographic Location: GCE1 -- Eulonia, Georgia, USA GCE2 -- Four Mile Island, Georgia, USA GCE3 -- North Sapelo, Sapelo Island, Georgia, USA GCE4 -- Meridian, Georgia, USA GCE5 -- Folly River, Georgia, USA GCE6 -- Dean Creek, Sapelo Island, Georgia, USA GCE7 -- Carrs Island, Georgia, USA GCE8 -- Alligator Creek, Georgia, USA GCE9 -- Rockdedundy Island, Georgia, USA GCE10 -- Hunt Camp, Sapelo Island, Georgia, USA GCE-SP -- Sapelo River, Georgia, USA GCE-DB -- Doboy Sound, Georgia, USA GCE-AL -- Altamaha River, Georgia, USA GCE-DP -- Duplin River, Georgia, USA AL+02 -- AL+02 AL+14 -- AL+14 AL+24 -- AL+24 DB+00 -- DB+00 DB+08 -- DB+08 DB+12.6 -- DB+12.6 DUP5 -- Duplin River station 5 (Hunt Camp) SP+03 -- SP+03 SP+12 -- SP+12 SP+36 -- SP+36 Coordinates: GCE1 -- NW: 081 25 42.53 W, 31 32 48.30 N NE: 081 24 38.64 W, 31 32 48.30 N SE: 081 24 38.64 W, 31 32 02.27 N SW: 081 25 42.53 W, 31 32 02.27 N GCE2 -- NW: 081 19 08.26 W, 31 33 09.19 N NE: 081 17 34.24 W, 31 33 09.19 N SE: 081 17 34.24 W, 31 32 00.97 N SW: 081 19 08.26 W, 31 32 00.97 N GCE3 -- NW: 081 13 59.70 W, 31 32 48.72 N NE: 081 11 44.38 W, 31 32 48.72 N SE: 081 11 44.38 W, 31 30 54.68 N SW: 081 13 59.70 W, 31 30 54.68 N GCE4 -- NW: 081 22 14.71 W, 31 27 48.72 N NE: 081 21 26.12 W, 31 27 48.72 N SE: 081 21 26.12 W, 31 26 54.31 N SW: 081 22 14.71 W, 31 26 54.31 N GCE5 -- NW: 081 21 15.89 W, 31 26 33.14 N NE: 081 19 37.92 W, 31 26 33.14 N SE: 081 19 37.92 W, 31 25 03.50 N SW: 081 21 15.89 W, 31 25 03.50 N GCE6 -- NW: 081 17 58.28 W, 31 23 38.66 N NE: 081 15 51.76 W, 31 23 38.66 N SE: 081 15 51.76 W, 31 22 15.61 N SW: 081 17 58.28 W, 31 22 15.61 N GCE7 -- NW: 081 29 36.59 W, 31 20 55.59 N NE: 081 28 33.24 W, 31 20 55.59 N SE: 081 28 33.24 W, 31 20 03.71 N SW: 081 29 36.59 W, 31 20 03.71 N GCE8 -- NW: 081 25 34.58 W, 31 19 04.11 N NE: 081 24 38.28 W, 31 19 04.11 N SE: 081 24 38.28 W, 31 18 14.63 N SW: 081 25 34.58 W, 31 18 14.63 N GCE9 -- NW: 081 20 48.23 W, 31 21 29.31 N NE: 081 19 35.38 W, 31 21 29.31 N SE: 081 19 35.38 W, 31 20 21.02 N SW: 081 20 48.23 W, 31 20 21.02 N GCE10 -- NW: 081 17 43.82 W, 31 29 49.29 N NE: 081 15 32.07 W, 31 29 49.29 N SE: 081 15 32.07 W, 31 27 44.35 N SW: 081 17 43.82 W, 31 27 44.35 N GCE-SP -- NW: 081 25 55.13 W, 31 33 34.66 N NE: 081 09 14.84 W, 31 33 34.66 N SE: 081 09 14.84 W, 31 30 59.89 N SW: 081 25 55.13 W, 31 30 59.89 N GCE-DB -- NW: 081 22 05.66 W, 31 27 20.39 N NE: 081 14 34.64 W, 31 27 20.39 N SE: 081 14 34.64 W, 31 20 27.39 N SW: 081 22 05.66 W, 31 20 27.39 N GCE-AL -- NW: 081 34 56.32 W, 31 24 05.05 N NE: 081 14 16.57 W, 31 24 05.05 N SE: 081 14 16.57 W, 31 17 45.72 N SW: 081 34 56.32 W, 31 17 45.72 N GCE-DP -- NW: 081 18 07.15 W, 31 29 11.37 N NE: 081 15 47.25 W, 31 29 11.37 N SE: 081 15 47.25 W, 31 24 39.08 N SW: 081 18 07.15 W, 31 24 39.08 N AL+02 -- 081 18 24.0 W, 31 19 15.0 N AL+14 -- 081 24 54.0 W, 31 18 24.0 N AL+24 -- 081 28 30.0 W, 31 20 12.0 N DB+00 -- 081 16 54.2 W, 31 22 34.9 N DB+08 -- 081 19 46.4 W, 31 25 56.6 N DB+12.6 -- 081 21 42.5 W, 31 27 12.4 N DUP5 -- 081 16 25.0 W, 31 28 46.0 N SP+03 -- 081 12 28.3 W, 31 32 33.5 N SP+12 -- 081 17 57.6 W, 31 32 03.8 N SP+36 -- 081 25 24.6 W, 31 32 12.9 N b. Physiographic Region: GCE1 -- Lower coastal plain GCE2 -- Barrier island GCE3 -- Barrier island GCE4 -- Lower coastal plain GCE5 -- Barrier island GCE6 -- Barrier island GCE7 -- Lower coastal plain GCE8 -- Lower coastal plain GCE9 -- Barrier island GCE10 -- Barrier island GCE-SP -- Estuary and tidal marsh GCE-DB -- Estuary and tidal marsh GCE-AL -- Estuary and tidal marsh GCE-DP -- Myxohaline tidal creek and marsh AL+02 -- Estuary and tidal marsh AL+14 -- Estuary and tidal marsh AL+24 -- Estuary and tidal marsh DB+00 -- Estuary and tidal marsh DB+08 -- Estuary and tidal marsh DB+12.6 -- Estuary and tidal marsh