Brian Silliman, Co-Investigator / Assistant ProfessorResearch Emphasis:The majority of my work has been with plant and animal communities on the temperate shorelines of the Western Atlantic, particularly those in salt marsh and rocky intertidal habitats. I am an experimental ecologist and employ manipulative field studies in coastline systems to examine and unravel how patterns in natural communities are generated and maintained. I incorporate population (density dependence), community (multi-trophic aspects of food webs), and ecosystem (biogeochemical cycles) level processes in my investigations and typically design experiments with specific conservation or management problems in mind. My primary research focuses on how consumers (top-down forces) and nutrients (bottom-up forces) interact to control structure and productivity of marine plant communities. This research is particularly applicable to marine conservation efforts because continued coastal development and increased demand for seafood have resulted in heavy nutrient loading and severely depleted fisheries in near-shore marine communities. GCE Committees:GCE Predator Exclusion Experiment Committee Contact Information:Primary Organization: Duke University Mailing Address: Dr. Brian R. Silliman Office Phone: (352) 392-1137 E-Mail: Web Page: Other Identity Systems:ORCID: GCE Data Sets:MSH-GCED-2308 (Pred-Ex: Long Term Salt Marsh Predator Exclusion Experiment Conducted at Sapelo Island, GA) INV-GCEM-1904a (Survey of adult and juvenile periwinkle snail (Littoraria irrorata) density in mid-marsh and creekbank plots at GCE LTER study sites in October 2018.) INV-GCEM-1904 (Yearly survey of barnacle settlement near creekbank plots at GCE LTER study sites in October 2018) INV-GCEM-1704a (Survey of adult and juvenile periwinkle snail (Littoraria irrorata) density in mid-marsh and creekbank plots at GCE LTER study sites in October 2016.) INV-GCEM-1804a (Survey of adult and juvenile periwinkle snail (Littoraria irrorata) density in mid-marsh and creekbank plots at GCE LTER study sites in October 2017.) (most recent displayed - view all) GCE Publications and Presentations: (custom bibliography)Journal ArticlesHughes, B.B., Beheshti, K., Tinker, M., Angelini, C., Endris, C., Murai, L., Anderson, S., Espinosa, S., Staedler, M., Tomoleioni, J. and Silliman, B.R. (in press). Top predator recovery abates geomorphic decline in a coastal ecosystem. Nature. Hammann, L., Silliman, B.R. and Blasius, B. 2021. Optimal Planting Distance in a Simple Model of Habitat Restoration With an Allee Effect. Frontiers in Marine Science. (DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.610412) Gaskins, L., Paxton, A. and Silliman, B.R. 2020. Megafauna in salt marshes. Frontiers in Marine Science. (DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.561476) He, Q., Li, H., Xu, C., Sun, Q., Bertness, M.D., Fang, C., Li, B. and Silliman, B.R. 2020. Consumer regulation of the carbon cycle in coastal wetland ecosystems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. (DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2019.0451) Morton, J.P. and Silliman, B.R. 2020. Parasites enhance resistance to drought in a coastal ecosystem. Ecology. (DOI: 10.1002/ecy.2897) Reeves, S.E., Renzi, J.J., Fobert, E.K., Silliman, B.R., Hancock, B. and Gillies, C.L. 2020. Facilitating better outcomes: How positive species interactions can improve oyster reef restoration. Frontiers in Marine Science. (DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00656) Temmink, R.J., Christianen, M., Fivash, G.S., Angelini, C., Bostrom, C., Didderen, K., Engel, S.M., Esteban, N., Gaeckle, J.L., Gagnon, K., Govers, L.L., Infantes, E., van Katwijk, M.M., Kipson, S., Lamers, L., Lengkeek, W., Silliman, B.R., van Tussenbroek, B.I., Unsworth, R.K.F., Yaakub, S.M., Bouma, T.J. and van der Heide, T. 2020. Mimicry of emergent traits amplifies coastal restoration success. Nature Communications. (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-17438-4) He, Q. and Silliman, B.R. 2019. Climate Change, Human Impacts, and Coastal Ecosystems in the Anthropocene. Current Biology. 