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GCE-LTER Data Set Summary

Accession: MET-GCEM-2009 Research Theme: Meteorology (Monitoring)
Contributors: Wade M. Sheldon Jr., Jacob Shalack, Daniela Di Iorio, Merryl Alber
Title: Long-term Atmospheric, Soil and Water Sensor Data from the GCE-LTER Eddy Covariance Flux Tower on Sapelo Island, Georgia
Abstract: Long-term measurements of various atmospheric, soil and water properties were made using electronic sensors attached to the GCE-LTER eddy covariance flux tower deployed in a Spartina alterniflora salt marsh on Sapelo Island, Georgia. Variables measured include air and water temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, wind speed and direction, soil temperature, water pressure and solar radiation components (i.e. incident and reflected photosynthetically available, total, long-wave and shortwave radiation). Measurements were logged at 5 minute intervals using multiple Campbell Scientific Instruments CR3000 data loggers, and then combined into a single monotonic time series data set. Quality control analyses were performed to remove values deemed invalid due to sensor failure or miscalibration and to assign Q/C qualifiers to values outside expected ranges or failing various sanity and quality checks of the data. Note that some measurements were spatially replicated with multiple sensors deployed in different micro-habitats (e.g. at the tower and in a nearby marsh platform or creek). Sensors were also added to the tower at various times after the initial installation, therefore some variables do not span the entire period of record. Measurements at this site are ongoing, and the data set will be updated annually to include additional observations.
DOI: 10.6073/pasta/2ef4257c317b6007c32c0447307a064f
Key Words: air temperature, atmosphere, climate, climate change, Climate Monitoring, climatology, Duplin River, GCE, heat flux, humidity, Long-term Data, marshes, net radiation, photosynthetically active radiation, precipitation, rainfall, relative humidity, salt marshes, Sapelo Island, Signature Data, soil temperature, solar radiation, water temperature, wind direction, wind speed
LTER Core Area: Other Site Research
Research Themes: GCE2 Q1 - External Forcing, GCE3 Area1 - Drivers of Change, Meteorology, Hydrography/Hydrology
Study Period: 09-Jul-2013 to 31-Dec-2020
Study Sites:
GCE_Flux -- GCE Flux Tower Marsh, Sapelo Island, Georgia
» Download Geographic Coverage: Google Earth
Data References: MSH-GCET-2006 (Corresponding Eddy Covariance data set), MET-GCES-2010 (Derived 15 minute and daily meteorological data set)
Project References: Eddy covariance flux tower

Narron, C., O'Connell, J.L., Mishra, D., Cotten, D.L., Hawman, P. and Mao, L. 2022. Flooding in Landsat across tidal systems (FLATS): An index for intermittent tidal filtering and frequency detection in salt marsh environments. Ecological Indicators. 141:109045. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109045)

Downloads: Information

Data Table: MET-GCEM-2009 (Main data table for data set MET-GCEM-2009, 786884 records)

Access: Public (released 17-Sep-2020)

Metadata: Text (ESA FLED), XML (Ecological Metadata Language)

Data Formats: Spreadsheet (CSV) [253500.36kb],  Text File [231265.60kb],  MATLAB (GCE Toolbox) [301907.09kb],  MATLAB (Variables) [277799.95kb],  Text Report [236658.20kb]

Column List:(hide)

