Sampling Site GCE-IC (Intracoastal Waterway)
Name: Intracoastal Waterway
Location: Georgia, USA
Description: Intracoastal Waterway transect used for GCE quarterly hydrographic monitoring surveys. Nominal profiling stations are defined at varying distances from -28km to 32km (South to North, relative to station 0km at the sourthernmost tip of Wolf Island near the mouth of the Altamaha River), based on an estimated Thalweg line running up the main channel.
Access Information: By boat only (Ownership: Public)
Restrictions: none
Rectangular Bounding Box Coordinates:
Corner |
Latitude, Longitude (deg) |
31.172459, -81.439160
31.546850, -81.439160
31.546850, -81.257748
31.172459, -81.257748
Polygon Area: 2984.0 hectares
Polygon Center: 31.354015, -81.352453
Polygon Coordinates:
(not displayed)