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GCE-LTER Data Set Summary
Research Theme:
General Nutrient Chemistry (Monitoring)
Samantha B. Joye, Wei-Jun Cai, Jack Sandow, Nat Weston, Matthew Erickson, Steven Bell, Kim Hunter, Yongchen Wang
Long-term water quality monitoring on the Altamaha River and major tributaries from September 2000 through April 2009
Water samples were collected from the Altamaha River (approximately weekly) and several tributaries (bimonthly) from September 2000 through September 2001. Samples were then collected at less frequent intervals from September 2001 through April 2009. The concentration of dissolved nutrients (ammonium, nitrate+nitrite, phosphate, silicate), dissolved organics (DOC, DON, DOP) and total suspended solids were measured using standard methods. The concentrations of 20 elements (Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sr and Zn) were also determined using elemental analysis by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) was measured using a custom automated DIC analyzer. Total alkalinity (TA)was determined by Gran titration and pH of surface water was measured using a glass electrode.
Key Words:
Altamaha River, ammonium, biogeochemistry, calcium, carbon, estuaries, fluxes, Long-term Data, magnesium, nitrate, nitrogen, nutrient cycles, nutrients, organic, phosphate, phosphorus, potassium, River Nutrient Sampling, rivers, silicon, sodium, strontium, water column, water quality
LTER Core Area:
Inorganic Matter
Research Themes:
GCE2 Q1 - External Forcing, GCE3 Area2 - Patterns within the Domain, General Nutrient Chemistry, Chemistry |
Study Period:
28-Sep-2000 to 07-Apr-2009
Study Sites:
GCE-AL -- Altamaha River, Georgia, USA
ALT-BASIN -- Altamaha River basin, Georgia, USA
Project References:
Altamaha river water chemistry monitoring |
Xue, L., Cai, W.-J., Sutton, A.J. and Sabine, C. 2016. Sea surface aragonite saturation state variations and control mechanisms at the Gray's Reef time-series site off Georgia, USA (2006–2007). Marine Chemistry. 195:27-40. (DOI: 10.1016/j.marchem.2017.05.009)
Data Table: NUT-GCEM-0909b (Main data table for data set NUT-GCEM-0909b, 565 records)
Access: Public (released 09-Oct-2009)
Metadata: Text (ESA FLED),
XML (Ecological Metadata Language)
Data Formats: Spreadsheet (CSV) [97.28kb], Text File [128.91kb], MATLAB (GCE Toolbox) [621.42kb], MATLAB (Variables) [NaNkb], Text Report [176.75kb]
Column List:(hide)
Column |
Name |
Units |
Type |
Description |
1 |
Year |
integer |
Year sample was taken |
2 |
Month |
MM |
integer |
Month sample was taken |
3 |
Day |
DD |
integer |
Day sample was taken |
4 |
Time |
string |
Time sample was taken |
5 |
River |
none |
string |
0 |
6 |
Location |
none |
string |
Sampling location (GCE location code) |
7 |
Longitude |
degrees |
floating-point |
Geographic longitude of sampling location |
8 |
Latitude |
degrees |
floating-point |
Geographic latitude of sampling location |
9 |
Temperature |
degree C |
floating-point |
Temperature of water sample at collection |
10 |
Specific Conductivity |
uS/cm |
floating-point |
Specific Conductivity of water sample at collection |
11 |
Salinity |
floating-point |
Salinity of water sample at collection |
12 |
pH |
none |
floating-point |
Measured pH of water sample |
13 |
NH4_Conc |
µM |
floating-point |
Ammonium concentration |
14 |
NOx_Conc |
µM |
floating-point |
Nitrate + Nitrite concentration |
15 |
PO4_Conc |
µM |
floating-point |
Phosphate concentration |
16 |
DOC_Conc |
µM |
floating-point |
Dissolved organic carbon concentration |
17 |
DON_Conc |
µM |
floating-point |
Dissolved organic nitrogen concentration |
18 |
DOP_Conc |
µM |
floating-point |
Dissolved organic phosphorus concentration |
19 |
Silicate_Conc |
µM |
floating-point |
Silicate concentration |
20 |
TSS_Conc |
mg dry sediment/L |
floating-point |
Total Suspended Solids Concentration |
21 |
Aluminum_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Aluminum concentration |
22 |
Boron_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Boron concentration |
23 |
Barium_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Barium concentration |
24 |
Calcium_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Calcium concentration |
25 |
Cadmium_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Cadmium concentration |
26 |
Cobalt_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Cobalt concentration |
27 |
Chromium_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Chromium concentration |
28 |
Copper_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Copper concentration |
29 |
Iron_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Iron concentration |
30 |
Potassium_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Potassium concentration |
31 |
Magnesium_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Magnesium concentration |
32 |
Manganese_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Manganese concentration |
33 |
Molybdenum_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Molybdenum concentration |
34 |
Sodium_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Sodium concentration |
35 |
Nickel_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Nickel concentration |
36 |
Phosphorus_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Phosphorus concentration |
37 |
Lead_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Lead concentration |
38 |
Silicon_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Silicon concentration |
39 |
Strontium_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Strontium concentration |
40 |
Zinc_Conc |
ppm |
floating-point |
Zinc concentration |
41 |
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon |
µM |
floating-point |
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon measured in water sample |
42 |
Alkalinity |
µM |
floating-point |
Total Alkalinity measured in water sample |
43 |
pCO2 |
ppm |
floating-point |
0 |
44 |
Discharge |
m3/sec |
floating-point |
7-day moving average of river discharge |
45 |
DIC Flux |
mol/day |
floating-point |
0 |
Generate script code to retrieve data tables for analysis in: MATLAB, R, SAS, SPSS |
Joye, Samantha B. 2009. Long-term water quality monitoring on the Altamaha River and major tributaries from September 2000 through April 2009. Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Project, University of Georgia, Long Term Ecological Research Network. http://dx.doi.org/10.6073/pasta/a706acc8d6f3ea801e7668021f675722
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