Column Name Units Type Description
1 Date yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS - GMT string Fractional MATLAB serial day (based on 1 = January 1, 0000)
2 Mean_Temp_Air °C floating-point Average temperature from GCE_Flux HMP45C at mid-tower [C]
3 Flag_Mean_Temp_Air none string QA/QC flags for Average temperature from GCE_Flux HMP45C at mid-tower [C] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Temp_Air: x<-20="I", x>50="I", x<-10="Q", x>40="Q", manual)
4 Mean_Humidity percent floating-point Average relative humidity from GCE_Flux HMP45C at mid-tower [percent]
5 Flag_Mean_Humidity none string QA/QC flags for Average relative humidity from GCE_Flux HMP45C at mid-tower [percent] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Humidity: x<0="I", x>130="I", x<30="Q", x>110="Q", manual)
6 Mean_Temp_Air_2 °C floating-point Average air temperature from GCE_Flux2 HMP45C/EE181 at mid-tower [C]
7 Flag_Mean_Temp_Air_2 none string QA/QC flags for Average air temperature from GCE_Flux2 HMP45C/EE181 at mid-tower [C] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Temp_Air_2: x<-20="I", x>50="I", x<-10="Q", x>40="Q", manual)
8 Mean_Humidity_2 percent floating-point Average relative humidity from GCE_Flux2 HMP45C/EE181 at mid-tower [percent]
9 Flag_Mean_Humidity_2 none string QA/QC flags for Average relative humidity from GCE_Flux2 HMP45C/EE181 at mid-tower [percent] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Humidity_2: x<0="I", x>130="I", x<30="Q", x>110="Q", manual)
10 Mean_Water_Vapor_2 g/m^3 floating-point Average water vapor density from GCE_Flux2 HMP45C/EE181 at mid-tower [g / m^3]
11 Flag_Mean_Water_Vapor_2 none string QA/QC flags for Average water vapor density from GCE_Flux2 HMP45C/EE181 at mid-tower [g / m^3] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Water_Vapor_2: x<0="I", x<10="Q", x>50="Q", x>100="I", manual)
12 Mean_Temp_Air_Base °C floating-point Average ambient temperature from thermistor at bottom of tower [C]
13 Flag_Mean_Temp_Air_Base none string QA/QC flags for Average ambient temperature from thermistor at bottom of tower [C] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Temp_Air_Base: x<-20="I", x>50="I", x<-10="Q", x>40="Q", abs(Mean_Temp_Air_Top-Mean_Temp_Air_Base)>3="Q", abs(x-Mean_Temp_Air)>3="Q", manual)
14 Mean_Temp_Air_Top °C floating-point Average ambient temperature from thermistor at top of tower [C]
15 Flag_Mean_Temp_Air_Top none string QA/QC flags for Average ambient temperature from thermistor at top of tower [C] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Temp_Air_Top: x<-20="I", x>50="I", x<-10="Q", x>40="Q", abs(Mean_Temp_Air_Top-Mean_Temp_Air_Base)>3="Q", abs(x-Mean_Temp_Air)>3="Q", manual)
16 Total_Precip mm floating-point Total precipitation [mm]
17 Flag_Total_Precip none string QA/QC flags for Total precipitation [mm] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Total_Precip: x<0="I", x>3="Q", x>12="I")
18 Wind_Direction degrees floating-point Resultant wind direction using compass coordinate system [degrees]
19 Flag_Wind_Direction none string QA/QC flags for Resultant wind direction using compass coordinate system [degrees] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Wind_Direction: x<0="I", x>360="I", manual)
20 Mean_Wind_Speed m/s floating-point Horizontal wind speed [m / s]
21 Flag_Mean_Wind_Speed none string QA/QC flags for Horizontal wind speed [m / s] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Wind_Speed: x<0="I", x>60="I", x>30="Q", manual)
22 Max_Wind_Speed m/s floating-point Maximum horizontal wind speed during the 5 minute recording period [m / s]
23 Flag_Max_Wind_Speed none string QA/QC flags for Maximum horizontal wind speed during the 5 minute recording period [m / s] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Max_Wind_Speed: x<0="I", x>60="I", x>30="Q", x<Wind_Speed="Q", x>Wind_Speed.*3 & x>5="Q", manual)
24 Mean_Temp_Soil_Tower °C floating-point Average soil temperature [C] near the flux tower installation
