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GCE-LTER Data Set Summary

Accession: POR-GCED-1802 Research Theme: Pore-water Chemistry (Directed Study)
Contributors: Christopher B. Craft, Sarah Widney, Dontrece Smith, Elena Solohin
Title: SALTEx soil oxidation-reduction (redox) potential measurements from the GCE LTER Seawater Addition Long-Term Experiment (SALTEx) between July 2016 and March 2017
Abstract: SALTEx (Seawater Addition Long-Term Experiment) is a field experiment designed to simulate saltwater intrusion in a tidal freshwater wetland to predict how chronic (Press) and acute (Pulse) salinization will affect this and other tidal freshwater ecosystems. The SALTEx experiment was initiated in 2012 and consists of 31 field plots , each 2.5 m on a side. There are three treatments (Press, Pulse, and Fresh) and two types of controls (with and without sides), each consisting of six replicates. The Press treatment plots receive regular (4 times each week) additions of a mixture of seawater and fresh river water. Pulse plots receive the same mixture of seawater and river water during September and October, which is historically a time of low flow in the river when natural saltwater intrusion occurs. The Fresh treatment plots receive regular additions of fresh river water. Treatment water is added during low tide to facilitate its infiltration into the soil, and all plots are inundated by astronomical tides at high tide. Response measurements include porewater chemistry, specifically concentrations of chloride, sulfate, sulfide, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), ammonium-N, nitrate/nitrite-N, dissolved reactive phosphorus, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, organic nitrogen, carbon:nitrogen ratio, organic-carbon:organic-nitrogen ratio, and pH.
DOI: 10.6073/pasta/04043690aed551922ac9ee55663fabff
Key Words: disturbance, organic matter, redox, SALTEx, soil chemistry, soil nutrients, soil organic matter, soils
LTER Core Area: Disturbance Patterns
Research Themes: Pore-water Chemistry, Chemistry
Study Period: 11-Jul-2016 to 09-Mar-2017
Study Sites:
SALTEx -- SALTEx Research Site, Champney Island, Georgia, USA
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Research Protocols:

Oxidation-Reduction Potential Probe Protocol (Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER)

Redox Probe Field Methods (Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER)


Craft, C.B., Herbert, E., Li, F., Smith, D., Schubauer-Berigan, J.P., Widney, S., Angelini, C., Pennings, S.C., Medeiros, P.M., Byers, J. and Alber, M. 2016. Climate change and the fate of coastal wetlands. Wetland Science and Practice. 33(3):70-73.

Herbert, E., Schubauer-Berigan, J.P. and Craft, C.B. 2018. Differential effects of chronic and acute simulated seawater intrusion on tidal freshwater marsh carbon cycling. Biogeochemistry. 138:137–154. (DOI: 10.1007/s10533-018-0436-z)

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Data Table: POR-GCED-1802 (Main data table for data set POR-GCED-1802, 495 records)

Access: Public (released 20-Feb-2019)

Metadata: Text (ESA FLED), XML (Ecological Metadata Language)

Data Formats: Spreadsheet (CSV) [16.87kb],  Text File [15.42kb],  MATLAB (GCE Toolbox) [171.21kb],  MATLAB (Variables) [139.33kb],  Text Report [30.97kb]

Column List:(hide)

Column Name Units Type Description
1 Sample_Date MM/DD/YYYY string Date the measurement was made
2 Treatment none string Sample treatment
3 Replicate none integer Replicate
4 Elevation m floating-point Mean plot elevation relative to MLW
5 Probe_Number none integer Platinum electrode used for measurement
6 Corrected_Potential mV floating-point Soil oxidation-reduction potential at 10 cm depth
Statistics: Generate script code to retrieve data tables for analysis in: MATLAB, R, SAS, SPSS
Citation: Craft, Christopher B. 2018. SALTEx soil oxidation-reduction (redox) potential measurements from the GCE LTER Seawater Addition Long-Term Experiment (SALTEx) between July 2016 and March 2017. Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Project, University of Georgia, Long Term Ecological Research Network. http://dx.doi.org/10.6073/pasta/04043690aed551922ac9ee55663fabff

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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants OCE-9982133, OCE-0620959, OCE-1237140 and OCE-1832178. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.