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GCE-LTER Data Set Summary

Accession: INV-GCEM-2404 Research Theme: Population Ecology (Monitoring)
Contributors: Steven C. Pennings, John Williams, Jonah Rigdon, Laura Hollander
Title: Yearly survey of barnacle settlement near creekbank plots at GCE LTER study sites in October 2023
Abstract: To characterize spatial variation in barnacle recruitment at the creekbank, and across a gradient in salinity and distance to ocean, we deployed PVC poles to passive sample barnacle settlement. Eight poles were deployed between 4-5m apart adjacent to the creekbank vegetation monitoring plots at each GCE LTER permanent monitoring site each Fall beginning in 2012. These poles were then collected the following Fall and all barnacle that settled on the poles were identified and counted on 50cm-long sections of the 8, 3/4" diameter PVC poles. Four species settled on poles and were counted and recorded: Chthamalus fragilis, Balanus spp., Geukensia demissa, and Oysters (Crassostrea virginica).
DOI: (not assigned)
Key Words: Animalia, Aquatic Invertebrate Monitoring, Arthropoda, Balanidae, Balanoidea, Balanomorpha, Balanus, Balanus amphitrite, Balanus eburneus, Balanus trigonus, barnacle, Bilateria, Chthalamus, Chthalamus fragilis, Chthamalidae, Chthamaloidea, Chthamalus fragilis, Cirripedia, creek bank, Crustacea, crustaceans, Ecdysozoa, GCE, Georgia, Georgia Coastal Ecosystems, LTER, Maxillopoda, Protostomia, recruitment, salt marshes, Sapelo Island, Sessilia, settlement, Thecostraca, Thoracica, USA
LTER Core Area: Population Studies
Research Themes: Population Ecology
Study Period: 09-Oct-2023 to 19-Oct-2023
Study Sites:
GCE1 -- Eulonia, Georgia, USA
GCE2 -- Four Mile Island, Georgia, USA
GCE3 -- North Sapelo, Sapelo Island, Georgia, USA
GCE4 -- Meridian, Georgia, USA
GCE6 -- Dean Creek, Sapelo Island, Georgia, USA
GCE7 -- Carrs Island, Georgia, USA
GCE8 -- Alligator Creek, Georgia, USA
GCE9 -- Rockdedundy Island, Georgia, USA
GCE10 -- Hunt Camp, Sapelo Island, Georgia, USA
SCSA -- SCSA Altamaha Plant Transition Site, Georgia, USA
ZSC1 -- ZSC1 Altamaha Plant Transition Site, Georgia, USA
ZSC2 -- ZSC2 Altamaha Plant Transition Site, Georgia, USA
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Species References: Balanus amphitrite, Balanus eburneus, Balanus trigonus, Chthamalus fragilis, Crassostrea virginica, Geukensia demissa
Research Protocols:

Fall Monitoring - Barnacle Pole Protocol (GCE LTER)

Downloads: Information

Data Table: INV-GCEM-2404 (Main data table for data set INV-GCEM-2404, 416 records)

Access: GCE Members only (public release on 23-Feb-2026)

Metadata: Text (ESA FLED), XML (Ecological Metadata Language)

Data Formats: Spreadsheet (CSV) [20.14kb],  Text File [16.80kb],  MATLAB (GCE Toolbox) [50.92kb],  MATLAB (Variables) [54.25kb],  Text Report [87.87kb]

Column List:(hide)

Column Name Units Type Description
1 Year YYYY integer Calendar year of observation
2 Month MM integer Calendar month of observation
3 Day DD integer Calendar day of observation
4 Site none string GCE-LTER sampling site number
5 Pole_Replicate none integer Pole replicate number (does not correspond to GCE LTER plots as poles were not placed directly adjacent to GCE plots)
6 Species none string Species counted
7 Species_Count count integer Number of species counted per 50-cm length of pole
8 Flag_Species_Count none string QA/QC flags for Number of species counted per 50-cm length of pole (flagging criteria, where "x" is Species_Count: x<0="Q", x>40="Q")
9 Pole_Lost none integer Was the pole lost during the sampling
10 Notes none string Notes from field sampling
Citation: Pennings, Steven C. 2024. Yearly survey of barnacle settlement near creekbank plots at GCE LTER study sites in October 2023. Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Project, University of Georgia, Long Term Ecological Research Network. https://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/data/INV-GCEM-2404

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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants OCE-9982133, OCE-0620959, OCE-1237140 and OCE-1832178. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.