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Active GCE Committees

GCE Advisory Committee


This committee advises the GCE-LTER program on research approaches and priorities in conjunction with annual project meetings and proposal submissions.


Current Members

Elizabeth Borer, University of Minnesota

Patrick Megonigal, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

GCE Disturbance Committee


This committee plans and oversees GCE4 Disturbance Scape research


Current Members

Merryl Alber, University of Georgia

Clark Alexander, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography

Christine Angelini, University of Florida

Adrian Burd, University of Georgia

Jeb Byers, University of Georgia

Chris Craft, Indiana University at Bloomington

Christine Hladik, Georgia Southern University

Joel Kostka, Georgia Institute of Technology

Christof Meile, University of Georgia

Deepak Mishra, University of Georgia

Jessica O'Connell, Colorado State University

Craig Osenberg, University of Georgia

Steve Pennings, University of Houston

John Schalles, Creighton University

Joe Schubauer-Berigan, Adjunct Faculty, Univ. of Cincinnati, Biol Dept

Amanda Spivak, University of Georgia

Sydney Williams, University of Florida

GCE Executive Committee


Full power in the management of GCE-LTER affairs is vested in the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee has power to authorize action on behalf of the GCE-LTER, elect a Chairperson, assign areas of responsibility within the Executive Committee, delegate tasks to Project Investigators, create committees, plan and oversee GCE-LTER research, allocate funds, and otherwise administer the affairs of the GCE-LTER. A record of motions passed by the Executive Committee is posted on the project web site.

Additional information: GCE bylaws


Current Members

Merryl Alber, University of Georgia (chair)

Adrian Burd, University of Georgia

Daniela Di Iorio, University of Georgia

Steve Pennings, University of Houston

Adam Sapp, University of Georgia

Amanda Spivak, University of Georgia

GCE Flux Tower Committee


This committee oversees the GCE eddy covariance flux tower and related instrumentation in the marsh off the Duplin River

Additional information: Project Description


Current Members

Merryl Alber, University of Georgia

Wei-Jun Cai, University of Delaware

David Cotten, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Daniela Di Iorio, University of Georgia (co-chair)

Peter Hawman, University of Georgia

Chuck Hopkinson, University of Georgia

Christof Meile, University of Georgia

Deepak Mishra, University of Georgia (co-chair)

Caroline Narron, University of Georgia

Jessica O'Connell, Colorado State University

Steve Pennings, University of Houston

Adam Sapp, University of Georgia

Wade Sheldon, University of Georgia

Amanda Spivak, University of Georgia

GCE Information Management Committee


This committee consists of GCE-LTER Information Management staff

Current Members

Adam Sapp, University of Georgia (Lead IM)

Wade Sheldon, University of Georgia (IT Support)

GCE Predator Exclusion Experiment Committee


This committee oversees the GCE3 predator exclusion study


Current Members

Merryl Alber, University of Georgia

Christine Angelini, University of Florida

Jeb Byers, University of Georgia

Chris Craft, Indiana University at Bloomington

Craig Osenberg, University of Georgia

Steve Pennings, University of Houston

Brian Silliman, Duke University

Amanda Spivak, University of Georgia

High Marsh Experiment Committee


The committee oversees the GCE-LTER High Marsh Experiment

Additional information: Project Description


Current Members

Merryl Alber, University of Georgia

Clark Alexander, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography

Christine Angelini, University of Florida

Jeb Byers, University of Georgia

Chris Craft, Indiana University at Bloomington

Christof Meile, University of Georgia

Steve Pennings, University of Houston

Alicia Wilson, University of South Carolina

LTER Network-wide Committee Members


These are the GCE representatives to LTER network-wide committees.

Current Members

Eamon Hennessy, University of Houston (Graduate Student Committee)

Nik Heynen, University of Georgia (DEI Committee)

Steve Pennings, University of Houston (Education Committee)

Adam Sapp, University of Georgia (IM Committee)

Salinity Monitoring Committee


This committee oversees the continuous salinity, temperature and water level monitoring network (sonde moorings) deployed across the GCE domain.

Additional information: GCE salinity monitoring program

Current Members

Daniela Di Iorio, University of Georgia (chair)

Steve Pennings, University of Houston

Adam Sapp, University of Georgia

SALTEx Experiment Committee


This committee oversees the Seawater Addition Long Term Experiment (SALTEx), a long-term field experiment that we recently initiated in a Zizaniopsis marsh in the Altamaha River.

Additional information: Project Description


Current Members

Merryl Alber, University of Georgia

Jeb Byers, University of Georgia

Chris Craft, Indiana University at Bloomington (lead investigator)

Ellen Herbert, Ducks Unlimited

Christine Hladik, Georgia Southern University

Patricia Medeiros, University of Georgia

Steve Pennings, University of Houston

Joe Schubauer-Berigan, Adjunct Faculty, Univ. of Cincinnati, Biol Dept

Taxonomic Database Committee


This ad hoc committee is responsible for updating the GCE taxonomic database and providing descriptive photos and ancillary information for species records.

Additional information: GCE taxonomic database (species lists)

Current Members

Steve Pennings, University of Houston

Adam Sapp, University of Georgia

John Williams, University of Georgia Marine Institute


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants OCE-9982133, OCE-0620959, OCE-1237140 and OCE-1832178. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.