29(19):1021-1035. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.08.042) Renzi, J.J., He, Q. and Silliman, B.R. 2019. Harnessing positive species interactions to enhance coastal wetland restoration. Frontiers in Marine Science. (DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2019.00131) Silliman, B.R., He, Q., Angelini, C., Smith, C.S., Kirwan, M.L., Daleo, P., Renzi, J.J., Butler, J., Osborne, T.Z., Nifong, J.C. and van de Koppel, J. 2019. Field Experiments and Meta-analysis Reveal Wetland Vegetation as a Crucial Element in the Coastal Protection Paradigm. Current Biology. 29(11):1800-1806. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.05.017) Silliman, B.R. and He, Q. 2018. Physical Stress, Consumer Control, and New Theory in Ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 33(7):492 - 503. (DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2018.04.015) Thomsen, M.S., Alteiri, A., Angelini, C., Bishop, M., Gribben, G., Lear, G., Schiel, D., Silliman, B.R., South, P., Watson, D., Wernberg, T. and Zotz, G. 2018. Secondary foundation species enhance biodiversity. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 2:634-639. (DOI: 10.1038/s41559-018-0487-5) Zengel, S., Weaver, J., Pennings, S.C., Silliman, B.R., Deis, D., Montague, C.L., Zimmerman, A., Rutherford, N. and Nixon, Z. 2017. Five years of Deepwater Horizon oil spill effects on marsh periwinkles Littoraria irrorata. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 576:135-144. (DOI: 10.3354/meps11827) Freita, R., Schrack, E., He, Q., Silliman, B.R., Furlong, E.B., Telles, A.C. and Costa, C.S. 2016. Consumer control of the establishment of marsh foundation plants in intertidal mudflats. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 547:79-89. (DOI: 10.3354/meps11624) He, Q. and Silliman, B.R. 2016. Consumer control as a common driver of coastal vegetation worldwide. Ecological Monographs. 86(3):278-294. (DOI: 10.1002/ecm.1221) Silliman, B.R., Dixon, P.M., Wobus, C., He, Q., Daleo, P., Hughes, B.B., Rissing, M., Willis, J.M. and Hester, M. 2016. Thresholds in marsh resilience to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Scientific Reports. 6(32520). (DOI: 10.1038/srep32520) van der Zee, E.M., Angelini, C., Govers, L.L., Christianen, M.J., Alteiri, A., van der Reijden, K.J., Silliman, B.R., van de Koppel, J., van der Geest, M., van Gils, J.A., van der Veer, H.W., Piersma, T., de Ruiter, P.C., Olff, H. and van der Heide, T. 2016. How habitat-modifying organisms structure the food web of two coastal ecosystems. Proc. R. Soc. B. 283(1826):9. (DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.2326) Angelini, C., van der Heide, J., Griffin, J., Derksen-Hooijberg, M., Lamers, L., Smolders, A.J.P. and Silliman, B.R. 2015. Foundation species' overlap enhances biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality from the patch to landscape scale. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. (DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.0421) Atkins, R., Griffin, J.N., Angelini, C., O'Connor, M. and Silliman, B.R. 2015. Consumer- plant interaction strength: importance of body size, density and metabolic biomass. OIKOS. (DOI: 10.1111/oik.01966) Angelini, C. and Silliman, B.R. 2014. Secondary foundation species as drivers of trophic and functional diversity: evidence from a tree-epiphyte system. Ecology. 95(1):185-196. Silliman, B.R. 2014. Salt marshes. Current Biology. 24(9):348-350. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2014.03.001) Silliman, B.R., Mozdzer, C., Angelini, C., Brundage, J., Bakker, J., Esselink, P., van de Koppel, J. and Baldwin, A. 2014. Livestock as a Biological Control Agent for an Invasive Wetland Plant. PeerJ. 2:567. (DOI: 10.7717/peerj.567) Soomsdat, N., Griffin, J.N., McCoy, M., Hensel, M.S., Buhler, S., Chejanovski, Z.A. and Silliman, B.R. 2014. Independent and combined effects of multiple predators across ontogeny of a dominant grazer. OIKOS. 123(9):1081-1090. (DOI: 10.1111/oik.01579) Thomsen, M.S., Wernberg, T., Olden, J., Byers, J., Bruno, J.F., Silliman, B.R. and Schiel, D. 2014. Forty years of experiments on invasive species: are biases limiting our understanding of impacts? NeoBiota. 22:1-22. (DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.22.6224) Cheong, S.M., Silliman, B.R., Wong, P., Wesienback, B., Kim, C. and Guannel, G. 2013. Coastal Adaptation Defense with Ecological Engineering. Nature Climate Change. 3:787 - 791. (DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE1854) Hensel, M.S. and Silliman, B.R. 2013. Consumer diversity across kingdoms supports multiple functions in a coastal ecosystem. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110(51):20621-20626. (DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1312317110) Mahmoudi, N., Porter, T., Zimmerman, A., Fulthopre, R., Kasozi, G., Slater, G. and Silliman, B.R. 2013. Rapid degradation of Deepwater Horizon spilled oil by indigenous microbial communities in Louisiana salt marsh sediments. Environmental Science and Technology. 47(23):13303-13312. (DOI: 10.1021/es4036072) Nifong, J.C., Lowers, R., Silliman, B.R., Abernathy, K. and Marshall, G. 2013. Attachment and deployment of remote video/audio recording devices (Crittercam) on wild American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis Duadin 1801). Herpetological Review. 44(2):243-247. Rosenblatt, A.E., Heithaus, M., Mather, M., Matich, P., Nifong, J.C., Ripple, W. and Silliman, B.R. 2013. The Roles of Large Top Predators in Coastal Ecosystems: New Insights from Long Term Ecological Research. Special Issue: Coastal Long Term Ecological Research. Oceanography. 26(3):156 - 167. (DOI: Silliman, B.R., McCoy, M., Angelini, C., Holt, R.D., Griffin, J.N. and van de Koppel, J. 2013. Consumer Fronts, Global Change, and Runaway Collapse in Ecosystems. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 44:503 - 538. (DOI: 10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-110512-135753) Diaz-Ferguson, E., Haney, A., Wares, J.P. and Silliman, B.R. 2012. Genetic structure and connectivity patterns of two Caribbean rocky-intertidal gastropods. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 78:112 - 118. (DOI: 10.1093/mollus/eyr050) Silliman, B.R., Diller, J., McCoy, M., Earl, K., von de Koppel, J. and Zimmerman, A. 2012. Degradation and resilience in Louisiana salt marshes following the BP-DHW oil spill. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109(28):11234-11239. Thomsen, M.S., Wernberg, T., Engelen, H., Tuya, F., Vanderklift, M., Holmer, M., McGlathery, K., Arenas, F., Kotta, J. and Silliman, B.R. 2012. A meta-analysis of seaweed impacts on seagrasses: generalities and knowledge gaps. Plos ONE. 7(1). van der Heide, T., Govers, L.L., de Fouw, J., Olff, H., van der Geest, M., van Katwijk, M.M., Piersma, T., van de Koppel, J., Silliman, B.R., Smolders, A.J.P. and van Gils, J.A. 2012. A three-stage symbioses forms the foundation of seagrass ecosystems. Science. 319:321-323. Angelini, C., Alteiri, A., Silliman, B.R. and Bertness, M.D. 2011. Interactions among Foundation Species and Their Consequences for Community Organization, Biodiversity, and Conservation. BioScience. 61(10):782-789. (DOI: 10.1525/bio.2011.61.10.8) Thomsen, M.S., Wernberg, T., Olden, J., Griffin, J.N. and Silliman, B.R. 2011. A broad framework to organize and compare invasive species impacts. Environmental Research. 