Data Access InformationData Access PolicyAs a member of the NSF Long Term Ecological Research Network, the Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Program is committed to providing access to data collected under the auspices of our project in a timely fashion. Study results will be published in the scientific literature, and access to documented data sets and other information will be provided on the GCE website and NSF-approved data repositories (e.g. EDI Data Portal, DataONE). Access to GCE resources varies by resource type and user affiliation, and requires acceptance of the GCE LTER Data Use Agreement. Descriptions of the basic data access categories used to classify each resource are as follows:
Data Access TimetableThe following table summarizes the earliest availability date and distribution location for each major type of resource managed by the GCE Information System. Data set information, metadata, and data files can be accessed from the GCE Data Catalog. Data files will only be available on the private GCE web site prior to their public release, and will require a username and password to download.
* Availability of directed study data is determined by the author, but data must be made available to the public no later than two years after conclusion of the observations or study, unless prior arrangements are made (i.e. submission qualifies as a Type 2 resource). Contributors are encouraged to provide access to GCE participants within one year, and public access after primary publication of the data. ** Availability of non-GCE resources is subject to conditions specified by the contributing investigator or program.
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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants OCE-9982133, OCE-0620959, OCE-1237140 and OCE-1832178. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.