DUP5 -- Myxohaline tidal creek and marsh SP+03 -- Estuary and tidal marsh SP+12 -- Estuary and tidal marsh SP+36 -- Estuary and tidal marsh c. Landform Components: GCE1 -- Intertidal salt marsh bordering maritime forest GCE2 -- Intertidal salt marsh GCE3 -- Intertidal salt marsh, mud flat, and maritime forest GCE4 -- Intertidal salt marsh bordering maritime forest GCE5 -- Intertidal salt marsh GCE6 -- Intertidal salt marsh, sand beach, maritime forest GCE7 -- Freshwater tidal marsh, devegetated fields GCE8 -- Brackish tidal marsh GCE9 -- Intertidal salt marsh GCE10 -- Intertidal salt marsh bordering maritime forest GCE-SP -- Intertidal marsh bordering sounds, tidal channels and creeks GCE-DB -- Intertidal marsh bordering sounds, tidal channels and creeks GCE-AL -- Intertidal marsh bordering sounds, tidal channels and creeks GCE-DP -- Intertidal marsh bordering tidal channels and creeks AL+02 -- Intertidal marsh bordering sounds, tidal channels and creeks AL+14 -- Intertidal marsh bordering sounds, tidal channels and creeks AL+24 -- Intertidal marsh bordering sounds, tidal channels and creeks DB+00 -- Intertidal marsh bordering sounds, tidal channels and creeks DB+08 -- Intertidal marsh bordering sounds, tidal channels and creeks DB+12.6 -- Intertidal marsh bordering sounds, tidal channels and creeks DUP5 -- Intertidal marsh bordering tidal channels and creeks SP+03 -- Intertidal marsh bordering sounds, tidal channels and creeks SP+12 -- Intertidal marsh bordering sounds, tidal channels and creeks SP+36 -- Intertidal marsh bordering sounds, tidal channels and creeks d. Hydrographic Characteristics: GCE1 -- Site contains the upper reaches of the Sapelo River, and is subject to 2-3m semi-diurnal tides GCE2 -- Site contains the Sapelo River and associated tidal creeks, and is subject to 2-3m semi-diurnal tides GCE3 -- Site includes Sapelo Sound and portions of Blackbeard Creek, and is subject to 2-3m semi-diurnal tides GCE4 -- Site includes Hudson Creek and is subject to 2-3m semi-diurnal tides GCE5 -- Site contains the Folly River and borders Doboy Sound, and is subject to 2-3m semi-diurnal tides GCE6 -- Site contains Dean Creek and borders Doboy Sound, and is subject to 2-3m semi-diurnal tides GCE7 -- Site contains Hammersmith Creek and borders the South Champney River, and is subject to 2-3m semi-diurnal tides GCE8 -- Site contains the Altamaha River, and is subject to 2-3m semi-diurnal tides GCE9 -- Site contains Crooked Creek and borders the Little Mud River, and is subject to 2-3m semi-diurnal tides GCE10 -- Site borders the Mud River and contains tidal creeks and the upper reach of the Duplin River, and is subject to 2-3m semi-diurnal tides GCE-SP -- Site includes the Sapelo River and Sapelo Sound, and is subject to 2-3.4m semi-diurnal tides. Sapelo Sound is a lagunal estuary system, with minimal freshwater stream or river input. GCE-DB -- Site encompasses Doboy Sound and nearby tidal channels and creeks, and is subject to 2-3.4m semi-diurnal tides. GCE-AL -- Site encompasses the Altamaha River estuary and nearby tidal creeks, and is subject to 2-3.4m semi-diurnal tides. High freshwater input from the Altamaha River, one of the largest rivers in the Southeastern United States. GCE-DP -- Site includes the Duplin River and various smaller tidal creeks and channels AL+02 -- Site encompasses the Altamaha River estuary and nearby tidal creeks, and is subject to 2-3.4m semi-diurnal tides. High freshwater input from the Altamaha River, one of the largest rivers in the Southeastern United States. AL+14 -- Site encompasses the Altamaha River estuary and nearby tidal creeks, and is subject to 2-3.4m semi-diurnal tides. High freshwater input from the Altamaha River, one of the largest rivers in the Southeastern