111:899-908. Diaz-Ferguson, E., Robinson, J.D., Silliman, B.R. and Wares, J.P. 2010. Comparative Phylogeography of East Coast American Salt Marsh Communities. Estuaries and Coasts. 33:828-839. (DOI: 10.1007/s12237-009-9220-6) Bertness, M.D. and Silliman, B.R. 2008. Consumer Control of Salt Marshes Driven by Human Disturbance. Conservation Biology. 22(3):618-623. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2008.00962.x) Sala, N., Bertness, M.D. and Silliman, B.R. 2008. The Dynamics of Top-down and Bottom-up control in New England salt marshes. Oikos. 117(7):1050-1056. (DOI: 10.1111/j.0030-1299.2008.16296.x) Gustafson, D.J., Kilheffer, J. and Silliman, B.R. 2006. Relative impacts of Littoraria irrorata and Prokelisia marginata on Spartina alterniflora growth. Estuaries and Coasts. 29(4):639-644. Silliman, B.R. and Newell, S.Y. 2003. Fungal farming in a snail. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 100:15643-15648. (DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2535227100) Books and Book SectionsBertness, M.D., Bruno, J.F., Silliman, B.R. and Stachowicz, J.J. 2013. Marine Community Ecology and Conservation. Sinauer Associates, Inc. 560 pages. Silliman, B.R. 2013. Salt Marshes Under Global Siege. In: Ray, G., McCormick-Ray, J. and Wiley, J. (editors). Coastal Marine Conservation: Science and Policy. Bertness, M.D., Silliman, B.R. and Holdredge, C. 2009. Shoreline development and the future of New England salt marsh landscapes. Pages 137-148 in: Silliman, B.R., Grosholtz, T. and Bertness, M.D. (editors). Human Impacts on Salt Marshes: A Global Perspective. University of California Press. Bromberg, K. and Silliman, B.R. 2009. Patterns of salt marsh loss within coastal regions of North America: pre-settlement to present. Pages 253-266 in: Silliman, B.R., Grosholtz, T. and Bertness, M.D. (editors). Human Impacts on Salt Marshes: A Global Perspective. University of California Press. Osgood, D. and Silliman, B.R. 2009. From climate change to snails: potential causes of salt marsh die-back along the U.S. Eastern Seaboard and Gulf Coasts. Pages 231-252 in: Silliman, B.R., Grosholtz, T. and Bertness, M.D. (editors). Human Impacts on Salt Marshes: A Global Perspective. University of California Press. Silliman, B.R., Grosholtz, T. and Bertness, M.D. 2009. An introduction to human impacts on salt marshes: Are marshes at risk? In: Silliman, B.R., Grosholtz, T. and Bertness, M.D. (editors). Human Impacts on Salt Marshes: A Global Perspective. University of California Press. Silliman, B.R., Grosholtz, T. and Bertness, M.D. 2009. Salt marshes under global siege. Pages 391-398 in: Silliman, B.R., Grosholtz, T. and Bertness, M.D. (editors). Human Impacts on Salt Marshes: A Global Perspective. University of California Press. Thomsen, M.S., Adams, P. and Silliman, B.R. 2009. Anthropogenic threats to Australasian coastal salt marshes. Pages 361-390 in: Silliman, B.R., Grosholtz, T. and Bertness, M.D. (editors). Human Impacts on Salt Marshes: A Global Perspective. University of California Press. Conference Posters and PresentationsPennings, S.C., Bertness, M.D., Donnelly, J.P., Ewanchuk, P.J., Silliman, B.R. and Callaway, R.M. 2001. Presentation: Impacts of global change on coastal salt marshes. Keynote address to the German Limnological Association, September 17-21, 2001, Kiel, Germany. Pennings, S.C., Bertness, M.D., Donnelly, J.P., Ewanchuk, P.J., Silliman, B.R. and Callaway, R.M. 2001. Presentation: Impacts of human activities on coastal salt marshes. Meeting of the Western Society of Naturalists, November 10-12, 2001, Ventura, California. Newsletter and Newspaper Articles |
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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants OCE-9982133, OCE-0620959, OCE-1237140 and OCE-1832178. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.