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GCE-LTER Data Set Summary
Research Theme:
Marsh Ecology (Graduate Thesis Study)
Lishen Mao, Deepak Mishra, Peter Hawman, Caroline Narron, Jessica O'Connell, David Cotten
Pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) 5-minute chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF) with accompanying environmental variables from the GCE-LTER Keenan Field site on Sapelo Island, GA in July 2020
Pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF) from July 11, 2020 to July 27, 2020 collected over a Spartina alterniflora marsh located on the western side of Sapelo Island bounded by the Duplin River. PAM ChlF were processed in WinControl-3.25. Additional biophysical variables included are photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) from onsite quantum sensors (Licor-192), and tide height from an onsite pressure transducer (Hobo U20).
Key Words:
chlorophyll, Duplin River, fluorescence, photosynthesis, Plant Monitoring, Pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry, salt marshes, Sapelo Island, Spartina alterniflora
LTER Core Area:
Primary Production
Research Themes:
Marsh Ecology |
Study Period:
11-Jul-2020 to 27-Jul-2020
Study Sites:
GCE_Flux -- GCE Flux Tower Marsh, Sapelo Island, Georgia
Mao, L., Mishra, D., Hawman, P., Narron, C., O'Connell, J.L. and Cotten, D.L. 2023. Photosynthetic Performance of Tidally Flooded Spartina Alterniflora Salt Marshes. JGR Biogeosciences. 128(3). (DOI: 10.1029/2022JG007161)
Data Table: MSH-GCET-2302 (Main data table for data set MSH-GCET-2302, 4897 records)
Access: Public (released 09-Feb-2023)
Metadata: Text (ESA FLED),
XML (Ecological Metadata Language)
Data Formats: Spreadsheet (CSV) [343.08kb], Text File [342.75kb], MATLAB (GCE Toolbox) [124.58kb], MATLAB (Variables) [123.77kb], Text Report [380.14kb]
Column List:(hide)
Column |
Name |
Units |
Type |
Description |
1 |
Date |
string |
Calendar date of observation |
2 |
Time |
hh:mm:ss |
string |
Calendar time of observation |
3 |
umol/m2/s |
floating-point |
Photosynthetically active radiation measured at the top of the canopy |
4 |
umol/m2/s |
floating-point |
Photosynthetically active radiation measured at the bottom of the canopy |
5 |
none |
floating-point |
ChlF measured from leaves at the top of the canopy |
6 |
TOC_Fm |
none |
floating-point |
Maximum ChlF measured from leaves at the top of the canopy |
7 |
none |
floating-point |
PSII operating efficiency for leaves at top the canopy |
8 |
none |
floating-point |
ChlF measured from leaves at the bottom of the canopy |
9 |
BOC_Fm |
none |
floating-point |
Maximum ChlF measured from leaves at the bottom of the canopy |
10 |
none |
floating-point |
PSII operating efficiency for leaves at the bottom of the canopy |
11 |
Tide_Level |
meters |
floating-point |
Tide level above the soil surface |
Generate script code to retrieve data tables for analysis in: MATLAB, R, SAS, SPSS |
Mao, Lishen. 2023. Pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) 5-minute chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF) with accompanying environmental variables from the GCE-LTER Keenan Field site on Sapelo Island, GA in July 2020. Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Project, University of Georgia, Long Term Ecological Research Network. http://dx.doi.org/10.6073/pasta/93dad8f2c88a1f6b40cef5ed45724acf
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