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GCE-LTER Data Set Summary
Research Theme:
Marsh Ecology (Directed Study)
Marc Simon Hensel, Merryl Alber, Christine Angelini, Rebecca Atkins, Jeb Byers, Chris Craft, David de la Mater, Joe Morton, Steve Pennings, Emlyn Resetarits, Brian Silliman, Stephanie Valdez, Carter Smith
Pred-Ex: Long Term Salt Marsh Predator Exclusion Experiment Conducted at Sapelo Island, GA
In southeastern USA salt marshes, short-term and small-scale experiments indicate that a trophic cascade benefits the foundation plant Spartina alterniflora: marine predators (nekton) positively affect plant biomass by consuming snail and crab herbivores. To test how nekton affect marsh processes when the entire animal community is present, and to test how prior results scale up over time, we conducted a 3-year predator exclusion experiment in a Georgia salt marsh using replicated 19.6 m2 plots. We measured the response of changing density for all marsh invertebrates, conducted snail and crab tethering trials, quantified change in marsh grass biomass, and measured tea bag decomposition rate across all plots.
Key Words:
community structure, consumers, Dean Creek, decomposition, GCE, LTER, nekton, predation, Sapelo Island
LTER Core Area:
Primary Production
Research Themes:
Marsh Ecology |
Study Period:
01-May-2016 to 01-Oct-2019
Study Sites:
GCE6 -- Dean Creek, Sapelo Island, Georgia, USA
Species References:
Chthamalus fragilis,
Uca pugilator |
Morton, J.P., Hensel, M.S., DeLaMater, D.S., Angelini, C., Atkins, R., Prince, K., Williams, S.L., Boyd, A.D., Parsons, J., Resetarits, E.J., Smith, C.S., Valdez, S., Monnet, E., Farhan, R., Mobilian, C., Smith, D., Craft, C.B., Byers, J., Alber, M., Pennings, S.C. and Silliman, B.R. 2024. Mesopredator release moderates trophic control of plant biomass in a Georgia salt marsh. (DOI: 10.1002/ecy.4452)
Data Table: MSH-GCED-2308_Experiment (Experimental data from PredEx, 96 records)
Access: Public (released 22-Aug-2023)
Metadata: Text (ESA FLED),
XML (Ecological Metadata Language)
Data Formats: Spreadsheet (CSV) [7.26kb], Text File [6.50kb], MATLAB (GCE Toolbox) [32.46kb], MATLAB (Variables) [35.11kb], Text Report [37.63kb]
Column List:(display)
Column |
Name |
Units |
Type |
Description |
1 |
Year |
integer |
Year of data collection for this row |
2 |
Month |
string |
Month of data collection for this row |
3 |
Plot |
none |
integer |
plot number sampled for this row |
4 |
Treatment |
none |
string |
Treatment sampled for this row |
5 |
Block |
none |
integer |
block number for this plot |
6 |
Barnacles |
Count |
integer |
mean density of barnacles counted on PVC posts on plot edges |
7 |
Adult_Fiddler |
count/m^2 |
floating-point |
density of fiddler crab burrows counted per subplot |
8 |
Sesarma |
count/m^2 |
floating-point |
density of purple marsh crab burrows counted per plot |
9 |
Mussels |
count/m^2 |
floating-point |
density of Geukensia mussels counted per plot |
10 |
Mudcrab |
count/m^2 |
floating-point |
density of mud crab (Panopeus and Eurytium) counted per plot |
11 |
Adult_Littoraria |
count/m^2 |
floating-point |
density of adult snails counted per plot |
12 |
Juvenile_Littoraria |
count/m^2 |
floating-point |
density of juvenile snails counted per plot |
13 |
Juvenile_fiddler |
count/m^2 |
floating-point |
density of juvenile fiddler crab burrows per plot |
14 |
Radulations |
cm |
floating-point |
mean length of snail grazing cuts per stem of Spartina |
15 |
Height |
cm |
floating-point |
