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GCE-LTER Data Set Summary

Accession: NUT-GCEM-2105 Research Theme: General Nutrient Chemistry (Monitoring)
Contributors: Wei-Jun Cai, Merryl Alber, Janet Reimer
Title: Dissolved Inorgainic Carbon concentration and Total Alkalinity from surface water samples collected in the GCE LTER domain near Sapelo Island, Georgia between May 2014 and December 2022.
Abstract: Surface water samples were collected from GCE LTER sampling stations between May 2014 and December 2022. Monthly samples were collected from GCE 6 (high and low tide) and GCE 7 (high tide). Quarterly samples were collected from the remaining GCE sites, 4 sites along the Duplin River, and AL-02 ( the Altamaha River oceanic end-member station). These samples were analyzed for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA).
DOI: 10.6073/pasta/bc85bb6d27075b561cd12eb20764dc2a
Key Words: alkalinity, carbonate chemistry, Cruise Nutrient Sampling, dissolved inorganic carbon, Duplin River, GCE1, GCE10, GCE2, GCE3, GCE4, GCE5, GCE6, GCE7, GCE8, GCE9, nutrients
LTER Core Area: Inorganic Matter
Research Themes: GCE2 Q2 - Domain Patterns, GCE3 Area2 - Patterns within the Domain, General Nutrient Chemistry
Study Period: 01-May-2014 to 31-Dec-2022
Study Sites:
GCE1 -- Eulonia, Georgia, USA
GCE2 -- Four Mile Island, Georgia, USA
GCE3 -- North Sapelo, Sapelo Island, Georgia, USA
GCE4 -- Meridian, Georgia, USA
GCE5 -- Folly River, Georgia, USA
GCE6 -- Dean Creek, Sapelo Island, Georgia, USA
GCE7 -- Carrs Island, Georgia, USA
GCE8 -- Alligator Creek, Georgia, USA
GCE9 -- Rockdedundy Island, Georgia, USA
GCE10 -- Hunt Camp, Sapelo Island, Georgia, USA
GCE11 -- Tidal Forest, Georgia, USA
» Download Geographic Coverage: Google Earth
Project References: GCE water quality monitoring
Research Protocols:

Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Total Alkalinity Processing Protocols (GCE LTER)

Downloads: Information

Data Table: NUT-GCEM-2105 (Main data table for data set NUT-GCEM-2105, 717 records)

Access: Public (released 30-Sep-2018)

Metadata: Text (ESA FLED), XML (Ecological Metadata Language)

Data Formats: Spreadsheet (CSV) [67.62kb],  Text File [61.97kb],  MATLAB (GCE Toolbox) [53.90kb],  MATLAB (Variables) [57.92kb],  Text Report [85.55kb]

Column List:(hide)

Column Name Units Type Description
1 Date YYYY-MM-DD string Calendar date of sample collection
2 Time hh:mm string Time of sample collection GMT
3 Station none string GCE station name
4 Latitude degrees floating-point Latitude of sample collection
5 Longitude degrees floating-point Longitude of sample collection
6 Tide none string Tide stage at time of sample collection
7 Surface_Salinity PSU floating-point Salinity of surface water taken from boat
8 Surface_Temperature C floating-point Temperature of surface water taken from boat
9 Water_Depth m floating-point Water column depth at location of sample collection
10 Sea_State none string Notes on sea state and weather from cruise log
11 Notes none string Notes from the cruise log
12 Bottle_Number none integer DIC sample bottle number
13 Total_Alkalinity µmol/kg floating-point Total alkalinity concentration
14 Dissolved_​Inorganic_​Carbon µmol/kg floating-point Dissolved inorganic carbon concentration
Statistics: Generate script code to retrieve data tables for analysis in: MATLAB, R, SAS, SPSS
Citation: Cai, Wei-Jun. 2016. Dissolved Inorgainic Carbon concentration and Total Alkalinity from surface water samples collected in the GCE LTER domain near Sapelo Island, Georgia between May 2014 and December 2022. Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Project, University of Georgia, Long Term Ecological Research Network. http://dx.doi.org/10.6073/pasta/bc85bb6d27075b561cd12eb20764dc2a

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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants OCE-9982133, OCE-0620959, OCE-1237140 and OCE-1832178. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.