Column |
Name |
Units |
Type |
Description |
1 |
Sampling_Date |
none |
string |
Date of sampling |
2 |
Estuary |
none |
string |
Name of estuary |
3 |
Marsh_Type |
none |
string |
Name of Salinity zone/Marsh type |
4 |
Site_Number |
none |
integer |
Site number |
5 |
Plot_Number |
none |
integer |
Plot number |
6 |
Plot_location |
none |
string |
Plot location within site |
7 |
Plant_species_richness |
count |
integer |
Plant species richness within each 0.5×0.5m plot |
8 |
Aboveground_biomass |
g |
floating-point |
Plant aboveground biomass within each 0.5×0.5m plot |
9 |
Average_plant_height |
cm |
floating-point |
Average plant height based on samples at the 4 cornors of each 1×1m plot |
10 |
Spartina_alterniflora_biomass_percent |
percent |
floating-point |
Biomass percentage of Spartina alterniflora |
11 |
Spartina_cynosuroides_biomass_percent |
percent |
floating-point |
Biomass percentage of Spartina cynosuroides |
12 |
Juncus_roemerianus_biomass_percent |
percent |
floating-point |
Biomass percentage of Juncus roemerianus |
13 |
Zizaniopsis_miliacea_biomass_percent |
percent |
floating-point |
Biomass percentage of Zizaniopsis miliacea |
14 |
Schoenoplectus_americanus_biomass_percent |
percent |
floating-point |
Biomass percentage of Schoenoplectus americanus |
15 |
Pontederia_cordata_biomass_percent |
percent |
floating-point |
Biomass percentage of Pontederia cordata |
16 |
Salicornia_depressa_biomass_percent |
percent |
floating-point |
Biomass percentage of Salicornia depressa |
17 |
Distichlis_spicata_biomass_percent |
percent |
floating-point |
Biomass percentage of Distichlis spicata |
18 |
Batis_maritima_biomass_percent |
percent |
floating-point |
Biomass percentage of Batis maritima |
19 |
Typha_domingensis_biomass_percent |
percent |
floating-point |
Biomass percentage of Typha domingensis |
20 |
Iva_frutescens_biomass_percent |
percent |
floating-point |
Biomass percentage of Iva frutescens |
21 |
other_species_biomass_percent |
percent |
floating-point |
Biomass percentage of other species |
22 |
Spartina_alterniflora_carbon_content |
percent |
floating-point |
Carbon content (percent dry mass) of Spartina alterniflora |
23 |
Spartina_cynosuroides_carbon_content |
percent |
floating-point |
Carbon content (percent dry mass) of Spartina cynosuroides |
24 |
Juncus_roemerianus_carbon_content |
percent |
floating-point |
Carbon content (percent dry mass) of Juncus roemerianus |
25 |
Zizaniopsis_miliacea_carbon_content |
percent |
floating-point |
Carbon content (percent dry mass) of Zizaniopsis miliacea |
26 |
Spartina_alterniflora_nitrogen_content |
percent |
floating-point |
Nitrogen content (percent dry mass) of Spartina alterniflora |
27 |
Spartina_cynosuroides_nitrogen_content |
percent |
floating-point |
Nitrogen content (percent dry mass) of Spartina cynosuroides |
28 |
Juncus_roemerianus_nitrogen_content |
percent |
floating-point |
Nitrogen content (percent dry mass) of Juncus roemerianus |
29 |
Zizaniopsis_miliacea_nitrogen_content |
percent |
floating-point |
Nitrogen content (percent dry mass) of Zizaniopsis miliacea |
30 |
Spartina_alterniflora_phosphorus_content |
ug/g |
floating-point |
Phosphorus content of Spartina alterniflora |
31 |
Spartina_cynosuroides_phosphorus_content |
ug/g |
floating-point |
Phosphorus content of Spartina cynosuroides |
32 |
Juncus_roemerianus_phosphorus_content |
ug/g |
floating-point |
Phosphorus content of Juncus roemerianus |
33 |
Zizaniopsis_miliacea_phosphorus_content |
ug/g |
floating-point |
Phosphorus content of Zizaniopsis miliacea |
Column |
Name |
Units |
Type |
Description |
1 |
Sampling_Date |
none |
string |
Date of sampling |
2 |
Estuary |
none |
string |
Name of estuary |
3 |
Marsh_Type |
none |
string |
Name of salinity zone/marsh type |
4 |
Site_Number |
none |
integer |
Site Number |
5 |
Plot_Number |
none |
integer |
Plot Number |
6 |
Ampelopsis_arborea |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Ampelopsis arborea in the plot. |
7 |
Baccharis_halimifolia |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Baccharis halimifolia in the plot. |
8 |
Batis_maritima |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Batis maritima in the plot. |
9 |
Borrichia_frutescens |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Borrichia frutescens in the plot. |
10 |
Cicuta_maculata |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Cicuta maculata in the plot. |
11 |
Cyperus_haspan |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Cyperus haspan in the plot. |
12 |
Cyperus_pseudovegetus |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Cyperus pseudovegetus in the plot. |
13 |
Distichlis_spicata |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Distichlis spicata in the plot. |
14 |
Eleocharis_fallax |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Eleocharis fallax in the plot. |
15 |
Erianthus_giganteus |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Erianthus giganteus in the plot. |
16 |
Helenium_autumnale |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Helenium autumnale in the plot. |
17 |
Hydrocotyle_umbellata |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Hydrocotyle umbellata in the plot. |
18 |
Iva_frutescens |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Iva frutescens in the plot. |
19 |
Juncus_effusus |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Juncus effusus in the plot. |
20 |
Juncus_megacephalus |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Juncus megacephalus in the plot. |
21 |
Juncus_roemerianus |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Juncus roemerianus in the plot. |
22 |
Lythrum_lineare |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Lythrum lineare in the plot. |
23 |
Mikania_scandens |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Mikania scandens in the plot. |
24 |
Myrica_cerifera |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Myrica cerifera in the plot. |
25 |
Dichanthelium_spp |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Dichanthelium spp. in the plot. |
26 |
Physostegia_virginiana |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Physostegia virginiana in the plot. |
27 |
Polygonum_hydropiperoides |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Polygonum hydropiperoides in the plot. |
28 |
Polygonum_sagittatum |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Polygonum sagittatum in the plot. |
29 |
Pontederia_cordata |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Pontederia cordata in the plot. |
30 |
Ptilimnium_capillaceum |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Ptilimnium capillaceum in the plot. |
31 |
Rumex_verticillatus |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Rumex verticillatus in the plot. |
32 |
Sagittaria_lancifolia |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Sagittaria lancifolia in the plot. |
33 |
Sagittaria_latifolia |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Sagittaria latifolia in the plot. |
34 |