United States. AL+24 -- Site encompasses the Altamaha River estuary and nearby tidal creeks, and is subject to 2-3.4m semi-diurnal tides. High freshwater input from the Altamaha River, one of the largest rivers in the Southeastern United States. DB+00 -- Site encompasses Doboy Sound and nearby tidal channels and creeks, and is subject to 2-3.4m semi-diurnal tides. DB+08 -- Site encompasses Doboy Sound and nearby tidal channels and creeks, and is subject to 2-3.4m semi-diurnal tides. DB+12.6 -- Site encompasses Doboy Sound and nearby tidal channels and creeks, and is subject to 2-3.4m semi-diurnal tides. DUP5 -- Site includes the Duplin River and various smaller tidal creeks and channels SP+03 -- Site includes the Sapelo River and Sapelo Sound, and is subject to 2-3.4m semi-diurnal tides. Sapelo Sound is a lagunal estuary system, with minimal freshwater stream or river input. SP+12 -- Site includes the Sapelo River and Sapelo Sound, and is subject to 2-3.4m semi-diurnal tides. Sapelo Sound is a lagunal estuary system, with minimal freshwater stream or river input. SP+36 -- Site includes the Sapelo River and Sapelo Sound, and is subject to 2-3.4m semi-diurnal tides. Sapelo Sound is a lagunal estuary system, with minimal freshwater stream or river input. e. Topographic Attributes: GCE1 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3m above mean low tide GCE2 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3m above mean low tide GCE3 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3m above mean low tide GCE4 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3m above mean low tide GCE5 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3m above mean low tide GCE6 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3m above mean low tide GCE7 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3m above mean low tide GCE8 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3m above mean low tide GCE9 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3m above mean low tide GCE10 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3m above mean low tide GCE-SP -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3.4m above mean low tide GCE-DB -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3.4m above mean low tide GCE-AL -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3.4m above mean low tide GCE-DP -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3.4m above mean low tide AL+02 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3.4m above mean low tide AL+14 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3.4m above mean low tide AL+24 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3.4m above mean low tide DB+00 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3.4m above mean low tide DB+08 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3.4m above mean low tide DB+12.6 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3.4m above mean low tide DUP5 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3.4m above mean low tide SP+03 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3.4m above mean low tide SP+12 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3.4m above mean low tide SP+36 -- Flat, with elevations ranging from 0-3.4m above mean low tide f. Geology, Lithology and Soils: GCE1 -- unspecified GCE2 -- unspecified GCE3 -- unspecified GCE4 -- unspecified GCE5 -- unspecified GCE6 -- unspecified GCE7 -- unspecified GCE8 -- unspecified GCE9 -- unspecified GCE10 -- unspecified GCE-SP -- unspecified GCE-DB -- unspecified GCE-AL -- unspecified GCE-DP -- unspecified AL+02 -- unspecified AL+14 -- unspecified AL+24 -- unspecified DB+00 -- unspecified DB+08 -- unspecified DB+12.6 -- unspecified DUP5 -- unspecified SP+03 -- unspecified SP+12 -- unspecified SP+36 -- unspecified g. Vegetation Communities: GCE1 -- Vegetation is 3/4 Juncus and 1/4 Spartina alterniflora, and upland area is heavily forested. GCE2 -- Spartina alterniflora all tall or medium. GCE3 -- Short and tall Spartina alterniflora, very small amounts of Juncus. GCE4 -- Vegetation is 1/4 Juncus, 3/4 medium and tall Spartina alterniflora. GCE5 -- Dominated by short and medium Spartina alterniflora, with areas of taller S. alterniflora near several small creeks. GCE6 -- Vegetation is mostly short and tall Spartina alterniflora, with small amounts of Juncus and Borrichia. GCE7 -- dominated by Zizaniopsis GCE8 -- Fringe of tall Spartina alterniflora and S. cynosuroides at creek banks. High marsh has narrow band of medium height S. alterniflora backed by vast expanses of Juncus. GCE9 -- Low marsh is tall Spartina alterniflora, high marsh has a small amount of medium Spartina alterniflora and lots of Juncus. Some hammocks with upland vegetation. GCE10 -- Vegetation mostly tall and medium Spartina alterniflora, with some Juncus present. Upland heavily forested. GCE-SP -- unspecified GCE-DB -- unspecified GCE-AL -- unspecified GCE-DP -- unspecified AL+02 -- unspecified AL+14 -- unspecified AL+24 -- unspecified DB+00 -- unspecified DB+08 -- unspecified DB+12.6 -- unspecified DUP5 -- unspecified SP+03 -- unspecified SP+12 -- unspecified SP+36 -- unspecified h. History of Land Use and Disturbance: none recorded i. Climate: Climate summary for Sapelo Island, Georgia, based on NWS data from 1980-2010: Daily-aggregated Values: Mean (sample standard deviation) mean air temperature: 20.09°C (7.28°C) minimum air temperature: 15.02°C (7.96°C) maximum air temperature: 24.82°C (6.98°C) total precipitation: 3.26mm (10.3mm) Yearly-aggregated Daily Values: Mean (sample standard deviation) total precipitation (1980-2010): 1124mm (266mm) 2. Experimental or Sampling Design a. Design Characteristics: Water samples were collected from 10 GCE-LTER long-term monitoring sites to characterize the concentration of dissolved organic carbon in the surface water. b. Permanent Plots: none c. Data Collection Duration and Frequency: Water samples were collected during low tide conditions at fixed locations in areas designated as long-term monitoring sites by the Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER project. Each location was sampled once during the cruise. Beginning of Observations: Dec 10, 2002 End of Observations: Dec 13, 2002 3. Research Methods a. Field and Laboratory Methods: Method 1: Water Collection -- Water samples from the R/V Savannah were collected approximately 1 meter below the surface using a niskin bottle. The water sample was then transferred to Brown 1 L Nalgene bottles. Bottles were first rinced once with approximately 100 ml of sample water prior to filling. Surface samples collected from the R/V Salty Dawg and Carolina Skiff were collected by hand approximately 0.5 meters below the surface of the water using a Brown 1 L Nalgene bottle once rinsed with sample water. Method 2: Sample Storage -- Samples were filtered under low vacuum through an ashed 47 mm Whatman GF/F filter directly into ashed Shimadzu 50 ml auto-sampler vials. Sample pH was adjusted to approximately 4 with concentrated phosphoric acid, and vials were capped and stored refrigerated at 0-4°C until analysis back in the laboratory in Athens, Georgia. Method 3: DOC Analysis -- The Shimadzu TOC-5000 was calibrated using fresh Potassium Bithiolate standard solutions prior to each analysis. The Potassium Bithiolate was dryed in an oven at 50°C for 12 hours, allowed to cool in a dessicator under vacuum, weighed, placed in an ashed glass volumetric flask, and diluted with carbon free deionized and UV-irradiated water