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GCE-LTER Species Lists

The table below provides links to predefined species lists for specific taxonomic groups:

Taxonomic Group Available Lists Format*
Fungi Ascomycete Fungi (species grouped by Class) ListSpreadsheet (CSV),
EML ListEML Tree
Invertebrates Invertebrate Species (species grouped by Phylum, Class) ListSpreadsheet (CSV),
EML ListEML Tree
Vascular Plants Plant Species (species grouped by Division, Class) ListSpreadsheet (CSV),
EML ListEML Tree
Vertebrates Vertebrate Species (species grouped by Phylum, Class) ListSpreadsheet (CSV),
EML ListEML Tree
All Groups All Species (species grouped by Kingdom, Phylum/Division, Class) ListSpreadsheet (CSV),
EML ListEML Tree

You can also generate a custom species list containing only the groups specified:

(Note: click on items while
holding down the Shift, 
Ctrl or Command keys to
select multiple groups)

Limit to Habitat:   
Display Format:   

* Display Formats

  • List -- web page listing species grouped by taxa and links to individual species detail pages containing full systematic resumés, photos, lists of voucher specimen and links to GCE Data Sets
  • Table -- standard web page table with species sorted by taxa
  • CSV -- text file in comma-separated value format containing species records sorted by taxa, optimized for viewing in spreadsheet applications or loading into a database
  • EML List -- xml text in Ecological Metadata Language 2.0.0 format, with complete systematic information included as a taxonomicCoverage section within a species list data set (complete taxonomic information for each species)
  • EML Tree -- similar to 'EML List', except that taxonomicCoverage elements are nested within common ranks to produce a phylogenetic tree

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants OCE-9982133, OCE-0620959, OCE-1237140 and OCE-1832178. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.