Salicornia_virginica |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Salicornia virginica in the plot. |
35 |
Schoenoplectus_americanus |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Schoenoplectus americanus in the plot. |
36 |
Schoenoplectus_robustus |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Schoenoplectus robustus in the plot. |
37 |
Schoenoplectus_tabernaemontani |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani in the plot. |
38 |
Solidago_sempervirens |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Solidago sempervirens in the plot. |
39 |
Spartina_alterniflora |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Spartina alterniflora in the plot. |
40 |
Spartina_cynosuroides |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Spartina cynosuroides in the plot. |
41 |
Spartina_patens |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Spartina patens in the plot. |
42 |
Symphyotrichum_tenuifolium |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Symphyotrichum tenuifolium in the plot. |
43 |
Thelypteris_palustris |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Thelypteris palustris in the plot. |
44 |
Typha_domingensis |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Typha domingensis in the plot. |
45 |
Zizaniopsis_miliacea |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Zizaniopsis miliacea in the plot. |
46 |
Unknown_species__1 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 1 in the plot. |
47 |
Unknown_species__2 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 2 in the plot. |
48 |
Unknown_species__3 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 3 in the plot. |
49 |
Unknown_species__4 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 4 in the plot. |
50 |
Unknown_species__5 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 5 in the plot. |
51 |
Unknown_species__6 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 6 in the plot. |
52 |
Unknown_species__7 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 7 in the plot. |
53 |
Unknown_species__8 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 8 in the plot. |
54 |
Unknown_species__9 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 9 in the plot. |
55 |
Unknown_species__10 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 10 in the plot. |
56 |
Unknown_species__11 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 11 in the plot. |
57 |
Unknown_species__12 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 12 in the plot. |
58 |
Unknown_species__13 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 13 in the plot. |
59 |
Unknown_species__14 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 14 in the plot. |
60 |
Unknown_species__15 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 15 in the plot. |
61 |
Unknown_species__16 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 16 in the plot. |
62 |
Unknown_species__17 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 17 in the plot. |
63 |
Unknown_species__18 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 18 in the plot. |
64 |
Unknown_species__19 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 19 in the plot. |
65 |
Unknown_species__20 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 20 in the plot. |
66 |
Unknown_species__21 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 21 in the plot. |
67 |
Unknown_species__22 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 22 in the plot. |
68 |
Unknown_species__23 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 23 in the plot. |
69 |
Unknown_species__24 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 24 in the plot. |
70 |
Unknown_species__25 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 25 in the plot. |
71 |
Unknown_species__26 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 26 in the plot. |
72 |
Unknown_species__27 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 27 in the plot. |
73 |
Unknown_species__28 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 28 in the plot. |
74 |
Unknown_species__29 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 29 in the plot. |
75 |
Unknown_species__30 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 30 in the plot. |
76 |
Unknown_species__31 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 31 in the plot. |
77 |
Unknown_species__32 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 32 in the plot. |
78 |
Unknown_species__33 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 33 in the plot. |
79 |
Unknown_species__34 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 34 in the plot. |
80 |
Unknown_species__35 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 35 in the plot. |
81 |
Unknown_species__36 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 36 in the plot. |
82 |
Unknown_species__37 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 37 in the plot. |
83 |
Unknown_species__38 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 38 in the plot. |
84 |
Unknown_species__39 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 39 in the plot. |
85 |
Unknown_species__40 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 40 in the plot. |
86 |
Unknown_species__41 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 41 in the plot. |
87 |
Unknown_species__42 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 42 in the plot. |
88 |
Unknown_species__43 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 43 in the plot. |
89 |
Unknown_species__44 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 44 in the plot. |
90 |
Unknown_species__45 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 45 in the plot. |
91 |
Unknown_species__46 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 46 in the plot. |
92 |
Unknown_species__47 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 47 in the plot. |
93 |
Unknown_species__48 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 48 in the plot. |
94 |
Unknown_species__49 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 49 in the plot. |
95 |
Unknown_species__50 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 50 in the plot. |
96 |
Unknown_species__51 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 51 in the plot. |
97 |
Unknown_species__52 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 52 in the plot. |
98 |
Unknown_species__53 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 53 in the plot. |
99 |
Unknown_species__54 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 54 in the plot. |
100 |
Unknown_species__55 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 55 in the plot. |
101 |
Unknown_species__56 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 56 in the plot. |
102 |
Unknown_species__57 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 57 in the plot. |
103 |
Unknown_species__58 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 58 in the plot. |
104 |
Unknown_species__59 |
none |
integer |
Presence or absence of Unknown species 59 in the plot. |