to make a 1000 mg/L stock solution (2.1254 g/L). A set of calibration standards was made by the following volumetric dilutions of the stock solution in UV-irradiated deionized water: 100.0 mg/L (50 ml of 1000 mg/L into 500 ml), 60.0 mg/L (15 ml of 1000 mg/L into 250 ml), 40.0 mg/L (10 ml of 1000 mg/L into 250 ml), 25.0 mg/L (50 ml of 100 mg/L into 200 ml), 20.0 mg/L (50 ml of 100 mg/L into 250 ml), 15.0 mg/L (30 ml of 100 mg/L into 200 ml), 10.0 mg/L (25 ml of 100 mg/L into 250 ml), 5.0 mg/L (10 ml of 100 mg/L into 200 ml). After calibration, samples were sparged for 15 minutes with carbon-free nitrogen gas to drive off any remaining inorganic carbon, and replicate injections were made until a standard deviation of less than 1.00 mg/L or ten injections was reached. b. Instrumentation: Method 1: none Method 2: none Method 3: Total Organic Carbon Analyzer Manufacturer: Shimadzu (Model: TOC 5000) Parameter: NPOC/DOC (Accuracy: 1%, Readability: 0.001 mg/L, ) Protocol: The instrument is calibration prior to each analysis using a dilution series of Potassium Bithiolate, and acidified samples are sparged for 15 minutes with carbon-free air to remove dissolved inorganic carbon prior to injection into the combustion chamber. All analyses and calculations are performed automatically by embedded software programs in the instrument. c. Taxonomy and Systematics: Method 1: not applicable Method 2: not applicable Method 3: not applicable d. Permit History: Method 1: not applicable Method 2: not applicable Method 3: not applicable 4. Project Personnel a. Personnel: 1: Robert E. Hodson 2: Xiaozhen Mou 3: Edward Sheppard b. Affiliations: 1: University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 2: University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 3: University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia III. Data Set Status and Accessibility A. Status 1. Latest Update: 20-Jun-2013 2. Latest Archive Date: 18-Nov-2011 3. Latest Metadata Update: 20-Jun-2013 4. Data Verification Status: Reviewed by GCE-LTER IM B. Accessibility 1. Storage Location and Medium: Stored at GCE-LTER Data Management Office Dept. of Marine Sciences Univ. of Georgia Athens, GA 30602-3636 USA on media: electronic data download (WWW) or compact disk 2. Contact Person: Name: Wade M. Sheldon, Jr. Address: Dept. of Marine Sciences University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 30602-3636 Country: USA Email: sheldon@uga.edu 3. Copyright Restrictions: not copyrighted 4. Restrictions: All publications based on this data set must cite the contributor and Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER project, and two copies of the manuscript must be submitted to the GCE-LTER Information Management Office. a. Release Date: Affiliates: Mar 01, 2003, Public: Mar 01, 2004 b. Citation: Data provided by the Georgia Coastal Ecosystems Long Term Ecological Research Project, supported by funds from NSF OCE 9982133 (data set ORG-GCEM-0303f) c. Disclaimer: The user assumes all responsibility for errors in judgement based on interpretation of data and analyses presented in this data set. 5. Costs: free electronic data download via WWW, distribution on CD may be subject to nominal processing and handling fee IV. Data Structural Descriptors A. Data Set File 1. File Name: ORG-GCEM-0303f_4_0.CSV 2. Size: 30 records 3. File Format: ASCII text (comma-separated value format) 3a. Delimiters: single comma 4. Header Information: 5 lines of ASCII text 5. Alphanumeric Attributes: mixed case 6. Quality Control Flag Codes: I = invalid value (out of range), Q = questionable value 7. Authentication Procedures: not specified 8. Calculations: 9. Processing History: Software version: GCE Data Toolbox Version 3.6.0 (05-Jun-2013) Data