25 Flag_Mean_Temp_Soil_Tower none string QA/QC flags for Average soil temperature [C] near the flux tower installation (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Temp_Soil_Tower: x<-20="I", x>50="I", x<-10="Q", x>40="Q", manual)
26 Delta_Temp_Soil_Tower °C integer Change in soil temperature #1 [C] near the flux tower installation
27 Flag_​Delta_​Temp_​Soil_​Tower none string QA/QC flags for Change in soil temperature #1 [C] near the flux tower installation (flagging criteria, where "x" is Delta_Temp_Soil_Tower: )
28 Mean_Temp_Soil_Marsh °C floating-point Average soil temperature #1 [C] on the marsh platform
29 Flag_Mean_Temp_Soil_Marsh none string QA/QC flags for Average soil temperature #1 [C] on the marsh platform (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Temp_Soil_Marsh: x<-20="I", x>50="I", x<-10="Q", x>40="Q", manual)
30 Delta_Temp_Soil_Marsh °C integer Change in soil temperature #1 [C] on the marsh platform
31 Flag_​Delta_​Temp_​Soil_​Marsh none string QA/QC flags for Change in soil temperature #1 [C] on the marsh platform (flagging criteria, where "x" is Delta_Temp_Soil_Marsh: )
32 Mean_Pressure_Water_Creek kPa floating-point Average water pressure in the creek near the flux tower (CS455 transducer) [kPa]
33 Flag_​Mean_​Pressure_​Water_​Creek none string QA/QC flags for Average water pressure in the creek near the flux tower (CS455 transducer) [kPa] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Pressure_Water_Creek: x<0="I", x>30="Q", x>50="I")
34 Mean_Water_Level_Creek m floating-point Mean water level in the creek near the flux tower relative to NAVD88 datum, calculated from water pressure in mH2O and sensor elevation of -0.21m from RTK GPS measurements
35 Flag_​Mean_​Water_​Level_​Creek none string QA/QC flags for Mean water level in the creek near the flux tower relative to NAVD88 datum, calculated from water pressure in mH2O and sensor elevation of -0.21m from RTK GPS measurements (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Water_Level_Creek: x<-4="I", x>4="I", x<-2="Q", x>3="Q", manual)
36 Mean_Temp_Water_Creek °C floating-point Mean water temperature in the creek near the flux tower from the CS455 transducer measurement [C]
37 Flag_​Mean_​Temp_​Water_​Creek none string QA/QC flags for Mean water temperature in the creek near the flux tower from the CS455 transducer measurement [C] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Temp_Water_Creek: x<0="I", x>50="I", x>40="Q", manual)
38 Mean_Pressure_Water_Marsh kPa floating-point Average water pressure in the marsh surface groundwater north of the flux tower (CS455 transducer) [kPa]
39 Flag_​Mean_​Pressure_​Water_​Marsh none string QA/QC flags for Average water pressure in the marsh surface groundwater north of the flux tower (CS455 transducer) [kPa] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Pressure_Water_Marsh: x<0="I", x>30="Q", x>50="I", manual)
40 Mean_Water_Level_Marsh m floating-point Mean water level in the marsh north of the flux tower relative to NAVD88 datum, calculated from water pressure in mH2O and sensor elevation of 0.7m from RTK GPS measurements
41 Flag_​Mean_​Water_​Level_​Marsh none string QA/QC flags for Mean water level in the marsh north of the flux tower relative to NAVD88 datum, calculated from water pressure in mH2O and sensor elevation of 0.7m from RTK GPS measurements (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Water_Level_Marsh: x<-4="I", x>4="I", x<-2="Q", x>3="Q", manual)
42 Mean_Temp_Water_Marsh °C floating-point Mean water temperature in the marsh north of theflux tower from the CS455 transducer measurement [C]
43 Flag_​Mean_​Temp_​Water_​Marsh none string QA/QC flags for Mean water temperature in the marsh north of theflux tower from the CS455 transducer measurement [C] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Temp_Water_Marsh: x<0="I", x>50="I", x>40="Q", manual)
44 Mean_PAR_Incident_Tower umol/s/m^2 floating-point Average incident (downwelling) photosynthetically active radiation from near the tower base [umol/s/m^2]
45 Flag_​Mean_​PAR_​Incident_​Tower none string QA/QC flags for Average incident (downwelling) photosynthetically active radiation from near the tower base [umol/s/m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_PAR_Incident_Tower: x<0="I", x>3000="I", x>2500="Q", manual)
