File Details
Title |
Fly-through movie of the Duplin River based on a synthesis of multibeam SONAR and LIDAR data (public file request) |
Archive |
All Files / GIS Raster Data / General GIS Data / Elevation |
Description |
Fly-through movie of the Duplin River and the associated intertidal area. Bathymetric data were collected using multibeam SONAR by personnel from the Burroughs & Chapin Center for Marine and Wetland Studies (BCCMWS) in December 1999. Intertidal topographic data were collected using airborne LIDAR contracted for by GCE-LTER. |
Contributors |
Shinobu Okano and Rich Viso |
Citation |
Shinobu Okano and Rich Viso. 2011. Fly-through movie of the Duplin River based on a synthesis of multibeam SONAR and LIDAR data (public file request). Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER File Archive, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. (https://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/app/resource_details.asp?id=456&version=1) |
Key Words |
animation, bathymetry, CCU, Duplin River, fly-through, LIDAR, movie, multibeam, SONAR |
File Date |
Jun 10, 2011 (version 1) |
Web Links |
view/download AVI Movie file (434575 kb) |
view/download PNG image (590 kb) |