structure version: GCE Data Structure 1.1 (29-Mar-2001) Original data file processed: ORG-GCEM-0303f.TXT (30 records) Data processing history: 23-May-2003: new GCE Data Structure 1.1 created ('newstruct') 23-May-2003: 30 rows imported from ASCII data file 'ORG-GCEM-0303f.TXT' ('imp_ascii') 23-May-2003: 10 metadata fields in file header parsed ('parse_header') 23-May-2003: data structure validated ('gce_valid') 23-May-2003: Q/C flagging criteria applied, 'flags' field updated ('dataflag') 23-May-2003: imported Data, Dataset, Project, Site, Study, Status, Supplement metadata descriptors from the GCE Metabase ('imp_gcemetadata') 23-May-2003: Q/C flagging criteria applied, 'flags' field updated ('dataflag') 29-Oct-2003: imported Data, Dataset, Project, Site, Study, Status, Supplement metadata descriptors from the GCE Metabase ('imp_gcemetadata') 29-Oct-2003: Q/C flagging criteria applied, 'flags' field updated ('dataflag') 08-Nov-2005: imported Dataset, Project, Site, Study, Status, Supplement metadata descriptors from the GCE Metabase ('imp_gcemetadata') 08-Nov-2005: updated 66 metadata fields in the Data, Dataset, Project, Site, Status, Study, Supplement sections ('imp_gcemetadata') 06-Dec-2005: added cruise ID column Cruise at position 1 based on date information in the data set 15-Nov-2011: imported Dataset, Project, Site, Study, Status, Supplement metadata descriptors from the GCE Metabase ('imp_gcemetadata') 15-Nov-2011: updated 57 metadata fields in the Dataset, Project, Site, Status, Study, Supplement sections ('imp_gcemetadata') 17-Nov-2011: matched 30 out of 30 geographic coordinates in columns Latitude and Longitude to coordinates for registered locations in the file 'geo_locations.mat' within a distance tolerance of 1km (add_locations) 17-Nov-2011: added column 'Station' at position 6 ('addcol') 17-Nov-2011: Q/C flagging criteria applied for column(s) Station, 'flags' field updated ('dataflag') 17-Nov-2011: added geographic metadata based on matching values in columns Site and Station to site and transect names registered in 'geo_polygons.mat' and location and station names registered in 'geo_locations.mat' ('add_sitemetadata') 17-Nov-2011: updated 9 metadata fields in the Site, Status sections ('add_sitemetadata') 18-Nov-2011: imported Dataset, Project, Site, Study, Status, Supplement metadata descriptors from the GCE Metabase ('imp_gcemetadata') 18-Nov-2011: updated 57 metadata fields in the Dataset, Project, Site, Status, Study, Supplement sections ('imp_gcemetadata') 20-Jun-2013: converted dates in column(s) Date to format yyyy-mm-dd 20-Jun-2013: flags for columns Temperature, Salinity, Mean_Peak_Area, SD_Peak_Area, Mean_DOC_Conc and SD_DOC_Conc converted to data columns, flag codes updated in metadata ('flags2cols') 20-Jun-2013: updated 6 metadata fields in the Data sections ('addmeta') 20-Jun-2013: updated 15 metadata fields in the Status, Data sections to reflect attribute metadata ('updatecols') 20-Jun-2013: parsed and formatted metadata ('listmeta') B. Variable Information 1. Variable Name: column 1. Cruise column 2. Date column 3. Time column 4. Latitude column 5. Longitude column 6. Station column 7. Site column 8. Vessel column 9. CTD_Cast column 10. Depth_Sampled column 11. Temperature column 12. Flag_Temperature column 13. Salinity column 14. Flag_Salinity column 15. Tide column 16. Mean_Peak_Area column 17. Flag_Mean_Peak_Area column 18. SD_Peak_Area column 19. Flag_SD_Peak_Area column 20. Mean_DOC_Conc column 21. Flag_Mean_DOC_Conc column 22. SD_DOC_Conc column 23. Flag_SD_DOC_Conc 2. Variable Definition: column 1. GCE-LTER research cruise identifier (LTER[MM][YY]) column 2. Sample collection date column 3. Sample collection time (GMT) column 4. Geographic latitude of sampling