Data Table: ORG-GCET-1904 ( Physical and chemical variables at sampling sites collected over one year in the Altamaha River and Sapelo Sound, 27 records)
Access: Public (released 11-Apr-2020)
Metadata: Text (ESA FLED),
XML (Ecological Metadata Language)
Data Formats: Spreadsheet (CSV) [2.64kb], Text File [2.06kb], MATLAB (GCE Toolbox) [19.16kb], MATLAB (Variables) [19.90kb], Text Report [17.36kb]
Column List:(display)
Column |
Name |
Units |
Type |
Description |
1 |
Collection_date |
string |
Date of sample collection |
2 |
Sample_Location |
none |
string |
Location of sample collection |
3 |
Water_Temperature |
°C |
floating-point |
Temperature of water at sample collection |
4 |
Salinity |
floating-point |
Salinity of water at sample collection |
5 |
Dissolved_Organic_Carbon |
µM |
floating-point |
Dissolved Organic Carbon |
6 |
Dissolved_Organic_Carbon_SE |
µM |
floating-point |
Standard error of DOC measurements |
7 |
Spectral_Slope |
1/nm |
floating-point |
Spectral slope of 275-295 nm wavelength region |
8 |
Spectral_Slope_SE |
1/nm |
floating-point |
Standard error of spectral slope |
9 |
a250_a365_ratio |
none |
floating-point |
The ratio of absorbance at 250 nm wavelength to 365 nm wavelength (a250:a365) |
10 |
a250_a365_SE |
none |
floating-point |
Standard error of a250:a365 ratio |
11 |
Discharge |
m^3/s |
floating-point |
Altamaha River discharge at sampling time. |
Data Table: ORG-GCET-1904_Alt_MarToSept (FT-ICR data from Altamaha River Samples Mar. - Sept. 2016, 666920 records)
Access: Public (released 11-Apr-2020)
Metadata: Text (ESA FLED),
XML (Ecological Metadata Language)
Data Formats: Spreadsheet (CSV) [47880.02kb], Text File [43971.79kb], MATLAB (GCE Toolbox) [15273.90kb], MATLAB (Variables) [15273.61kb], Text Report [48435.51kb]
Column List:(display)
Column |
Name |
Units |
Type |
Description |
1 |
Collection_Date |
string |
Date of water collection |
2 |
Location |
none |
string |
Location of water collection |
3 |
SampleID |
none |
string |
Sample code containing incubation time and replicate |
4 |
Incubation_time |
Count |
integer |
Number of days samples were incubated (0 or 80) |
5 |
Replicate |
none |
string |
Replicate of incubation samples |
6 |
mass_charge_ratio |
none |
floating-point |
mass to charge ratio from FT-ICR MS |
7 |
abundance |
none |
floating-point |
abundance from FT-ICR MS |
8 |
signal_noise_ratio |
none |
floating-point |
signal to noise ratio from FT-ICR MS |
Data Table: ORG-GCET-1904_Alt_SepToFeb (FT-ICR data from Altamaha River Samples Sept. 2015 - Feb. 2016, 611008 records)
Access: Public (released 11-Apr-2020)
Metadata: Text (ESA FLED),
XML (Ecological Metadata Language)
Data Formats: Spreadsheet (CSV) [43886.33kb], Text File [40305.71kb], MATLAB (GCE Toolbox) [13999.05kb], MATLAB (Variables) [13998.68kb], Text Report [44387.19kb]
Column List:(display)
Column |
Name |
Units |
Type |
Description |
1 |
Collection_Date |
string |
Date of water collection |
2 |
Location |
none |
string |
Location of water collection |
3 |
SampleID |
none |
string |
Sample code containing incubation time and replicate |
4 |
Incubation_time |
Count |
integer |
Number of days samples were incubated (0 or 80) |
5 |
Replicate |
none |
string |
Replicate of incubation samples |
6 |
mass_charge_ratio |
none |
floating-point |
mass to charge ratio from FT-ICR MS |
7 |
abundance |
none |
floating-point |
abundance from FT-ICR MS |
8 |
signal_noise_ratio |
none |
floating-point |
signal to noise ratio from FT-ICR MS |
Data Table: ORG-GCET-1904_Sap_MarToSept (FT-ICR data from Sapelo Sound Samples Mar. - Sept. 2016, 593940 records)
Access: Public (released 11-Apr-2020)
Metadata: Text (ESA FLED),
XML (Ecological Metadata Language)
Data Formats: Spreadsheet (CSV) [41453.64kb], Text File [37973.03kb], MATLAB (GCE Toolbox) [13584.58kb], MATLAB (Variables) [13584.01kb], Text Report [41937.86kb]
Column List:(display)
Column |
Name |
Units |
Type |
Description |
1 |
Collection_Date |
string |
Date of water collection |
2 |
Location |
none |
string |
Location of water collection |
3 |
SampleID |
none |
string |
Sample code containing incubation time and replicate |
4 |
Incubation_time |
Count |
integer |
Number of days samples were incubated (0 or 80) |
5 |
Replicate |
none |
string |
Replicate of incubation samples |
6 |
mass_charge_ratio |
none |
floating-point |
mass to charge ratio from FT-ICR MS |
7 |
abundance |
none |
floating-point |
abundance from FT-ICR MS |
8 |
signal_noise_ratio |
none |
floating-point |
signal to noise ratio from FT-ICR MS |
Data Table: ORG-GCET-1904_Sap_SepToFeb (FT-ICR data from Sapelo Sound Samples Sept. 2015 - Feb. 2016, 641327 records)
Access: Public (released 11-Apr-2020)
Metadata: Text (ESA FLED),
XML (Ecological Metadata Language)
Data Formats: Spreadsheet (CSV) [44786.48kb], Text File [41028.21kb], MATLAB (GCE Toolbox) [14675.13kb], MATLAB (Variables) [14674.48kb], Text Report [45316.98kb]
Column List:(display)
Column |
Name |
Units |
Type |
Description |
1 |
Collection_Date |
string |
Date of water collection |
2 |
Location |
none |
string |
Location of water collection |
3 |
SampleID |
none |
string |
Sample code containing incubation time and replicate |
4 |
Incubation_time |
Count |
integer |
Number of days samples were incubated (0 or 80) |
5 |
Replicate |
none |
string |
Replicate of incubation samples |
6 |
mass_charge_ratio |
none |
floating-point |
mass to charge ratio from FT-ICR MS |
7 |
abundance |
none |
floating-point |
abundance from FT-ICR MS |
8 |
signal_noise_ratio |
none |
floating-point |
signal to noise ratio from FT-ICR MS |