46 Mean_PAR_Reflected_Tower umol/s/m^2 floating-point Average reflected (upwelling) photosynthetically active radiation from near the tower base [umol/s/m^2]
47 Flag_​Mean_​PAR_​Reflected_​Tower none string QA/QC flags for Average reflected (upwelling) photosynthetically active radiation from near the tower base [umol/s/m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_PAR_Reflected_Tower: x<0="I", x>3000="I", x>2500="Q", manual)
48 Total_PAR_Incident_Tower mmoles/m^2 floating-point Total incident (downwelling) photosynthetically active radiation over 5 minutes from near the tower base [mmoles/m^2]
49 Flag_​Total_​PAR_​Incident_​Tower none string QA/QC flags for Total incident (downwelling) photosynthetically active radiation over 5 minutes from near the tower base [mmoles/m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Total_PAR_Incident_Tower: x<0="I", x>750="Q", manual)
50 Mean_PAR_Incident_Marsh umol/s/m^2 floating-point Average incident (downwelling) photosynthetically active radiation from the marsh away from the tower [umol/s/m^2]
51 Flag_​Mean_​PAR_​Incident_​Marsh none string QA/QC flags for Average incident (downwelling) photosynthetically active radiation from the marsh away from the tower [umol/s/m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_PAR_Incident_Marsh: x<0="I", x>3000="I", x>2500="Q", manual)
52 Mean_PAR_Reflected_Marsh umol/s/m^2 floating-point Average reflected (upwelling) photosynthetically active radiation from the marsh away from the tower [umol/s/m^2]
53 Flag_​Mean_​PAR_​Reflected_​Marsh none string QA/QC flags for Average reflected (upwelling) photosynthetically active radiation from the marsh away from the tower [umol/s/m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_PAR_Reflected_Marsh: x<0="I", x>3000="I", x>2500="Q", manual)
54 Total_PAR_Incident_Marsh mmoles/m^2 floating-point Total incident (downwelling) photosynthetically active radiation over 5 minutes from the marsh away from the tower [mmoles/m^2]
55 Flag_​Total_​PAR_​Incident_​Marsh none string QA/QC flags for Total incident (downwelling) photosynthetically active radiation over 5 minutes from the marsh away from the tower [mmoles/m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Total_PAR_Incident_Marsh: x<0="I", x>750="Q", manual)
56 Mean_​Solar_​Radiation_​Tower W/m^2 floating-point Average solar radiation flux density near the tower base [W m^2]
57 Flag_​Mean_​Solar_​Radiation_​Tower none string QA/QC flags for Average solar radiation flux density near the tower base [W m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Solar_Radiation_Tower: x<0="I", x>1200="I", x>1100="Q", manual)
58 Total_​Solar_​Radiation_​Tower kJ/m^2 floating-point Total solar radiation flux near the tower base [kJ m^2]
59 Flag_​Total_​Solar_​Radiation_​Tower none string QA/QC flags for Total solar radiation flux near the tower base [kJ m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Total_Solar_Radiation_Tower: x<0="I", x>500="I", x>400="Q", manual)
60 Mean_Net_Radiation_Tower W/m^2 floating-point Average net radiation near the tower base [W/m^2]
61 Flag_​Mean_​Net_​Radiation_​Tower none string QA/QC flags for Average net radiation near the tower base [W/m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Net_Radiation_Tower: manual)
62 Mean_Shortwave_Net_Tower W/m^2 floating-point Average net shortwave radiation near the tower base [W / m^2]
63 Flag_​Mean_​Shortwave_​Net_​Tower none string QA/QC flags for Average net shortwave radiation near the tower base [W / m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Shortwave_Net_Tower: manual)
64 Mean_Longwave_Net_Tower W/m^2 floating-point Average net longwave radiation near the tower base [W / m^2]
65 Flag_​Mean_​Longwave_​Net_​Tower none string QA/QC flags for Average net longwave radiation near the tower base [W / m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Longwave_Net_Tower: manual)