location` column 5. Geographic longitude of sampling location column 6. Nearest nominal GCE-LTER CTD profiling station (1km geo-reference tolerance for station matching) column 7. Nearest GCE-LTER sampling site number column 8. Vessel used to obtain the sample column 9. Corresponding CTD cast column 10. Nominal sampling depth column 11. Water temperature at the sampling location column 12. QA/QC flags for Water temperature at the sampling location (flagging criteria, where "x" is Temperature: x<-2="I", x<10="Q", x>36="Q") column 13. Salinity at the sampling location column 14. QA/QC flags for Salinity at the sampling location (flagging criteria, where "x" is Salinity: x<0="I", x>36="Q") column 15. Nominal tide stage when the sample was collected column 16. Mean chromatogram peak area for 6-10 replicate measurements of non-purgeable organic matter in the TOC analyzer column 17. QA/QC flags for Mean chromatogram peak area for 6-10 replicate measurements of non-purgeable organic matter in the TOC analyzer (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Peak_Area: x<0="I") column 18. Standard deviation of chromatogram peak area for 6-10 replicate measurements of non-purgeable organic matter in the TOC analyzer column 19. QA/QC flags for Standard deviation of chromatogram peak area for 6-10 replicate measurements of non-purgeable organic matter in the TOC analyzer (flagging criteria, where "x" is SD_Peak_Area: x<0="I") column 20. Mean DOC concentration for 6-10 replicate measurements of non-purgeable organic matter in the TOC analyzer column 21. QA/QC flags for Mean DOC concentration for 6-10 replicate measurements of non-purgeable organic matter in the TOC analyzer (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_DOC_Conc: x<0="I", x<1="Q", x>40="Q") column 22. Standard deviation of DOC concentration for 6-10 replicate measurements of non-purgeable organic matter in the TOC analyzer column 23. QA/QC flags for Standard deviation of DOC concentration for 6-10 replicate measurements of non-purgeable organic matter in the TOC analyzer (flagging criteria, where "x" is SD_DOC_Conc: x<0="I") 3. Units of Measurement: column 1. none column 2. yyyy-mm-dd column 3. hh:mm GMT column 4. decimal degrees column 5. decimal degrees column 6. none column 7. none column 8. none column 9. none column 10. none column 11. °C column 12. none column 13. PSU column 14. none column 15. none column 16. none column 17. none column 18. none column 19. none column 20. mg/L column 21. none column 22. mg/L column 23. none 4. Data Type a. Storage Type: column 1. alphanumeric column 2. alphanumeric column 3. alphanumeric column 4. floating-point column 5. floating-point column 6. alphanumeric column 7. integer column 8. alphanumeric column 9. alphanumeric column 10. alphanumeric column 11. floating-point column 12. alphanumeric column 13. floating-point column 14. alphanumeric column 15. alphanumeric column 16. floating-point column 17. alphanumeric column 18. floating-point column 19. alphanumeric column 20. floating-point column 21. alphanumeric column 22. floating-point column 23. alphanumeric b. Variable Codes: Site: 1 = GCE1, 2 = GCE2, 3 = GCE3, 4 = GCE4, 5 = GCE5, 6 = GCE6, 7 = GCE7, 8 = GCE8, 9 = GCE9, 10 = GCE10, 14 = GCE-AL Vessel: SAV = R/V Sanannah (Skidaway Institute of Oceanography), Skiff = T/T R/V Savannah (Skidaway Institute of Oceanography), SD = R/V Salty Dawg (University of Georgia), na = not applicable (land-based sample) Depth_Sampled: S = surface, B = bottom Tide: EBB = ebbing tide, FLD = flooding tide, LW = low water, HW = high water c. Numeric Range: column 1. (none) column 2. (none) column 3. (none) column 4. 31.3059 to 31.5422 column 5. -81.4747 to -81.2076 column 6. (none) column 7. 