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GCE-LTER Data Set Summary

Accession: GND-GCED-1802 Research Theme: Groundwater Hydrology (Directed Study)
Contributors: Christopher B. Craft, Dontrece Smith, Sarah Widney, Wade Sheldon
Title: Continuous groundwater well temperature, salinity and water level measurements at the GCE-LTER Seawater Addition Long-Term Experiment (SALTEx) site from May 2014 to February 2018
Abstract: The Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Seawater Addition Long-Term Experiment (SALTEx) is a large-scale field experiment designed to simulate saltwater intrusion in a tidal freshwater wetland to predict how chronic (Press) and acute (Pulse) salinization will affect this and other tidal freshwater ecosystems. In order to characterize groundwater salinity, temperature, and plot flooding following experimental manipulation, unvented water pressure, temperature and conductivity were continuously measured in a PVC groundwater well installed at the SALTEx site. Measurements were made at the bottom of the well using a submerged Schlumberger CTD-Diver logger every 15 minutes from 30-May-2014 to 14-Feb-2018. In February 2016 a second CTD-Diver was deployed near the top of the well. Data were downloaded from the loggers using Diver Office communication software, then imported into MATLAB for post-processing, quality control and documentation. Raw, unvented pressure readings were corrected for atmospheric pressure and sensor height from the bottom of the well to generate corrected pressure readings, then water level, salinity and density were calculated from the measured variables using UNESCO algorithms. These data were collected as part of the Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER SALTEx project (http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/public/app/send_project_eml.asp?id=73), and will be updated annually.
DOI: 10.6073/pasta/bdde791bb928c451261a2c3e1561ff56
Key Words: droughts, estuaries, floods, groundwater, hydrology, pressure, salinity, SALTEx, temperature, water level, water table
LTER Core Area: Disturbance Patterns
Research Themes: GCE2 Q1 - External Forcing, GCE2 Q3 - Longitudinal Gradients, GCE3 Area3 - Responses to Salinity and Inundation, Groundwater Hydrology, Hydrography/Hydrology
Study Period: 30-May-2014 to 14-Feb-2018
Study Sites:
SALTEx -- SALTEx Research Site, Champney Island, Georgia, USA
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Project References: SALTEx - Seawater Addition Long Term Experiment

Herbert, E., Schubauer-Berigan, J.P. and Craft, C.B. 2018. Differential effects of chronic and acute simulated seawater intrusion on tidal freshwater marsh carbon cycling. Biogeochemistry. 138:137–154. (DOI: 10.1007/s10533-018-0436-z)

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Data Table: GND-GCED-1802_Bottom (Observations from the data logger installed at the well bottom from May 2014 to Feb 2018, 130182 records)

Access: Public (released 01-Dec-2018)

Metadata: Text (ESA FLED), XML (Ecological Metadata Language)

Data Formats: Spreadsheet (CSV) [25877.59kb],  Text File [22440.92kb],  MATLAB (GCE Toolbox) [46913.30kb],  MATLAB (Variables) [44951.63kb],  Text Report [23282.05kb]

Column List:(display)

Data Table: GND-GCED-1802_Surface (Observations from the data logger installed at the well surface from Feb 2016 to Feb 2018, 71340 records)

Access: Public (released 01-Dec-2018)

Metadata: Text (ESA FLED), XML (Ecological Metadata Language)

Data Formats: Spreadsheet (CSV) [14454.32kb],  Text File [12535.95kb],  MATLAB (GCE Toolbox) [25709.32kb],  MATLAB (Variables) [24711.43kb],  Text Report [12996.25kb]

Column List:(display)

Statistics: Generate script code to retrieve data tables for analysis in: MATLAB, R, SAS, SPSS
Citation: Craft, Christopher B. 2018. Continuous groundwater well temperature, salinity and water level measurements at the GCE-LTER Seawater Addition Long-Term Experiment (SALTEx) site from May 2014 to February 2018. Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Project, University of Georgia, Long Term Ecological Research Network. http://dx.doi.org/10.6073/pasta/bdde791bb928c451261a2c3e1561ff56

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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants OCE-9982133, OCE-0620959, OCE-1237140 and OCE-1832178. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.