66 Mean_​Shortwave_​Incident_​Marsh W/m^2 floating-point Average incident shortwave radiation in the marsh away from the tower [W /m^2]
67 Flag_​Mean_​Shortwave_​Incident_​Marsh none string QA/QC flags for Average incident shortwave radiation in the marsh away from the tower [W /m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Shortwave_Incident_Marsh: manual)
68 Mean_​Shortwave_​Reflected_​Marsh W/m^2 floating-point Average reflected shortwave radiation in the marsh away from the tower [W /m^2]
69 Flag_​Mean_​Shortwave_​Reflected_​Marsh none string QA/QC flags for Average reflected shortwave radiation in the marsh away from the tower [W /m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Shortwave_Reflected_Marsh: manual)
70 Mean_Shortwave_Net_Marsh W/m^2 floating-point Average net shortwave radiation in the marsh away from the tower [W / m^2]
71 Flag_​Mean_​Shortwave_​Net_​Marsh none string QA/QC flags for Average net shortwave radiation in the marsh away from the tower [W / m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Shortwave_Net_Marsh: manual)
72 Mean_Longwave_Net_Marsh W/m^2 floating-point Average net longwave (IR) radiation in the marsh away from the tower [W / m^2]
73 Flag_​Mean_​Longwave_​Net_​Marsh none string QA/QC flags for Average net longwave (IR) radiation in the marsh away from the tower [W / m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Longwave_Net_Marsh: manual)
74 Mean_​Total_​Radiation_​Incident_​Marsh W/m^2 floating-point Average total incident longwave and shortwave radiation in the marsh away from the tower [W / m^2]
75 Flag_​Mean_​Total_​Radiation_​Incident_​Marsh none string QA/QC flags for Average total incident longwave and shortwave radiation in the marsh away from the tower [W / m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Total_Radiation_Incident_Marsh: x<0="I", manual)
76 Mean_​Total_​Radiation_​Reflected_​Marsh W/m^2 floating-point Average total reflected longwave and shortwave radiation in the marsh away from the tower [W / m^2]
77 Flag_​Mean_​Total_​Radiation_​Reflected_​Marsh none string QA/QC flags for Average total reflected longwave and shortwave radiation in the marsh away from the tower [W / m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Total_Radiation_Reflected_Marsh: x<0="I", manual)
78 Mean_​Total_​Net_​Radiation_​Marsh W/m^2 floating-point Average total net radiation in the marsh away from the tower [W / m^2]
79 Flag_​Mean_​Total_​Net_​Radiation_​Marsh none string QA/QC flags for Average total net radiation in the marsh away from the tower [W / m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Total_Net_Radiation_Marsh: manual)
80 Mean_​Longwave_​Incident_​Marsh W/m^2 floating-point Average incident longwave (IR) radiation in the marsh away from the tower corrected for temperature [W /m^2]
81 Flag_​Mean_​Longwave_​Incident_​Marsh none string QA/QC flags for Average incident longwave (IR) radiation in the marsh away from the tower corrected for temperature [W /m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Longwave_Incident_Marsh: manual)
82 Mean_​Longwave_​Reflected_​Marsh W/m^2 floating-point Average reflected longwave (IR) radiation in the marsh away from the tower corrected for temperature [W / m^2]
83 Flag_​Mean_​Longwave_​Reflected_​Marsh none string QA/QC flags for Average reflected longwave (IR) radiation in the marsh away from the tower corrected for temperature [W / m^2] (flagging criteria, where "x" is Mean_Longwave_Reflected_Marsh: manual)
Statistics: Generate script code to retrieve data tables for analysis in: MATLAB, R, SAS, SPSS
Citation: Sheldon, Wade M. 2020. Long-term Atmospheric, Soil and Water Sensor Data from the GCE-LTER Eddy Covariance Flux Tower on Sapelo Island, Georgia. Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Project, University of Georgia, Long Term Ecological Research Network. http://dx.doi.org/10.6073/pasta/2ef4257c317b6007c32c0447307a064f

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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants OCE-9982133, OCE-0620959, OCE-1237140 and OCE-1832178. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.