1 to 10 column 8. (none) column 9. (none) column 10. (none) column 11. 10.25 to 11.62 column 12. (none) column 13. 0.08 to 29.2 column 14. (none) column 15. (none) column 16. 14025 to 39846 column 17. (none) column 18. 135 to 422 column 19. (none) column 20. 3.523 to 24.67 column 21. (none) column 22. 0.044 to 0.84 column 23. (none) d. Missing Value Code: 5. Data Format a. Column Type: column 1. text column 2. text column 3. text column 4. numerical column 5. numerical column 6. text column 7. numerical column 8. text column 9. text column 10. text column 11. numerical column 12. text column 13. numerical column 14. text column 15. text column 16. numerical column 17. text column 18. numerical column 19. text column 20. numerical column 21. text column 22. numerical column 23. text b. Number of Columns: 23 c. Decimal Places: column 1. 0 column 2. 0 column 3. 0 column 4. 5 column 5. 5 column 6. 0 column 7. 0 column 8. 0 column 9. 0 column 10. 0 column 11. 2 column 12. 0 column 13. 2 column 14. 0 column 15. 0 column 16. 0 column 17. 0 column 18. 0 column 19. 0 column 20. 3 column 21. 0 column 22. 3 column 23. 0 6. Logical Variable Type: column 1. nominal (none) column 2. datetime (none) column 3. datetime (none) column 4. geographic coordinate (continuous) column 5. geographic coordinate (continuous) column 6. nominal (none) column 7. coded value (discrete) column 8. coded value (none) column 9. nominal (none) column 10. coded value (none) column 11. data (continuous) column 12. coded value (none) column 13. calculation (continuous) column 14. coded value (none) column 15. coded value (none) column 16. calculation (continuous) column 17. coded value (none) column 18. calculation (continuous) column 19. coded value (none) column 20. calculation (continuous) column 21. coded value (none) column 22. calculation (continuous) column 23. coded value (none) 7. Flagging Criteria: column 1. none column 2. none column 3. none column 4. x<-90="I", x<31="Q", x>32="Q", x>90="I" column 5. x<-180="I", x<-82="Q", x>-80="Q", x>180="I" column 6. flag_locationcoords(x,col_Longitude,col_Latitude,0.5,"sensitive","geo_locations.mat")="Q " column 7. x<1="I", x>14="Q" column 8. none column 9. none column 10. none column 11. x<-2="I", x<10="Q", x>36="Q" column 12. none column 13. x<0="I", x>36="Q" column 14. none column 15. none column 16. x<0="I" column 17. none column 18. x<0="I" column 19. none column 20. x<0="I", x<1="Q", x>40="Q" column 21. none column 22. x<0="I" column 23. none C. Data Anomalies: none noted V. Supplemental Descriptors A. Data Acquisition 1. Data Forms: Copies of chromatograms and printed instrument output are kept on file at the Univ. of Georgia 2. Form Location: Robert E. Hodson''s laboratory, Dept. of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia, Athens, GA USA 3. Data Entry Validation: not specified B. Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures: QA/QC flags are generated automatically according to domain criteria specified for each data column. A flag column is generated and appended to the data table if any flags are assigned to any value, listing the flags for each column on each row. C. Supplemental Materials: unspecified D. Computer Programs: Microsoft Office XP Professional, Version 2002, copyright 1991-2001 Microsoft Corp. E. Archival Practices: Data sets and documentation are stored in structured binary (Matlab 5.x files) and delimited ASCII text formats, and archived on magnetic tape and CD at the GCE LTER Information Management Office at the University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA F. Publications: not specified G. History of Data Set Usage 1. Data Request History: not specified 2. Data Set Update History: none 3. Review History: none 4. Questions and Comments from Users: none