mean height of snails on Spartina, measured from marsh sediment to snail position on blade, for 10 snails per plot |
16 |
Stem_Density |
count/m^2 |
floating-point |
mean stem density of Spartina per plot |
17 |
Biomass |
g/m^2 |
floating-point |
dry weight Spartina biomass estimation per plot |
Supporting Document: MSH-GCED-2308_Map (Zip archive containing a map of the study plots)
Access: Public (released 22-Aug-2023)
Metadata: XML (Ecological Metadata Language)
Data Formats: Zip archive [846 kb]
Data Table: MSH-GCED-2308_TeaDecomp (Tea bag decomposition data from PredEx, 954 records)
Access: Public (released 22-Aug-2023)
Metadata: Text (ESA FLED),
XML (Ecological Metadata Language)
Data Formats: Spreadsheet (CSV) [66.72kb], Text File [62.53kb], MATLAB (GCE Toolbox) [48.66kb], MATLAB (Variables) [50.04kb], Text Report [94.00kb]
Column List:(display)
Column |
Name |
Units |
Type |
Description |
1 |
Date |
string |
Calendar date |
2 |
Plot |
none |
integer |
plot number sampled for this row |
3 |
Treatment |
none |
string |
Treatment sampled for this row |
4 |
Block |
none |
integer |
block number for this plot |
5 |
SampleID |
none |
integer |
sample ID number, a number label for each group of bags (one red one green) that were buried and collected in each plot at the same time |
6 |
TeaType |
none |
string |
type of tea in teabag, red or green |
7 |
Days |
days |
integer |
days since deployed of mass collection |
8 |
Mass_collect |
g |
floating-point |
mass of tea bag contents at time of collection |
9 |
Mass_initial |
g |
floating-point |
initial mass of tea bag contents |
10 |
Mass_change |
g |
floating-point |
change in mass of tea bag contents at time of collection |
11 |
Percent_remain |
none |
floating-point |
proportion of initial mass remaining at collection point |
12 |
Decay |
1/d |
floating-point |
decay constant for each plot at each time point |
Data Table: MSH-GCED-2308_Tether (Tether data from PredEx, 182 records)
Access: Public (released 22-Aug-2023)
Metadata: Text (ESA FLED),
XML (Ecological Metadata Language)
Data Formats: Spreadsheet (CSV) [10.47kb], Text File [8.96kb], MATLAB (GCE Toolbox) [29.67kb], MATLAB (Variables) [31.58kb], Text Report [37.38kb]
Column List:(display)
Column |
Name |
Units |
Type |
Description |
1 |
Year |
integer |
year of data collection for this row |
2 |
Month |
string |
Month of data collection for this row |
3 |
Plot |
none |
integer |
plot number sampled for this row |
4 |
Treatment |
none |
string |
treatment sampled for this row |
5 |
Species |
none |
string |
species tethered in this trial |
6 |
Juvenile_Adult |
none |
string |
whether the animal was a juvenile or adult |
7 |
Days_since |
days |
integer |
time elapsed since beginning of tethering trial |
8 |
Initial |
count |
integer |
initial number of organisms tethered at day 0 |
9 |
Eaten |
count |
integer |
number of organisms per plot eaten at the collection time point |
10 |
Eaten_prop |
none |
floating-point |
proportion of initial tethered organisms eaten |
11 |
Eaten_rate |
1/day |
floating-point |
rate of consumption of tethered individuals |
Generate script code to retrieve data tables for analysis in: MATLAB, R, SAS, SPSS |
Hensel, Marc Simon. 2023. Pred-Ex: Long Term Salt Marsh Predator Exclusion Experiment Conducted at Sapelo Island, GA. Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Project, University of Georgia, Long Term Ecological Research Network. http://dx.doi.org/10.6073/pasta/a2c9c9b9541c511c3e4bfab5e8e4d639
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