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GCE-LTER Data Set Summary
Research Theme:
Geospatial Analysis (Directed Study)
Christine M. Hladik, Merryl Alber
Corrected LIDAR-derived digital elevation model of the Duplin River salt marshes
LIDAR (light detection and ranging) data were acquired on March 9-10, 2009 by the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) for the Duplin River (35 km2). A 1 m spatial resolution gridded digital elevation models (DEM) was produced from these data. The accuracy of the DEM was assessed using real time kinematic (RTK) GPS ground reference data and elevations were corrected following the method of Hladik and Alber (2012).
Key Words:
DEM, elevation, LIDAR, remote sensing, salt marshes
LTER Core Area:
Primary Production
Research Themes:
Geospatial Analysis, Plant Ecology |
Study Period:
09-Mar-2009 to 10-Mar-2009
Study Sites:
GCE-DP -- Duplin River, Georgia, USA
Data References:
GIS-GCES-1401 (RTK elevation survey data),
GIS-GCES-1401a (RTK elevation survey data),
GIS-GCES-1401b (LIDAR data),
GIS-GCES-1401c (LIDAR data),
GIS-GCES-1401e (Hyperspectral imagery),
GIS-GCES-1401f (Hyperspectral imagery),
GIS-GCES-1401g (Hyperspectral imagery classifications),
GIS-GCES-1401h (NDVI images from hyperspectral imagery classifications)
Hladik, C.M. and Alber, M. 2012. Accuracy assessment and correction of a LIDAR-derived salt marsh digital elevation model. Remote Sensing of the Environment. 121:234-235. (DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2012.01.018)
Zhang, Y., Huang, G., Wang, W., Chen, L. and Lin, G. 2012. Interactions between mangroves and exotic Spartina in an anthropogenically disturbed estuary in southern China. Ecology. 93(3):588 - 597. (DOI: 10.1890/11-1302.1)
Hladik, C.M., Schalles, J.F. and Alber, M. 2013. Salt marsh elevation and habitat mapping using hyperspectral and LIDAR data. Remote Sensing of the Environment. 139:318 - 330. (DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2013.08.003)
Alber, M. and O'Connell, J.L. 2019. Elevation drives gradients in surface soil temperature within salt marshes. Geophysical Research Letters. 46:5313-5322. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL082374)
Hawman, P., Mishra, D., O'Connell, J.L., Cotten, D.L., Narron, C. and Mao, L. 2021. Salt Marsh Light Use Efficiency is Driven by Environmental Gradients and Species-Specific Physiology and Morphology. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 126. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JG006213)
O'Connell, J.L., Mishra, D., Alber, M. and Byrd, K.B. 2021. BERM: A belowground ecosystem resilience model for estimating Spartina alterniflora belowground biomass. New Phytologist. (DOI: 10.1111/nph.17607)
GIS Vector Data: GIS-GCEM-1401d-Mod_DEM_ASCII (Zip file containing the modified DEM ASCII files)
Access: Public (released 01-Sep-2013)
Metadata: XML (Ecological Metadata Language)
Data Formats: Zip archive [135,944 KB]
GIS Raster Data: GIS-GCES-1401d-Mod_DEM_raster (Zip file containing the modified DEM raster grid)
Access: Public (released 01-Sep-2013)
Metadata: XML (Ecological Metadata Language)
Data Formats: Zip archive [117,027 KB]
Hladik, Christine M. 2013. Corrected LIDAR-derived digital elevation model of the Duplin River salt marshes. Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Project, University of Georgia, Long Term Ecological Research Network. http://dx.doi.org/10.6073/pasta/4c5187ef603f70cd0a77ece24ef0fed9
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