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December 2024 Calendar

Flux Vegetation Monitoring
date: 12/09/2024
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SET measurements
dates: 12/12/2024 to 12/13/2024
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Annual GCE Meeting
dates: 12/16/2024 to 12/17/2024
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Latest Data Releases

08/26/2024 – Data Release

Data sets PLT-GCEM-2012 "Long-term monitoring of seven high marsh plant mixtures on Sapelo Island GA" and PLT-GCEM-1309 "Annual monitoring of high marsh plots dominated by Juncus and Borrichia" have been updated to include recent data.

07/29/2024 – Data Release

Data set titled 'Percent cover measurements of four site-dominant species from the GCE-LTER Seawater Addition Long-Term Experiment (SALTEx) Project' was added to the GCE data catalog.  You can view the data here: PLT-GCED-2404.

Abstract: SALTEx (Seawater Addition Long-Term Experiment) is a field experiment designed to simulate saltwater intrusion in a tidal freshwater wetland to predict how chronic (Press) and acute (Pulse) salinization will affect this and other tidal freshwater ecosystems. The SALTEx experiment was initiated in 2012 and consists of 31 field plots, each 2.5 m on a side. There are three treatments (Press, Pulse, and Fresh) and two types of controls (with and without sides), each consisting of six replicates. The Press treatment plots receive regular (4 times each week) additions of a mixture of seawater and fresh river water. Pulse plots receive the same mixture of seawater and river water during September and October, which is historically a time of low flow in the river when natural saltwater intrusion occurs. The Fresh treatment plots receive regular additions of fresh river water. Treatment water is added during low tide to facilitate its infiltration into the soil, and all plots are inundated by astronomical tides at high tide. Percent cover was measured for four site-dominant species (Zizaniopsis miliacea, Pontederia cordata, Persicaria hydropiperoides, and Ludwigia repens) each July from 2013 to 2022.

Citation: Craft, Christopher B. 2024. Percent cover measurements of four site-dominant species from the GCE-LTER Seawater Addition Long-Term Experiment (SALTEx) Project. Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Project, University of Georgia, Long Term Ecological Research Network. http://dx.doi.org/10.6073/pasta/554fbb232ea0ae95144f0857a604e73c

07/29/2024 – Data Release

Data set titled 'Photosynthetic available radiation (PAR) measurements from the GCE-LTER Seawater Addition Long-Term Experiment (SALTEx) Project' was added to the GCE data catalog.   You can view the data here: PLT-GCED-2404a

Abstract:  SALTEx (Seawater Addition Long-Term Experiment) is a field experiment designed to simulate saltwater intrusion in a tidal freshwater wetland to predict how chronic (Press) and acute (Pulse) salinization will affect this and other tidal freshwater ecosystems. The SALTEx experiment was initiated in 2012 and consists of 31 field plots, each 2.5 m on a side. There are three treatments (Press, Pulse, and Fresh) and two types of controls (with and without sides), each consisting of six replicates. The Press treatment plots receive regular (4 times each week) additions of a mixture of seawater and fresh river water. Pulse plots receive the same mixture of seawater and river water during September and October, which is historically a time of low flow in the river when natural saltwater intrusion occurs. The Fresh treatment plots receive regular additions of fresh river water. Treatment water is added during low tide to facilitate its infiltration into the soil, and all plots are inundated by astronomical tides at high tide. Light availability was measured using photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) both above and below the plant canopy. 

Citation: Craft, Christopher B. 2024. Photosynthetic available radiation (PAR) measurements from the GCE-LTER Seawater Addition Long-Term Experiment (SALTEx) Project. Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Project, University of Georgia, Long Term Ecological Research Network. http://dx.doi.org/10.6073/pasta/1e78ffbb1d1419fcc50cb1892f3c3191

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Latest File Uploads

11/19/2024 – Spreadsheet (GCE only)
Sampling log for the October 2024 GCE monitoring cruise (31 October, 2024) (details)

11/19/2024 – Spreadsheet (GCE only)
Sampling log for the September 2024 GCE monitoring cruise (18 September, 2024) (details)

11/19/2024 – Spreadsheet (GCE only)
Sampling log for the August 2024 GCE monitoring cruise (19-21 August, 2024) (details)

11/19/2024 – Spreadsheet (GCE only)
Sampling log for the July 2024 GCE monitoring cruise (24 July, 2024) (details)

10/28/2024 – Spreadsheet (GCE only)
Maintenance log for the GCE Flux Tower (details)

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GCE Project Announcements

12/02/2024 – Education News

Jessica Cook was honored as Liberty County School System Teacher of the Year. Jessica says 

(keep reading)

(contact Steve Pennings for additional information)
11/26/2024 – Employment

From Rebecca Atkins:

(keep reading)

(contact Io Hennessy for additional information)
11/13/2024 – Announcement

The GCE-LTER Faculty Scholars program is an NSF-funded opportunity for faculty to engage with a multi-disciplinary, multi-institution team studying long-term ecological change in a southeastern coastal estuary.

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(contact Amanda Spivak for additional information)
11/13/2024 – Announcement

Dr. Peter Van Zandt Lane's composition "Coastal Portrait: Cycles and Thresholds" for orchestra and electronics was premiered by the GA Tech Symphony Orchestra on November 12. Thanks much to those who came out and supported Peter and the project! For those who couldn't make it you can check out the recording on youtube (https://www.youtube.com/live/8lYLcY7yryw), starting at about 20 minutes. Peter's composition is based on ~20 years of GCE sonde data and plant monitoring. Thanks to Daniela for the sonde data, Steve for the plant monitoring data, and Merryl for, well, everything :)

(contact Amanda Spivak for additional information)
10/29/2024 – Announcement

All: I want to draw your attention to an upcoming event: "Coastal Portrait: Cycles and Thresholds" is a musical composition written by UGA’s Peter Van Zandt Lane, an Associate Professor of Composition and Director of the Dancz Center for New Music in the Hugh Hodgson School of Music with support from Sea Grant’s Artists, Writers, and Scholar Program. It is based on 20-years of GCE data from the sondes (salinity, temperature, etc.) and fall plant monitoring at 8 of the long-term monitoring sites. Over the past year or so, Peter has been collaborating with Amanda, Daniela, Merryl, and Steve to learn about GCE and to understand, process, and interpret subsets of our long-term data (see description below). A version of his composition was installed as part of the Waves of Wonder Exhibition in the Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum this past summer. But the World Premiere by an orchestra will be on November 12 at 7:30 PM in the Ferst Center for the Arts on Georgia Tech’s campus. It will be played by the GA Tech Symphony Orchestra which is led by Conductor Chaowen Ting (see info below).

(keep reading)

(contact Amanda Spivak for additional information)
10/11/2024 – Monitoring Program

We were delayed a day or two by hurricane Milton, but fall monitoring 2024 has begun! Pennings lab is here in force, with four people, the Byers lab will be assisting with three, and our fantastic field crew is leading the way!

First day of fall monitoring 2024

(contact Steve Pennings for additional information)

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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants OCE-9982133, OCE-0620959, OCE-1237140 and OCE-1832178. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.